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2 thread spaces were vacant at the time of posting. You can’t complain.
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>>59556 (OP)
>>59556 (OP)
Gonna start the thread with some new art I just got. Sorry, fat bros. Inflate bros are getting dinner tonight.

If you want me to write a little drabble for you or got an idea? Simply post it here! I'll gladly give you a little something if I enjoy it/can reasonably right it.

You know my likes and dislikes. Western cartoons/canons are the best for me.
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Ok, here’s my idea. Japan tries the gas bomb thing from Love That Bomb with a whale mini-GTS lady, but they fuck it up and she gets beyond massive for their little labs. They’re forced to keep her in an underwater facility until they can safely detonate her, which could take years.

Thanks for coming

Don't expect something long, thread bro. I'm tired and I just wanna give you a sample platter.

>"Those yankee scumdogs have pushed us too far!" A red panda stereotype in a pressed tojo uniform, bottlecap glasses, and messed up teeth that look like a Jerry Lewis stereotype pounds the desk. "They have just unleashed the F-Bomb against our people! The damage is uncountable! Those greedy hog capitalists make a mockery of our empire! NO MORE!" The entire conversation was translated by a guy named Doug.
>"We need our OWN gaseous biological waste blimp! They will keep dropping them until nothing is left but a putrid crater!" A crane in a flat peaked cap, a beard, and a button up uniform leaned against a chair.
>They both stared at a naval woman who came into the room. "Oh sorry! Thousand apologies!" She sheepishly blushed while showing off her rows of teeth. She was an orca whale in a pressed white uniform, a red scarf around her neck, with her body looking bigger than "Killer Whale" from the Batman comics. A thin shade of blush covered her white cheeks as her body was sleek with wet liquid that soaked her clothes.
>"She will do just fine!" The red panda came over and wrote her draft papers to enlist her, unwillingly, in their top secret project they ripped off the U.S military from their espionage agents they had in Washington D.C.

Part 1 -
That’s a pretty good sample. Killer Orcas are dolphins, as everyone knows, but thanks for making her the submissive, good mini-GTS I knew you would. This thread is going to be incredible already.

[6 Years Later...] Spongbob Narrator Voice Here:

>"SHE IS TOO BIG! WE HAVE CROSSED THE LINE! SHE WILL DOOM US ALL!" The crane shrieked out while flapping his wings up and down with his tongue hanging out of his beak.
>The audible groaning, that sounded like a damaged submarine hull about to tear open, let out a ~CREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAK~ that damaged all of the sailor ear drums and caused them to flee as her growing and stinky dirigible midsection of black and white flab crushed U-Boats and troop transport jeeps in her wake.
>Bushiki was now less of a woman and more of a greasy, oversized, bag of flatulence that was only now usable for one thing. A weapon powerful enough to surpass metal gear. The shadow dwarfed over the wartorn lands of the small island of Japan, slop oozed down her multiple chins sunken into her lifering of neck flesh, while her breasts were oozing out small pufts of flatulence from her erect nipples as her body struggled to store it all in such a tiny container. She was basically a living blister on the planet, stuffed with boiling hot gas, and erupting ~FRRBBBLPRRRRTBRAAAAAP~ and ~FWWUUURRROOOOOOOOOORP~ noises from both ends out of her gigantic canyon-like mammal buttocks and from her flapping lips. Rolls upon rolls covered her, groaning from having to store such a noxious chemical element inside of her, as she flapped her wings helplessly as nothing but the tips could stick out from her buried hole divots.
>Bushiki was not a woman, her eyes were lifeless and glazed as if she was dead, and her organs had been replaced with bubbling slop that gave her an endless tummy ache. She wanted to grow, she wanted to burst, she needed to be dropped on an unsuspecting U.S.A town in Burgerland. She was not a perosn. She was a fart. A living bag of gas that needed to be emptied. Every second she wasn't bursting was agony.

>"ROLL HER INTO THE OCEAN! NOW, NOW, NOW! DO IT! WE WILL DO SOMETHING ABOUT HER LATER!" The Japanese soldiers, dockworkers, and a few scientists pushed her into the water by squeezing their arms against her backside and rolling her like a spoiled brat to the juicing room while being sprayed with mustard gas thick flatulence.



>"Phew, breath easily boys. She will not do us any physical harm in her new home. Let her keep growing for all we care. Bigger bomb? Bigger death toll for Americunts! She has the enitre OCEAN to grow into now!
It’s also incredibly funny off the bat. You can tell the fuck up happened because the Japanese were too efficient with their gas up methods.

I’ve also grown fond of Bushiki already. Now I want to see more of her in the future. Since this takes place in the 50’s can we give her a granddaughter that’s equally as large and submissive but a bit more playful with her size? (A Joseph to Bushiki’s Jonathan)
*as large and submissive before Bushiki became a living global crisis? But then she gets fat later.

