
(3.5 MB, 6000x2481, 1579710295.asaneman_lopunnypatreonpokeballver.png)
“Let me out you little-MMF!”

The Lopunny gulped down the last of the trainer, feeling the arrogant cat sink down her throat. His shouting face soon disappeared as it sank past her generous breasts and into her rapidly expanding belly. “Mmmm~ You Pokemon trainers always taste the best…” The rabbit giggled slightly, and turned her eyes to her rump, which seemed to have two tails! “Plus, you always bring tasty snacks with you…”
The Pokemon trainer had been wandering throughout the woods, Pokeball in hand, searching for some sort of Pokemon to add to his collection. With his trusty Luxray, Monferno, and Floatzel by his side, what could go wrong?

Well, needless to say, something did go wrong. When the cat spotted the Lopunny, he sent his Monferno out, and commanded him to use focus blast! What he did not expect however, was the Lopunny to use mirror coat to knock out his trusty starter! The battle went downhill from there, as both his Luxray and Floatzel got trapped in the Lopunny’s ass…

Speaking of, the tails of the two Pokemon soon disappeared into the rabbit’s rump with a loud shhlrrk. “Ah, so eager to reunite with your trainer, huh?” The Lopunny sighed, mock sorrow on her face. “Not even considering what I want with you…” She suddenly smirked, and averted her eyes to Monferno, lying on the ground beneath her foot, still brutally injured by her psychic-type attack. “Oh, but don’t worry, sweetie, I haven’t forgotten about you~”

The Monferno felt his lungs suddenly fill with air again as the Lopunny removed her foot and picked him up by the shoulders. He looked her in the eyes, seeing raw hunger and a sick pleasure behind her irises, and felt completely hopeless. The Monferno had no choice but to join his trainer in the Lopunny’s belly. However, even if he was going to be eaten, he was still defiant to the end! He spat in the Lopunny’s face and said, “Fuck you.”

The Lopunny drew her hand back to wipe the saliva from her fur and sighed, “How rude! Not even a thank you for turning you into something beautiful…” With her fur properly cleansed, she opened her maw wide and shoved Monferno’s head into it! He weakly struggled against her swallows, but it did little to stop her. With a series of gulps, the fire-type sank deeper into the rabbit’s maw. Soon, his shoulders sank past her throat, and his head was finally rejoined with his trainer in her belly! With another gulp, his chest sank down her throat, making a large bulge on her neck and pinning his arms against his sides. The swallowing continued, and the Monferno’s belly sank past her lips, followed shortly by his legs, and finally his tail. With a loud sluuurrrp the monkey’s tail was sucked down by the Lopunny’s mouth like it was nothing but a simple noodle. With a final gulp, the entire trainer’s team was put away into her gigantic belly!

The Lopunny licked her lips, and exclaimed, “Whew, you and your team were pretty tasty!” She pressed her hands into the bulging and struggling mass of the trainer and his team, gently massaging it with her hands. It felt absolutely marvelous to be so full! It’s too bad this feeling couldn’t last forever… After all, The Lopunny could already feel them melting inside of her…

The Lopunny’s soft, furry belly began rounding out and shrinking rapidly as the trainer and his Pokemon were reduced into nothing but chyme. The nutritious slurry soon completely filled the Lopunny’s gut, making her belly extremely soft to the touch. Pressing her hands against it made it give way like it was just a giant pillow! A large slap revealed that it jiggled and swayed satisfyingly. Of course, while her belly was shrinking away, her assets were growing!

The Lopunny’s breasts were growing rapidly, becoming huge and soft as chyme turned into breastfat, rushing into her tits and making them swell to the size of watermelons! And that wasn’t even the Lopunny’s most impressive asset… Her ass cheeks had both become the size of beach balls, but felt significantly heavier, that’s for sure! The rabbit placed her hands onto her tits, gently feeling how they had transformed. They were soft and sloshy, just like they should be… Pressing her hands deeper into her breasts, the Lopunny chuckled, “Mmnph… They’re all going to a better place!” A belch erupted from the Lopunny’s throat, and un unused Pokeball flew out, before clacking on the ground. It would be the final bit of the trainer and his team that would exist outside of the Lopunny.

Of course, most of her meal had not yet escaped her belly and joined the beauty of her assets yet. Her belly still sagged, but it wouldn’t for much longer! In a few minutes, her belly shrank away to nothing, and her tits and ass reached their final size. Layers and layers of padding had made their way onto her ass, expanding it to enormous proportions! Her thighs were also thickened by the flow of chyme throughout her body, to the point that the entirety of her legs jiggled with every movement! It was like two gigantic mounds of Jell-O had made their way onto her booty!

The Lopunny’s tits had also had an impressive expansion. Each one was like an oversized water balloon, jiggly and soft to the touch! The Lopunny looked over her assets with a bit of satisfaction. Her soft, fuzzy body looked absolutely incredible with that team layered onto it! Of course, she did worry how she would be able to move now, with all this excess weight… “Sheesh, I need to cut down on trainers!” She said, bouncing her legs a bit to see if it was even still possible to walk! It was, but it would be exponentially harder than before…

“But, this does feel amazing…” The Lopunny suddenly felt her stomach growl loudly. It had apparently not been satisfied yet… She could probably do with seconds…
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Just some of my favorites made by AfraArt :3!

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