
>OP makes OC thread, which is redundant because a thread OCs already exists
>He questions himself about the thread's existence, pointing out the OC thread that existed prior to this one
>OP doesn't know what a fucking post ID is, despite every board on this site having them for every post linked to an individual IP address
Oh my fucking god
Yes it is the second version.
(180 KB, 607x714, Tina Fullbody.png)
Just got a new OC drawn a few days ago, meet Tina, the fat Incineroar.

She's very lazy, preferring to hit the bed over hit the mat, but she's also very loving. Get to know her and give her a good meal and she'll give you a good time.

Can't upload reference directly for some reason (probably bc i posted it in another thread but ye)
Oh hey that's Milk Knight, they make good shit
(117 KB, 955x900, 8IlrlSNdpBSa8zNmTj89vyxQpgopQGe3mAKp_XfcDZHf3jg_aUhDNn4VXNK5iuEzfE79csN69Hemf2d_HZZYRank.jpg) (158 KB, 1738x1000, bc_KD4fu3F9HUmFMyhRA_M8WAW67dfxczYQdBF6rtPkmruxS2w_v3kg3kJMSKFUKHfjvxukwEYgiAv3M56flS6Ff.jpg) (111 KB, 982x944, KFD35JeYR7Vm8cAaEkipuWPAvKQVfO6YwlGy5L1USfmeHTp-z20Ey5RI3GlBEmqN_I7rTvL-R2vUs6XO4nsQbwOl.jpg) (63 KB, 957x605, 7BPNv4ZaHwLbFmu7G1Bo2FxgDmZmJChRgkCq46LPusyww7tUhoeTMdPVdxVkYsB2dSkmwe_Q3zQsDKaIP0fGoRNK.jpg) (89 KB, 869x920, 2Vlbm0QB0FWG3MCYCz4-Y0RYDhw8PRJhes0u6e_yEjD_NSQezjUoUq3OArfLSPue7p_aQZFmilLKeKviyks7bayk.jpg) (45 KB, 587x736, VUh-i3cMMymEqEM4AUYjd0uo5hZFFjDqxloyMQyBtxfqOppYZJTs3zqsvEDIBEKKo3Tkz0xYc1xYhHDkd-9mDdo8.jpg)
I love that little mouse, too!
It's so nice to watch her grow up and become a cute glutton <3

Congrats your fat pussy is now on e621 for horny furries to simp over

Ill respond to it lmao
You're fucking retarded

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