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You can thank the anonymous guy from the Discord thread.
I saw their message and thought why the hell not.

I’m guessing what they means as in the original thread poster (me), starts off with a beginning scenario and anons build up from there? And use their furry characters… I think.
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This is the guy to thank. I don’t care if they mean it as a joke, it was a good idea.
I’ll start us off.

*It was a warm spring day, the sun was shining, the breeze was cool, and I had nothing to do but sit out on my front porch. I sat as I saw the world go by, sipping on a warm cuppa of tea.*
“Yep… This is the life..” *I mumbled to myself as I watch the sun rise higher and higher, my rear comfortably perched on the wooden step.*
*"Oh yeah," I say as I emerge from the door with baked brownies and milk.*
>A Ford F150 blasts through the neighborhood's, normally, calm streets. The truck is covered from front to rear in American flag decals and images of a bald eagle carrying an assault rifle. Its suspension has been raised up to a height not to dissimilar to a monster truck and is carried by absurdly large wheels.
>Driving the truck is Frederick Ferguson III, an middle-aged American Milking Devon bull with a massive set of horns and muscles that'd make a professional bodybuildier jealous. Fred is wearing an American flag shirt and torn jean shorts. He has his left hand gripped on the steering wheel, and his right hand on a can of Monster energy drink.
>He blasts the air with the constant honking of his car's horn, bashing it with the energy drink can until it's totally unrecognizable. The bull's ruckus catches the attention of numerous neighbors, who proceed to chew him out for his outrageous behavior.
>His truck's wheels brush against many parked cars. Many side-view mirrors are shattered. Not even the garbage and recycling cans were spared.
>Frederick eventually reaches his home, a two-story McMansion fashioned to resemble a log cabin residing at the end of the cul de sac. Greeting Fred by the driveway is his wife, Dixie Ferguson, a mature Holstein cow who weighs over 500 pounds. She has a huge honkin set of M-sized breasts, which sit atop her massive fupa. Behind Dixie's fupa, is her 196-inch dumptruck of an ass, a result of decades of multiple pregnancies. Her broad physical attributes are barely covered up by a small latex black bikini.
>Dixie greets her husband, who is now climbing out of the truck. Fred, now having descended from the vehicle and onto the driveway, returns his wife's greeting by slapping her buttocks. She produces a gasp, followed by a guffaw as they immediately make their way back into their house.
>One of the neighbors, a male cheetah, decides to finally speak his mind, "I hate that dude, but I really want to fuck his wife". Dozens of disapproving eyes turn to him. "What?", the big cat shrugged seconds before one of the numerous broken garbage cans was thrown against his face. He lost many teeth that day.
My turn.

