
(336 KB, 1006x881, Wendy Qmark.PNG)
Now isn't this odd? The other replacement Wendy thread ALSO got deleted.

So did the Crash Bandicoot thread.

I wonder if we're dealing with a trigger happy mod or something? Almost as if.

Anyway enjoy this for the week it's up. If we're lucky.
>>60791 (OP)
the active wendy/shota threads get killed but the unnecessary "anyone have stuff by literal-who artist" threads stay up, can't have shit in the mushroom kingdom
also i feel like these threads should include the other koopalings cause they're hot too
I feel like we're dealing with a retarded, trigger happy mod that genuinely doesn't understand that Wendy is not a minor, plus some of the other shota/loli threads in this website are still up and running, so I don't understand why THIS one is the only one constant getting the axe
You know anon, if you just left it off with what you said at the beginning, you'd probably be fine, but this, this is just kinda, creepy. What point are you even trying to prove here? What battle are you trying to win here?
Look at the colored ids. Two different people said those things. You say "if you just left it off with what you said in the beginning", but that guy didn't say something before.
It's very hard to believe there's actually a living, breathing conversation in here, this just comes off as one guy desperately trying to convince a whole board of people that this thread is still alive. If it actually was multiple people, don't you think they would at least be able to say more than just, what they've said already?

Oh and also, you can just either change your IP adress, or just use your mobile data. Or just go to a different persons internet. Which Isn't that hard of an ask, anon.
Also considering just how much the previous boards had absolutely nothing going for them in the first place, other than someone posting them art, I find it VERY hard to believe that all of a sudden, that this board would get a bunch of people decrying the mods, supporting how much wendy isn't a kid, and all that shit. Anon, this doesn't even feel like it's going to go anywhere. This feels like some delusional retard is just trying his best to live the very last of his moments before he blows his head off with a shotgun.
I don't even know what to say to you.

I guess it IS pretty out there that a message board has multiple users who are mildly upset about their shared interest being shut down multiple times in a row.

You're really onto something here.
sometimes i forget this is a chan board… then i read shit like this
>>60791 (OP)
(44 KB, 828x721, Ewf_qICUUAAwy1d.jpg)
This thread has turned into an unbelievable sperg fest. I don't know if I should be worried or entertained. Holy fuck.
Why can we not just enjoy some Wendy o koopa fat content without some beyond autistic zealot coming over and fucking it up for us who actually DO enjoy this thread? Also, why would this thread be the only one getting constantly reported to hell and back, when (like I said) there are MULTIPLE other threads in this site that actually DO contain shota/loli content that are still up to this day?
Dude there's a bot that posted actual cp here and you're more worried about a fictional character
Mods dont care. You havent been on bbwchan long enough. 7 years isnt along time at one organziation. Some of us grew up in it.
(319 KB, 1931x1908, 1707665069.carnivorousdrive_wendystuckredux2jpg.jpg) (511 KB, 1004x1115, 679b7936735dfe6d1536cb239465398596358307a1e76ee32c6612adca641bc0.png) (310 KB, 1919x1919, 1707665484.carnivorousdrive_wendystuckreqjpg.jpg) (3.5 MB, 2560x1440, 1698377434.jiant101_wendy_being_2_cute_sig.png)
Anyway, hopefully the Shitshow is FINALLY over, and we can have our Wendy thread in piece, here's some more pics of Wendy, to get this thread back on track
I'm guessing because these are hyper-specific threads for a single character where this might fit better in a general koopaline/koopa/mario whatever thread.

Then again at least this thread has more potential than whatever bumpfag has been shoving stuff off the board with.
>wendyfag is actually into CP and have daily meltdowns on Discord about the thread being deleted and his not-so-little secret coming around with his dox.
You know, honestly, I'll bite, could someone post some screenshots of this at this point?

Yeah, I'm with>>60998 on this one, can someone show screenshots of this actually being the case? I feel like everyone is just saying that the original op for the Wendy thread is a pedo just because one guy said so, unless we see actually evidence of him being a pedo, these allegations are baseless at best, and blatant slander at worst

besides, the revival threads for the Wendy thread were clearly made by completely different people, so can we please get some clarification about the original op, so we can continue the Wendy thread in peace?
Yes go blame every thing on dad whos has his kids more then anyone. Go ahead we are waiting
Should I release the Discord logs and dox him?
Honestly, at this point, any sort of confirmation would be cool, maybe not the doxxing part, but defiantly the logs.
PLEASE do not hold back with this. I wanna see this fucker fry.

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