
Bumpy bump
Does anyone have the two Coco pictures by Sambaba that were posted by Neko-gami on FA right after Crash 4 trailer came out? They got taken down.
Any Tawna? Also anybody got the new Tawna pic from Sharkbubble?
What are the source of these? They're actually rather fun and appealing.
lolwutburger on Twitter
More Tawna please
Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing
Thanks, you’re a man of tastes.
Damn that’s some good stuff
Does anyone have some megumi?
anyone got smappa's coco works on twitter, they recently nuked their twitter
Needs more Tawna in here
Somebody needs to make a gameplay video with this one.
Can someone get some video of tawna and coco fat in the cutscenes
Also seconded.
Who did this??
Anybody got some Yaya stuff?
Who did the colored coco(the second image)? It’s very cartoony I like it!
It's in the filename, nondelismell
source for that first image?
smappa had a sequence of coco from crash 4 getting expanded by a machine, anyone got that?
You know, even though I'm not into inflation, that's kinda cute.
This is really well done, who’s the artist?
Need Coco/Tawna Fat edits.
yuck. what the fuck is that
Anyone got any tawna (crash4)??
I'm really hating how RJS is giving all his pics this huge watermark now. It's nearly as bad as the deviantart watermark.

I get you want to prevent theft and stuff but don't like...damage the art itself to do so.
anyone have a now deleted pic of coco getting fatter cause of some machine smappa drew?
More Tawna please
this sequence is awesome.

I really wanna see a LOT more fat Coco
Anyone got anymore Tawna?
Oh wow. A rare, actually good fat Yaya. This shall be treasured forever.
Any chance someone could remove the text and colour this?
Any crash 4 tawna?
(699 KB, 1206x1500, 1.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1667x1500, 2.jpg) (892 KB, 1667x1500, 3.jpg) (1.3 MB, 1667x1500, 4.jpg)
Can we get more Coco content in here?
Does anyone have the fat Tawna pic from KyleStudios' fat Crash Bandicoot sketch pack?
Nice, got any more?
Maybe someone can edit it?
Where are you guys finding images of tawna?
(260 KB, 618x478, 1469605076782.png)
>mfw we won't get the final Tawna part because he wanted to be "mature" and delete his fat art
Someone edit this to make her face fit better
looks great to me. what software did you use to make the edit, if I might ask?

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