>Fred and Dixie proceed into their humble abode.
Annnnnd this is why no one wants to rp with you low effort retards
Sorry. Can you please provide me with rules for the thread?
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>The wedded bovine couple, now inside their home, walks into their beautiful kitchen.
>Dixie prepares their dinner, a platter of vegetables and mushrooms slathered in sweet barbecue sauce, while Fred downs a bottle of scotch.
>Rather than donning her apron, Dixie tosses her clothes aside.
>The cow has decided to cook whilst nude.
>Her M-cups and pussy flop about freely.
>Milk leaks down from her puffy brown nipples and onto the floor below.
>Fred decides to do the same, throwing the empty bottle of scotch onto floor, shattering it, and tearing his clothes to shreds with his bare hands.
>His huge 10-inch dick flops out and slams against the counter with a loud thud.
>The handsome bull's massive pecs are illuminated by the lighting from above.
>Dixie places the vegetables, now coated in BBQ sauce, into the oven before facing Fred.
>Fred is now horny as fuck.
>His dick throbs with the power of a million monster trucks.
>Dixie blushes at the sight of his jumbo boner, leaning down to face it.
>She proceeds to grab her knockers before slamming them against his dick.
>Fred bites his lip as he feels her big bovine mammaries rubbing against his cock.
>Dixie licks her lips as milk from her boobs escapes from in a manner akin to a pressurized water hose.
>Milk flies in all directions, slamming against the lights, counters, and cabinets.
>Unbeknownst to them, a French frog in a black shirt, pants, and a beanie is watching from one of the windows.
>He had intended to steal something from home but caught off-guard by the couple having sex in their kitchen.
>All he could do now was watch in horror as they immediately switched from mammary intercourse to a riding position.
>Dixie's boobs flopped up and down whilst her pussy slammed on top of Fred's penis.
>Fred grips Dixie's belly, putting his right index in her navel.
>Then he grabs her breasts by the nipples and sprays jets of her milk into his mouth.
>Dixie produces a loud pleasureful scream that shakes the home's foundation.
>The frog thief begins to contemplate his reason for existing.
>"Bordel de merde...", the amphibian whispered under his breath.
>He then watched as the couple backed off from each other.
>The frog thought they were done, only to cover his mouth with his hands when Fred reaches into the fridge...revealing a bag of blueberries.
>Blueberries bigger than any other.
>"Oh merde", the frenchie had seen those blueberries before, having traversed the criminal underworld.
>He took out his phone and, at this point, started recording it all.
>What he had seen all those years ago is about to happen again.
>In this stupid American suburb of all places.
>Not a red-light district this time.
>Fucking Americana.
>>69414 (OP)
Can you please provide rules for the public rp thread?
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>Fred teases Dixie with one of the blueberries, which is the size of a tangerine, and begins feeding it to her.
>Dixie takes one small bite after another before eating the entire thing in a fit of crazed hunger.
>The laugh as several blue spots appear all over Dixie's body.
>The first spot appears on her nose, across her arms, and her stomach.
>Frenchie takes out a cigarette and lights it with one hand.
>He remembers watching an escort, a female hyena, devour a blueberry offered to her by a client and undergo the same process.
>She turned blue...and began to swell up, much like the cow.
>Much like Dixie.
>It didn't take long until Dixie's fur coat was consumed by the blue patches and her body began to bloat up.
>Her stomach growled and churned as blueberry juice began to fill out her hips and stomach.
>Excited but nervous, Fred escorts his wife out to the backyard.
>The frog, not wanting to be seen, climbs onto the roof.
>His heart rate accelerates when Dixie's body starts to resemble that of a teardrop.
>Her previously 196-inch ass has grown to a whopping 784 inches.
>Dixie's tits swell from M-Cups to XXX-cups within a mere few seconds.
>A light-reddish mixture of blueberry juice and milk drips down from her softball-sized nipples and onto the grass, then all over Fred's torso and dick.
>Her navel is stretched out, now bigger than one of her eyes and increasingly losing its depth.
>Fred is enraptured by the sight of his wife being mutated into a giant fruit-animal hybrid.
>His eyes shifted focus from giant knockers, swollen pussy, and her face.
>Dixie's face looked father than it was before.
>She now has a triple chin and puffy jowls, her lips had also begun to rival that of a bimbo's who had a botox lip job.
>The cow, focused on her husband's gaze, grabs her ginormous blue jugs with her flabby juice-filled arms and rams them together with an inhuman strength.
>Blueberry milk is sprayed all over Fred, Dixie's stomach, a neighbor's backyard (which had just been mowed earlier that day), and onto the frog.
>The frog thief takes a lick of the milk that had hit his face.
>It's actually...delicious.
>Irresistible, even.
>Dixie's constant titty slamming would continue until her body began to consume her extremities, totally rendering her hands useless.
>Dixie was getting wider, and taller with each passing second.
>She had gone from 8 ft pear-shaped blueberry cow to an 18 ft in diameter oblong spheroid blueberry cow.
>Unbeknownst to the couple and the cow, the surrounding neighborhood and news crews surrounded the home.
>It had first been the grotesque sounds of juice and stomach acid interacting that had bought others toward the McMansion, but her crazy milk spray and massive body towering over the home bought more eyes to them.
>Dozens of phones were held up around the nude couple, many recording video and flashing as they took photos.
>News helicopters surrounded the house, showing how impossibly large Dixie had become compared to Fred.
>Dixie kicks her feet, teetering her body atop her bloated pussy, making a futile attempt to lock eyes with Fred.
>She felt massive, juicy, wet, sticky...and ready to burst.
>Dixie moans for help, her body now exceeding 20 ft.
>All Fred can do now is edge, jacking himself in front of his wife and neighbors.
>This fever dream would come to an abrupt stop once a group of military personnel and medical staff break in through the home's front door and into the backyard.
>They clear everyone else out, threatening multiple arrests if they didn't leave.
>A squad of eagles in tactical gear surround Dixie, they're carrying a huge light-blue piece of cloth the size of a circus tent.
>They drape it around her, but barely cover her gargantuan tits.
>One of the eagles grabs a respirator and carefully places it on Dixie's face.
>Their eyes meet before the blueberry cow slowly fades out of consciousness, falling to sleep amid the chaos.
>Fred, confused and frantic, yells at the medical staff and commandos around him before being slapped by a buff, top-heavy male rhino in green camo.
>The frog thief, despite the large army presence, makes a clean escape, having licked all the juice off of himself and has dressed himself in normal civilian clothing.
>He'd read news around the bovine couple the week after whilst at a coffee shop with a fellow thief.
>Fred and Dixie had moved somewhere else, living normal lives.
>Dixie, though, is stuck as a blue cow for the rest of her life.
>Their college-age children outright refused to comment on the matter, not knowing what to really say about their mother's blueberrification.
>The frog didn't want to comment on it either.
>He may have been spotted walking away from the scene, disguised, but avoided any and all questions from the media.

Thread ruined.

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