
(146 KB, 828x993, a_shorts_story_by_lordstormcaller_de62b4c-414w-2x.jpg)
"Beth! I hope you're getting ready. It's that time again!" Marianne called.

Beth gazed at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and cringed. The female panther had shampooed her black fur – which now had a silky sheen – and neatly combed her long black hair. Unfortunately for Beth, no amount of self-care could hide the fact that she was bordering on obesity. After successfully maintaining a trim Valleywood figure for several weeks, Beth had given in to her gluttonous nature once again, overeating and rapidly packing on over sixty pounds. Her larger-than-average breasts now rested atop a large, round blubber belly. Her butt and thighs had also grown thicker and softer, and were now seriously straining the elastic in her panties.

Of course, it wasn't long before her mother had taken it upon herself to stage an intervention, imposing yet another intensive weight-loss regimen. It was not the worst workout routine Beth had ever endured, and it seemed to be working, as she had already lost a few pounds. However, her mother was employing a new tactic to ensure that Beth stayed on track… a weekly ordeal that Beth had grown to dread. She took one last look at her furry fat lumps in the mirror, sighed, and headed downstairs, still wearing only her yellow bra and panties.

"I'm waiting young lady," Marianne called impatiently.

"I'm coming, Mom! Jeez!" Beth spat as she wobbled down the stairs.

"And cut the sass!"

Beth's ears flattened as she crossed the living room to the fitness room. It was practically a gym unto itself, equipped with a treadmill, stationary bike, dumbbells, yoga mats, and of course the dreaded scale. However, this was no ordinary weekly weigh-in. Marianne stood in the middle of the room beside a clothing rack that boasted two dozen pairs of denim shorts. This was Marianne's latest scheme, which was as clever as it was unforgiving.

According to Marianne's calculations, if Beth adhered to her diet and completed all her assigned workouts, she should trim exactly half an inch off her waist each week. So, each week, Beth had to try on a pair of shorts half an inch smaller than the week before. If the shorts fit, Beth was on track, and things would proceed normally. However, if Beth was unable to get the shorts zipped and buttoned, it meant an entire week of double workouts. In order to fit into the ever-shrinking shorts and avoid this fate, Beth had to stick to her diet like glue, and for three whole weeks she had done just that. Then came the chocolate.

"It's buttoning time!" Marianne announced as Beth presented herself. As usual, her mother smiled as she held up the latest pair of shorts, but her grin seemed abnormally sadistic today. Beth gulped. Can she tell? She wondered, glancing down at her exposed stomach, which was still full from her chocolate binge and gurgling softly. It wanted more of the rich decadence that it had been denied for so many weeks.

Beth pushed aside the thought, and held her head high as she accepted the shorts. She stepped into them, sliding the denim up her ankles and past her round knees. She began pulling them up her thighs, and was met with some resistance. Beth paused, took a breath, exhaled, and tugged again. The shorts moved up, though she had to rock from side to side to get them over her bottom. Eventually, Beth managed to get both her butt cheeks contained. The jean shorts were now skin-tight on her thighs. Only one obstacle remained – her belly.

"It's not looking good," Marianne observed, shaking her head.

"They'll fit!" Beth protested nervously.

A whole week of double workouts, Beth thought. Forcing herself to focus, she grasped the shorts by the waistband, took a deep breath, and exhaled.

Instantly, Beth's blubber belly shrunk as she sucked in her stomach as much as she could. The furry black blob of fat receded substantially. Beth wasn't sure how long she could hold her gut in, so she worked quickly, tugging at her new shorts. She pulled the button and the buttonhole together and found there was still space in between. She relaxed, letting her belly plop back into place.

"Are you sure these aren't for next week?" Beth asked hopefully, panting slightly.

Marianne crossed her arms, stone faced. "Those are for this week. If they're too tight…" Marianne began.

"I know! I know!" Beth moaned. She refocused, took another deep breath, and sucked in again. This time she pulled with all her might. The shorts creaked as her love handles spilled over the taut denim. With one last grunt, Beth snapped the button into the buttonhole. Quickly, and with some effort, she zipped the zipper.

"There!" Beth exclaimed, relaxing a bit, but still holding in her belly, "All buttoned up! I'm still on track."

Marianne's eyes narrowed. "Sixty seconds."

"Huh?" Beth gasped, her pupils dilating.

"You know the rules. They have to stay buttoned for sixty seconds."

Marianne pulled her stopwatch from her pocket and pressed the button. It beeped once, and began ticking down.

Beth smiled sheepishly. It was all she could do to keep her belly from bulging out and undoing everything. She took quick, shallow breaths as time slowed to a crawl. Thirty seconds passed. I can make it! I can make it! Beth reassured herself. Suddenly, she felt a familiar pressure building up in her stomach.

Oh no… she winced.

An audible gurgle drew Marianne's attention to her daughter's stomach. The pressure inside continued to build. Twenty seconds to go.

Not now! Beth thought. I'm so close!

The rumbling grew louder and the pressure grew stronger. It slowly made its way up to Beth's throat. Ten seconds to go.

And then everything happened at once.

"BUUUUUURP!" an enormous belch erupted from within Beth.

As the burp forced its way out, Beth lost control of her stomach muscles, and her blubber belly once again returned to its full, round state. Her button popped as the too-tight shorts burst like a dam. Free from its prison, her new chocolate fat proceeded to make room for itself by forcing open the zipper. Now completely free, it wobbled into place. And just like that, it was over.

Marianne put her hands on her hips. "Looks like it's double workouts for you, Missy."

Beth clenched her fists, put her head back, and groaned in frustration.

"However… I will waive the penalty if you can fit into those by tomorrow."

Suddenly, Beth's ears perked up. She immediately stripped off her shorts and hopped on the treadmill, setting it to a brisk jog. Soon, Beth was huffing and puffing as her boobs, belly, and butt wobbled.

Marianne smiled, and hung up Beth's shorts.

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