
(115 KB, 1000x750, bafkreicecsk5iaqmel75wdbrbzbdswxmddu3ezdaseww5h45czxz5kalty.jpg) (97 KB, 1000x692, bafkreihz53qerma3n32cnem3y4c5f4s7e5zxdxkawnckxfykg7ugr35kfq.jpg) (95 KB, 1000x693, bafkreiff23pmuqby3v7cvazeliwfct6ik3qx2sqzlljre67yorjeteclb4.jpg) (126 KB, 1000x693, bafkreiddd2fbmvij5rmj5qcqph3hgnzyghocetxctqfgfr7bxvdmw7gocq.jpg) (111 KB, 1000x693, bafkreiaknwhila5gri5vqy6apsn4e6ajsc5llzqx62pg6mok4e4vqvcmy4.jpg) (143 KB, 1000x710, bafkreig4vlxsa5frm54lyl3a4555k45kp4yrjx7wfze5uelrr7um6apzeu.jpg)
>>70237 (OP)
You know, maybe it isn't such a great idea to post Rush's stuff if they're taking a break from things, might stir up bad drama needlessly because of it.
(1.4 MB, 3600x2100, SmoochySmooch.png)
I'm not really worried about 'drama' for my sake but rather it just being an eye sore to other people trying to use the sight.

So just be nice and post art.
(786 KB, 1920x1080, CONTROL - Dietary pill of the future.png) (2.0 MB, 1920x1080, KEEP EATING.png) (631 KB, 1920x1080, SIDE OF SUBJECT #001.png) (805 KB, 1390x1080, TAKE CONTROL.png) (963 KB, 1390x1080, MARCIA DOE.png) (1.1 MB, 1390x1080, GOODBYE CHEAT-DAYS.png)
Don't know if you're still lurking, but I just want to let you know that EDA CITY ARCHIVE is kino. Fatty kino, even. The artwork, voice acting, story, and overall presentation is fucking great.
Can you give us an update on Marcia Doe. Can’t imagine what could’ve happened to the supersized southern sweetheart.
Can you give us an update on Marcia Doe. Poor supersized southern sweetheart just wanted to lose weight and make money.
Here’s your update bro.

>[Test Subject #5,994 - M. Doe [06/05/20XX] - Former Actress/Endorser of CONTROL - Current Status: Addicted Food Balloon]

>It was hard to tell what you were looking at because the camera was up on the ceiling at an angle behind the woman and because of how dark the room she was in was. It looked like a dank cave, but when a small slot in the door in front of her opened, you could see it was a very spacious gray room that looked like a padded room in a mental hospital. “Feeding time, Ms. Doe. Open your mouth up wide, Please. We do not wish for any accidents, mhm?” A familiar voice rang out before pressing a button on an operating switch. The doe had very unkempt blonde hair that was tangled and being buried by her own rings of neck flab that grew to her incredibly wide backfold creases soaking with greasy sweat, along with a jutting mass of blubbery belly flab that touched the front the room in front of her. A tube wider than a firehose lowered itself from the ceiling into her muzzle, locking on tightly around her mouth, and the sounds of machinery above filled the entire room as a yellow goop snaked down the long tube and pumped through her mouth, causing her cheeks to balloon up in size, as she made tiny little gulp noises as not to choke on her daily intake of her much needed calories…or whatever the hell was in that tube she was so addicted towards. Marcia, as per her name written on the bottom of the video screen to show basic information on the subject, was a lumpy mass of lard that was pinned to the ground. The doe’s white-freckled ass cheeks alone were over twenty feet across in length and pushed against the sides of the wall like deflated beach balls. You could not see her face but you could only imagine the horrors of her swelled-up chins, her drooping bags of breast fat, and her buried hooves somewhere in the sea of what her legs had become. The video ended with a little written note. [SUBJECT: SIZE NOT REACHED FULLEST POTENTIAL. DO NOT STOP FOR ANY REASON. DOING SO WILL RESULT IN SEVERE PUNISHMENT. RECOMMENDED TREATMENT IS INDEFINITE FEEDING UNTIL NEED FOR BIGGER STORAGE AREA.]


That’s a shame.
never thought i'd see the day where ND Friends got fat art. not complaining tho
Gross. Activism.

The Judy is fire though.
Hot. Activism.

Judy’s also really good
Activism is like, the furthest thing from hot. It's just 'look at me, aren't I moral'. You wanna make change, go out and do it instead of drawing softcore wank material with activism themes. It's just retarded.
I have all of the first image in full.
Thanks. Now you can post them here.
Thanks. Got more?
can you put your hands back on your dick instead of typing, please? seeing people like you whining for no fucking reason while trying to find some good wank is the biggest turnoff of all time ever
Oh my god I get it, you really don't think your art is worth anything more than someone jerking off. Wah wah, you're so fucking sad. Holy shit, why don't you just let people express their opinions about Rush's art and just fuck off.

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