
(2.6 MB, 2500x2200, 11889168588589.png)
Your favorite fat furries that don't belong to a franchise

Post your sparkle dogs, your Donut Steeles, your actually original ideas. As long as you have a fat girl who's not part of a larger IP, we want her here!
Typical politician to not show up for your first meeting just like his old man before him.
Ough triggered whore
(4.7 MB, 3000x3500, 8a.png)
Little surprised it took this long for this thread to gain some traction
(109 KB, 828x1171, the_greedy_gullet_volume_three_page_16_by_ahobobo_dghpiz6-414w-2x.jpg) (66 KB, 817x1103, dilan_by_slimedanomaly_dh9t5hq-414w-2x.jpg) (64 KB, 828x621, big_hungry_vixen__art_trade__by_stephenthehunter_dh8gre9-414w-2x.jpg) (75 KB, 894x894, oscarito_in_doggo_lingerie_by_0scarito_dh2x1c1-pre.jpg) (94 KB, 861x926, big_donna__by_mjlegacy_dg5w850-fullview.jpg) (149 KB, 828x1171, the_greedy_gullet_volume_two_page_23_by_ahobobo_dga4x8l-414w-2x.jpg)

They're associated with one another, you know.
>>61581 (OP)

Don't forget to post your own here!
(1.5 MB, 2034x1620, Mimi_Chonky.jpg) (3.9 MB, 3000x3500, Mimi_EXTHICC.png)
I'm always interested in seeing what anons here have for their own fat girls, who you all own. After all, there's a ton of IP fatties, or at least indie (made by one-two people) IPs, but I see people's OCs so little around here.
(232 KB, 2222x1105, FHU_U65VQAATwXy.jpg) (288 KB, 2048x1860, FHU_UKmUcBUq9XR.jpg) (260 KB, 2132x1325, FHU_VXEVkAAyXdY.jpg) (277 KB, 1538x1740, F4UWNOfaUAM1eUd.jpg) (290 KB, 1462x1744, F4UWNkcaUAAlGzE.jpg) (142 KB, 1462x1196, F4UWN77b0AAmyoR.jpg)
>back up
Does it really need a "back up"? All you've done is make a thread that functionally serves the same purpose as this one, which is redundant and beyond retarded. Stop making shitty threads.
Post OC templates.
You may never know if the backup comes in handy.
>You may never know if the backup comes in handy.
So, do you think we should have "backup" threads for every thread on /bbfurries/? Do you not understand how retarded of an idea that is? Are you FUCKING RETARDED?
Yes. It's an idea that's too great to be made by an egghead like me, now I realize it. Sorry and have a nice day.
>It's an idea that's too great to be made by an egghead like me, now I realize it
Stop sucking your own dick.
(178 KB, 951x900, 0e37692bfc6137dfe2c5ca912e16f7c6ee6a63a0f6faa1d9b4c860facff7fd69.jpg) (75 KB, 578x736, babba692955e12d1e95ee33bc14e90e1d29af1d7e5c150acfd17673c30382f01.jpg) (855 KB, 1797x1286, 98c96f66058a874cf6cdca2da6207f7728e30171424f0251a262393e9f214dfe.png) (96 KB, 1271x600, f1a426bc94d15bd6ef7ce253200dc0456a7a1dcd66825e2e8eebc3058d2a8240.jpg) (159 KB, 1269x936, 150cba9a185b9ceb39dede0e837554c5a807de736e56144e591b5c3cf1765738.jpg) (2.9 MB, 2424x1513, 339968212dbed50c7854f928adc1e4d5b12e47b99c235f5e2c88a9deaf65d3a2.png)
「ファタスラットトラップ弾幕」(FATASS RAT TRAP BARRAGE!!!)
(116 KB, 861x920, 7c5c49ce54064cd95745b446d9cc1d8b40adc100da42ce721f73b6ff270e27fb.jpg) (217 KB, 1738x969, 5ffbe262eacce4aba35205208ecbc4f5c8297dbe006b1e7f8f383d61d4b04745.jpg) (154 KB, 968x944, 35a06a281ed82ff58561dcb613d72dd64fdeb7c30bcd033b21b2e3c5e9384d99.jpg) (187 KB, 1280x1183, e8ddb8de83382ad2b302eeb13d54603c9e03ae686a27d4e96a125ce7eb9c7070.jpg) (445 KB, 1920x2210, 5084e13d4b6c888d877c15336fea4fbcb69d1eb28bcb9c014106b6c51ec03245.png) (3.1 MB, 2366x1550, 75d42dcb9cf158855a265e015b46854bb6591e0e0630f014ce99dcfaff18908a.png)
(205 KB, 1572x1974, 2d3af98c952ee46d20897b0db5e45397b3aee62cc3d609b7fe97e3d9bb4d0783.jpg) (383 KB, 1984x1972, c48b3abdc36a4ac8444be12c80ddbd41be8a3d173e0f60be5a5ef99748cb763f.png) (1.2 MB, 2048x1674, 72ba5ebee894dcdde4ef284a1f0e639595d338080364e984562f839948495961.png) (1.5 MB, 2652x4710, 4099a0df64bd0f1b8e019c821c2092cdebb254d8a871fcd34675c09ac0885bcc.png) (1.6 MB, 3399x3687, 3c9d2bb42ac9b379a42e307cd4c029770d75275e24c08f3a57f9a5e0c73c5a2c.png) (2.5 MB, 2014x1801, 8e06db30efc16103c23daedd4931a402dd6474628a870b69e64e04eaf19f20e9.png)
Do you know the name of the author of the first picture?
(3 KB, 429x410, 1367673577943.png)
Anon? That isn't furshit. Why did you drop this link in /bbfurries/ of all places?
(3.0 MB, 498x281, diane-foxington-the-bad-guys.gif)
You chose the redxxx.cc link, which immediately redirects you to a malicious site that's trying to get into your browser notifications, based on...a Google image reverse search? Why that link? I fail to see any reason for posting it beyond fucking with other anons and giving their PCs computer AIDs.
Doesn't the "Health Nut" one only refer to one guy's OC?
More importantly, can it and the "Quitter" one become one of the other?
(2.0 MB, 498x387, 1672175989679588.gif)
>5931f2 asks if the "THE HEALTH NUT" type on the Know Your Fat OCs image is referring to a specific guy's OC
>95d703 responds with total and utter nonsense
I believe we need a purge.
You just agreed to a purge.
It was sarcasm.
>It was sarcasm.
Implying you're capable of understanding or dishing out sarcasm.
(1.2 MB, 3808x1992, hishipy_reference_update_2024_by_hishipy_di1pkp4.png) (1.3 MB, 2400x1450, leiven_weight_classification_chart__4_4__by_mexifurfoof_di4kecs.png) (1.1 MB, 2400x1200, leiven_weight_classification_chart__1_4__by_mexifurfoof_di3jaam.png) (805 KB, 2400x1200, leiven_weight_classification_chart__2_4__by_mexifurfoof_di3ruww.png) (751 KB, 3000x1200, leiven_weight_classification_chart__3_4__by_mexifurfoof_di4kedd.png) (81 KB, 1280x1175, cafe_by_williamwilsonn_di4oq8e-fullview.jpg)

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