
(15 KB, 200x200, FA.png)
FurAffinity mighty close down forever in less than one month. I strongly suggest everyone to save their favorite images, stories, videos etc. Make backups.
It's a serious topic.
Extremely serious. Everyone on FA is doomed to scatter.
I too remember it.
We need new sites for inflation content. Fur affinity was originally started by a furry inflationist
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>We need new sites for inflation content.
Are you familiar with Inflatablefurs and Blimped?
I mean, Weasyl still exists...
>>71948 (OP)
"Apple will close down in less than a month after Steve Jobs death"
"Disney will close down in less than a month after Walt Disney's death"
"Nintendo will close down after Satoru Iwata's death"
"Sponegebob will be canceled after Stephen Hillenberg's death"

Is bro really trying to compare a group of multimillion dollar companies to a website being funded almost solely by a group of dedicated admins. Those companies are still around because by the time their founders died, they had become profitable enough to sustain themselves. Despite Furaffinity being the largest furry website in existence, it’s not really turning a profit. There’s a very real possibility that the site could go under if they’re not able to financially sustain it because wouldn’t you guess it: running a website, whether it be big or small, costs money. Money that staff don’t just have on-hand.
Boi stfu dragoneer got like 100k of donos in 24 hrs flurries are rich af and like giving away money
im uninformed enough to know if the website will end or stay but I do know this is terribly sad and worth our $5 (two cents ;3)
They could try selling it to Elong musk
He could probably make it profitable
p sure the point is just because the creator of something dies doesn't mean the thing created will IMMEDIATELY go under. It's an absolutely idiotic idea to have. FA has been around for what, nearly 20 years now and NOW it's gonna die just because Dragoneer did? The site has plenty of funds to keep it afloat as far as anyone knows, and more than just dragoneer ran the site.
blimped? send link
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Just me?
FurAffinity got hacked, as I have told before, FA is doomed and I hope you did backup of artists that you like.
>FA is doomed
Why are you being so overdramatic? FA was incompetently run.
>I hope you did backup of artists that you like.
What the FUCK is furarchiver.net?
Not to add fuel to the fire, but someone took over their Twitter/X account as well.
As I said, Furaffinity was incompletely run. The people running FA should've seen this coming from miles away and beefed up their cybersercurity protections years in advance. Sure, no one anticipated Dragoneer to fucking drop dead, but someone on team should've known someone was going to crack into their shit and do this.

The least these morons could have done was use 2FA for their all shit, but no, they're too dumb to even do that. Can you imagine running the largest furry art hosting website on the internet and never improving it beyond a simple UI change? Just because the site primarily hosts smut doesn't mean you can't pump more money into better cybersecurity, Jesus Christ. Shove a bottle of vodka down my damned throat, this makes them look like a bunch of clowns.
Damn the psycho had reason, FA is doomed
I'm sure FA can be fixed.
FA is dead I hope you had a chance to back up the art you found/posted/commissioned/traded/gifted/requested on there

I found cute art on there but unfortunately I never got a chance to save any of it
Good riddance.
Damn, I only realized it yesterday when the link started transferring to a Twitter account. I'll miss it. I visited this site when I was 13.
>good riddance
Shut the actual fuck up you inbred shitmonkey.
Well, on the bright side, hacker lost money from the website's hosting fee coming out of their account. That and the staff have gotten the site back, they are making sure the hacker can't take it back again before saying its safe to go back on FA
Now, now. Take your Risperdal, Sparky.
the kid wasnt even an actual hacker he fished for credentials and got in.

the cybersecurity on FA sucks balls but thank god this was just a kid who will probably get doxxed.
You know why KF is still active?

Because (you) are an idiot and don't report their YouTube videos, Spotify and any other online accounts, it's easy to do and you can do it in less than 5 minutes.


They are jobless and online beggars, they only make this to make some pocket money to buy shitty steam games while they own the libs from their basement.
Bbw-chan is not your personal army.
Again, I got proof for the site coming back.
FA is back!
But who's the new owner of it?
It really is back. They put up an announcement saying that they have regained complete control of their site, including their twitter account. There is no longer any need to worry anymore.
Who is the new owner?

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