
Of elfilin/elfilis
This is disgusting and not at all unrelated to this topic.this is the place for /bbwalt/ under the WTF topic
Bitch give me my chair his high ass use to sit in.
Sorry you have to deal with some cro-magnon with shit taste spamming the thread with their garbage, OP
>>what happened bro you cant afford an aventador like us? Hahaha
Gee, I wonder what that’s like.
I understand but its sometimes hard but I hope people start posting more elfilin/elfilis
Is that manga official????

Let's stuff this turkey!
Roundedpentagon on twitter
Thanks and try to post more elfilin and fecto elfilis
This dosent help im asking for the link
>Well, I gave you the artist.
Shouldn't have you linked to Rush's Bluesky post first, then? Why link to her thread? If anons ask you for a source, they're typically expecting a link, or a name at least.

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