
>>59662 (OP)

Birdo: Oh?! What's this?

*Birdo observes [ITS] new girth. What was once a small feminine figure of pink is now a mass of fat*

Birdo: Ooo~ This is simply divine~! I especially LOVE how my butt looks, now!
(611 KB, 928x1392, lewd fat birdo male dick.png) (389 KB, 1064x1228, jbgui.png)
>>59662 (OP)
Kinda surprising. Wasn't expecting seeing someone post this old pic I did (Elpida here, btw).

Here's another pic I did, two or so years back.

Here's the sketch I did that's heavily based on a 3D model I quickly posed.
What’s up with Luigi?
(602 KB, 501x635, 35y7q37q57.png)
Oh that? He's looking at DAT ASS.

Wish I remembered the specifics but I assume it's related to him looking at Birdo's plump pink butt lol.
(290 KB, 2817x2214, 37290f72c6da4ed201a845ffad27cfee03d3789a.jpg) (90 KB, 1280x763, 9014fdacbdf25db54bdfbab70271339aaa780ebc8f68e3cac356f6fe5824dbe8.jpg) (132 KB, 1280x1152, 508764803db528bdb30d02995db554677593a4ad39fe978e4f4eb49f549a1ba9.jpg) (122 KB, 1459x1413, 819296562b0f333a849a2af189d75114c1e4f4f827b7d4c5e1f60fd7ee07add9.jpg) (183 KB, 1280x999, 1610784054.lexodynaro_well,_hello_there.jpg) (29 KB, 991x823, 1601132462324.png)
Got a whole lotta pics of Birdo to deliver!

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