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Like the title says. Someone have the d&d modules released by them?
I just bought 2 of them last night because of this post.
could you upload them?
I second this request
I also second this as well
i am still waiting a response from shackle
This is going to be a while
I’ve run their first module and have heard things about their other ones, and I have to say, at least in terms of game design, they are very rough.
They overrely on skill challenges and leave a lot of gameplay to luck over strategy and clever player thinking.
In Javelin’s Castle, there is a kinda dumb mechanic where the enemies get stronger as you progress through, despite the fact that characters don’t get stronger and will have wasted a lot of resources so they will be weaker by that time. Also skill checks get more difficult for no reason. Its not real difficulty, there is no strategy.

There are some fun mechanics and set pieces (the talent show was a hit with my players), but as is, there are very some very poor design decisions.
Do you still recommend if your party is using the ExpandDnD rules or just like BBW/WG parts of it?
If anything i can just change some stuff around because in my table, Fun rules over all rules, so hey, nothing is stopping me from grabbing a wolf and calling a chocolate wolf if needed if you get my drift.

And one of my player owes me money so I can break his knees and ask him to buy for me the modules.
You could use ExpanD&D rules, though all the weight gain effects assume your character gains anywhere from 100-200 lbs at a time. If you use the armor rules, nothing is going to fit at all.
The rules they have for weight gain are very simple (just 3 stages of it), as well as inflation. The inflation float mechanic is annoying to keep track of so I just ignored it. It might gameify weight gain a bit too much, it in no means tries to be realistic, just simple. With some tweaking ExpanD&D rules aren’t hard to use.
Again, my main problem is it being railroady and over relying on skill challenges. Like in one of the expanded content rooms, there is a boiler room and it will lock you in a room and force you to make 3 investigation (or arcana) checks in a row, while being attacked by kobolds for no reason, while gaining weight from steam (somehow). It was by far the worst and I only made them do one check, and even then it was hellish and took forever.
The same can kinda be said about the pool room, but my players had more fun with that one because it was a good excuse to roleplay amongst themselves and how hard it is to play volleyball when you are 500 lbs.
i think these modules have great ideas you should steal and tweak from, but as is, they are extremely clunky and rough around the edges. If you are interested, please don’t let this dissuade you, I do recommend you read it, just feel free to tweak it heavily to your needs.
Hey thanks a bunch for responding! I think I gonna get them and tweak as much as I need, like you said, really fun ideas but you need to change here and there.

Like, I started the campaign by grabbing "A Wild Sheep Chase - Full One-Shot Adventure" as a base and now we are going to the 5th session because of the tweaks I made, they are liking so hey, it works.

As a DM, it really is your job to make it fun for your players and to never let yourself be forced to follow anything RAW if you think it just gonna make things clunky. Making it fun is not making things too easy, but making engaging.
Even if you may end doing a crit and downing the cleric on the first turn of the combat accidentally.
This sounds like a lot of fun for the games and ideas your can bring to the players and being a player.

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