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dedicated in loving memory of Dragoneer (1980-2024).
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>>71172 (OP)
I feel bad for Baltimo. Imagine being the last artist whose work Dragoneer jerked it to hour before dying of lung cancer. That's insane.
I already know this. I got all my info from /acrg/ and whatever /trash/ boards popped up after his death.
The journey toward his death?
>>71172 (OP)
The guy was an ally of pedophiles and zoophiles if not actually one himself. His unhealthy lifestyle, 500lb, chain smoking disgustingness finally caught up with him. You people need better idols.
He only -just- passed. Slow your roll, christ.
Yeah. He got lung cancer and we are mourning his loss of life because of it, courtesy of efforts to get over insurance hurdles to obtain a prognosis.

Don't make this harder than it already is!
Yeah! Don't disrespect the dead!
Weird to tall about not condoning pedophiles on BBWCHAN of all places.
>Don't make this harder than it already is!
He's speaking the truth, though. Dragoneer did protect bad people, and he treated his body like shit. These are things you can verify.
>Don't disrespect the dead!
True, but talking about things Dragoneer has done is not "disrespecting the dead". Dragoneer was a controversial figure in the furfag and fatfag communities, there are people inside and outside those communities who will have unsavory things to say about him. Crying about this fact like an overgrown child will change absolutely nothing.
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Personally, I find it disgusting that these losers are using the death of a smoking, vaxxie lardass to harp on the American healthcare system. It’s only expensive because of the illegals and other undesirables we’re letting leech off the system, but these faggots won’t ever pass up a chance to say “capitalism bad”. Maybe it is, and maybe you can all fuck off to Canada where they’ll kill you if you ask for it.
You're just as politically brain rotten as the Twitter users you are speaking against.
Maybe, but at least I practice a healthy, grass-touching lifestyle.
Wait so he's dead dead or is this just a fake my death thing?

Sorry for being a smooth brain tho
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I'm not trying to sound mean but did he really need a thread I know he's dead but like why a thread here? What's the point it's kind of weird
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>did he really need a thread I know he's dead but like why a thread here?
Wildcat thought it'd be necessary to make a thread about Dragoneer.
KiwiFarms thread.
Modern americans are pigs, you guys are the scum of the internet.
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>grrr dinklecat.

I think he was a fatfur too, he literally owned the site where fatfurs go, and he was obese irl according to rumors
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No offense pal but most people don't give a shit if some 500 pound furfag died
He fucked in his life and payed the price now what happens next is up to God.
>>71172 (OP)
It’s so funny. Death to all zoos and pedos goes right out the window when it’s a popufur zoo and pedo.

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