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Clang! Clang!

Each swing of the hammer made her huff and puff harder, every impact sapping her strength more, every blow to the hot metal causing what was now left of her clothing to cinch tighter over her frame.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Vulcane gasped, sucking in the hot air around the forge as she paused to wipe sweat from her furry brow. She looked at the way the flab hanging from her meaty arm wobbled as she held it before her, the volatile mixture of feelings within her bringing even more heat to rise within her now obese body.

Aphes had been real lonely ever since the curse had set in a thousand years before. The curse had been hard for everyone, but for those who had gone through their secondary mutation it could be even harder to fit in. Even so, Vulcane was lucky to have found her place with the Adherents, and now things were starting to look up as heroes like Hilda and her father had begun to journey to the city to brave its dangers and try to help with their plight.

Little did Vulcane know that adjusting to becoming a Aphenian-Fox hybrid wouldn't be the last time she'd face some big changes to her life. Emphasis on 'big'.

She couldn't be sure if it was Hilda, Quintus, or some other visitor that had brought the strange golden ingots to her to use in forging, but perhaps that hardly mattered now. Or not as much, at least, as the extra 400 or so pounds that now hung from her body like soft, squishy dough. There must have been Starite or some other form of magic infused into the strange material, whatever it was corrupting the metal with a rather insidious curse that hadn't become apparent to the vulpine blacksmith until her dress began to tear at her hips, and by then it had become much too late. She'd been so absorbed in her labors that she hadn't even notice the extra 100 pounds that had been slowly added to her with each strike of her hammer, nor the inscription that had been engraved into each cursed bar:

Beware indulging in your greed
Else another fell hunger you feed.
With each touch of this tainted gold
A larger burden your body will hold.
These pounds of flesh will forever be dealt
Until every last bar be collected and smelt.

Vulcane once more wondered how somebody could be so possessive of their belongings to lay such a strange curse on them, and how the normally careful smith had even missed the inscription to begin with. Perhaps it hadn't revealed itself until the trap had been sprung, but either way it was clear that the spell couldn't be broken until every last bar in the collection had been found and brought to her for forging. That had been weeks ago, however, and though Hilda and others had managed to find some of the other bars, the set still hadn't been completed. Even worse, each new bar seemed to only add more fat to the corpulent vulpine's form, and though she had at first hoped that once she'd finished forging the last of the batches that the curse would be lifted, by now the mutated Aphenian had come to accept her fate.

The blacksmith had adjusted to the initial curse, and the even more dramatic secondary mutation to her body, and in a way that made it easier not only to adjust to this curse too, but embrace it. She'd re-forged and tailored some of her jewelry and clothes where it was practical, and entirely discarded pieces like her skirt where it was not. Her apron was much more loosely worn now, the already re-sized protective garment left hanging open to accommodate her still growing frame, and the loss of all but her most necessary coverings had been a relief in the extreme temperatures that surrounded the vixen's forge, especially with all the blubber turning up the heat.

As Vulcane lifted her heavy stomach rolls, she found herself smiling, even giggling as she let them drop. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad if this newest curse was never lifted; Vulcane had always been a unique addition to the Adherent's resistance movement, and if anything now she would be even more so.

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