
The more fucked up youre to me. The more god saves me for last. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
(176 KB, 1010x1280, 1487801716.slimdym_soban-comic-11.png)
Sarah: "Woah, what just happened?"

Sophia: "Magic flying clamps. And now we're being tube-fed..."

Sarah: "Oh boy!" *rapid gulping sounds*

Sophia: "Wait, if you eat too much before I can reach that deactivation button your fat gut will smash me!"

Sarah: *continues gulping noises*

Sophia: *sigh followed by reluctant gulping*
(146 KB, 1280x747, 1472650986.slimdym_soban-comic-3.png)

Sarah: "...woah."

Sophia: "I knew we'd find something eventually! But how has nobody else found this yet?"


Sarah: "Oooo, look food!"

Sophia: "Wait, Sarah, that's not-!"


-trapdoor opens beneath them-


Sarah: "Hey, wait a second- this is made of rock! ...maybe I just need ot soften it up a bit first."


Sophia: "Ohhhh... what happened?"

Sarah: "Good, you're awake! You can help me eat this!"

Sophia: "Did... did you just let me lay here unconcious?!"

Sarah: "I made sure you were okay! I put food in your beak and you reflexively ate it!"

Sophia: "Fair enough. Wait, what are you eating?"
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Sophia: "Just a little more..."

Sarah: "If they meant for us to get fat when we ate through the door why did they make the doorway so small?!"

Sophia: "For once you make a good point."


Sarah: "What the heck just happened?!"

Sophia: "I don't know! We just went through the doors and were on this scale thing!"

Sarah: "I thought you said you DIDN'T know what just happened."

Sophia: "Not the time!"


Sophia: "Great, looks like I have to gorge myself to even us out..."

Sarah: "Awwwwww, save some for me..."


Sarah: "Oh suuuuure, just hog all the goods for yourself, why don't yah?"

Sopia: "Ooof, Sarah, can we *URP* not do this *BELCH* now? I'm so full..."


Sarah: "Seriously, look at this! You ate so much you're as big as I am!"

Sophia: "Could you- URP- not grab my- BELCH- belly like that?"
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Sophia: "Ok, I hit the button, we can stop now..."

Sarah: *continued gulping*

Sophia: *sigh*


Sophia: "Oh jeez, I feel so bloated..."

Sarah: "Hey, look how big my boobs got!"

Sophia: "Good for you..."


Sarah: "Oh boy, the next challenge is to eat something!"

Sophia: "What a surprise..."

Sarah: "Why don't you step aside and let ME handle this one."

Sophia: "Fine by me, I don't think I can handle getting much bigger anyway."


Sarah: "Hey, why are we glowing? And why are you expanding?"

Sophia: "I don't know, but it feels like somebody's pumping me full of lard... urk..."


Sophia: "What's happening?!'

Sarah: "I'm getting smaller and you;re getting bigger! I think it's transferring my weight to you! Give it back!!!"

Sophia: "I would if I could, but YOU ate the cursed food, remember?"


Sarah: "Hey, I got an idea! Here, eat this crumb of the cursed food!"

Sophia: "What are you- MMPH!"

Sarah: "I think it's working! I'm returning to my normal size!"
Where's OP?

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