
(155 KB, 1920x1080, space-jam-disneyscreencaps.com-8419.jpg)
A topic where people can share art that leaves you saying "WTF" Is that unsettling? Make you cringe? Strange topic matter? erroneously drawn? Simply bizarre? What deeply disappoints you about this community? Those are all eligible! Come on guys, let's go inside and die together!
(20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
That's it? That's the art that makes you go "wtf"?
This thread sucks donkey balls
Literal skill issue, fag 😎

Seriously is this REALLY the art that makes you go "wtf" it's all just decent art, slightly weird kinks, or people you personally don't like. Kinda pathetic how weak you are when it comes to getting your cock hard.

You wanna see some REAL nightmare fuel? The kind of shit that makes your body collapse and your brain try to kill itself to avoid having to look at it?
>>15 (Dead)
All prejudice agents against asians, blacks & latinos.
Ruined your big brother legacy. Off with his head
>>65609 (OP)

Neon color tongues and paws, horse dicks, diapers, body waste, people with oc's that are supposed to be Japanese but have the most stupid fake sounding Japanese name ever.

I got it from reddit's deviantart hell.
>>65609 (OP)
Holy shit, how do you fumble such a simple premise for a thread? A good chunk of the images you've attached here would actually just be posted in other threads on this board unironically, even the worst art here doesn't really meet or exceed for the threshold for WTF-worthy art.

>Throwing bricks at a glass house.
I mean yeah, you are. Hyper is literally such a prevalent kink that it's entirely milquetoast at this point, so the thought of dragging it to the chopping block for a thread like this makes zero sense. And none of the art you posted even fits the bill of being repulsive, weird or cringe enough to be posted to a thread like this. Unless you're somehow thin-skinned enough to be projectile vomiting at oversized genitalia.

Honestly this shit just comes off as if you just learned that this stuff exists yesterday, there are artists who are drawing furs with literally planet-sized cocks fucking each other on a daily basis and it's not even that small of a niche. The shit you've posted is minor league in comparison.

Anyway this thread fucking sucks right out the gate, up your game people.
This is the exact same issue that happened on the Alt version of this thread. Could very well just be argument bait at this point.
Fuck you, I want more art of that creeper boy, he's so fucking cute and deserves to be spoiled rotten. I don't understand how you look at that and go "wtf"
Fuck you I want more art of that creeper boy, he's so fucking cute and deserves to be spoiled. I don't understand how you look at that and go "wtf"
(184 KB, 766x767, Bluey the Chowhound.webp)
Everyone wants real "WTF" art? Well, I'll show you. This is it. Here is some art that will make you say "WTF".
(14 KB, 612x592, pathetic.jpg)
> Here is some art that will make you say "WTF".
> Nothingburger.webp

If this is what you consider """wtf art""", genuinely post more of it; It's all so far been really appealing and quality art for a lot of us in the peanut gallery.
She going through your stuff. Why would you leave her in your apartment alone for hours 😴
the nazi shit makes me laugh just like how cetus or whaleoil or whatever his face does because fat furries would be one of the first to be deleted from life
(221 KB, 800x1068, GE9IVb2aoAAQ04a.jpeg)
If I see a Spiderbox art piece one more goddamn time while browsing FA I'm gonna lose it.
Why do they only see your kids when your not around. Restraining orders do exist you know. Fuck around and find out
Alright you might have one point here.

Never have I thought of getting horny over Jerry
i think your thread made me cringe more than any mediocre artist would on a bad day

Good. It's in the name.

And also in the poster.
I'm guessing this thread was made by wildcat

Not him. He's dead.

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