>Daughter looks for her mother after war ends
>They like her taut stomach
>Decide to hook her up to her own mother's anus and let her be puffed up with the noxious death gas
The fate of the Bushikis? (That the Joseph Bushiki would’ve avoided with a huge contrivance)
I hope I didn’t ruin the story with additional suggestions mid-process
That was really good for a short one. Can’t wait for the other requests some people might have.
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You guys hungry for some unseen shit?
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Imagine bushiki or any other fart bomb wearing this shirt
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You obviously have some demons and I’m thankful you’re taking them out into your stories. Let me first say thank you for making this abusive couple a lesbian couple. Call me homophobic, but statistically they have the highest abuse rates and I’m sick of everyone focusing on the false “wholesomeness” lesbos exude.

As for a request. How about a sequel to this story where the servant, still starving, becomes insanely obese because her tyrannical wife has a massive stroke and dies. Only, in a Psycho-esque twist, she thinks she’s both the servant AND the master. That way, she still feels like she doesn’t deserve love, she has to put up with her wife’s psychological abuse forever, and she gets even more obese from all the stress? Also, I want her feasting on her late wife’s decomposing body for extra grotesqueness because in her mind they’ll never truly be separated. Let me know what you think first before proceeding.

I like your April Fools pictures
I'd love to do that

one teeny-tiny-wittle-itty-bitty problem with that

Guy comm'd me for a sequel where she has a "happy" ending and is rescued by a matronly feeder skunk who makes her an immobile blob while gaining herself.

So you're kinda getting a free kino idea fully written lol

My entire brain is a fucking demonic entity that I can't control. I can only placate it by making mentally insane and repulsive garbage
Well poopie, that’s more than fine. Do the commissioned work first, then just get ANOTHER tortured soul to go through the Psycho bit. Please make these two separate stories

Yeah, save my idea instead for a tyrannical mother and her long since starved adult daughter finally feasting upon her immensely obese guardian’s flesh, not as an act of rebellion, but as a deeply disturbed coping mechanism. Something in the vein of https://youtu.be/vObhNQoFYpo?feature=shared but with one daughter and no father. Hammer in how trapped and alone she feels despite her mother’s psychological abuse never leaving him.

I feel you. Sometimes I get urges myself.

Can you explain your idea better?
Sorry, let me do so
>adult daughter comes back to obese mother after failing to find a well paying job after college
>mother becomes tyrannical after the death of her husband, forcing her daughter to do literally everything
>daughter develops anorexia and suffers years of mental, emotional, physical, and psychological abuse
>it involves her mom eating all kinds of foods in front of her “less deserving” daughter
>mom dies and story begins
>daughter feasts on her decomposing flesh as a cope
>starts to believe she’s both the daughter and the mother in a Psycho-esque twist
>becomes even more obese and has to turn to internet prostitution to survive
>further compounding her mental anguish
>and the stress of her long-dead mother’s voice berating her for being a little piggy compels her to eat more

Basically my idea to a sequel to a The Starving Servant story that involves an abusive mother to her daughter instead of an abusive wife to her servant. If you need anymore clarification, please let me know. Also, forget about the video, the daughter had a normal childhood life until she finished college. Bonus if you can fit in her “mother” berating her for getting such a bullshit degree
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Yes, I can do it.

Yes, I kinda find it hot and psychologically scarring.

No, I will not do it for a short greentext what you want is way too long bud '3'
It doesn’t have to be a short greentext. If you’re unable to do it at all given your obligations and time restraints, I understand. Thanks for reading anyway.
Now for something completely different: how much do you like Burgerpants X Catty?

If I'm gonna do it right it's going to be like three different posts worth of text

Very much so
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That’s fine too, I got all the time in the world. Keep in mind each post has a max character limit of 9999 and that the best threads on this site get sequels too.

I feel like trying something with them, but I got nothing right now, and I don’t want to jeopardize the ideas we already have. Have some relatively SFW CattyPants.
That reminds me of Rovdyr’s big boob bunny
Oh, yeah. Love them. They could genuinely be siblings.

The original Melissa didn't stand out much so I tried to make her more of like "a demonic gluttonous influence on planet Earth"
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I have an unposted story that I haven't uploaded yet I wanna share with you guys

It's a tribute story to Jelliroll and a direct sequel to the "Officer Rex" paid sequence back she did since we never got a sequel. I'm waiting for permission before I upload it since I reference a famous brapballoon in it
Bro please delete it if you wouldn't mind. It's going to get an official upload I am just waiting on the go ahead.
Just ignore him. He’s a fucking thief that has been spamming the threads with image dumps and nonsense posts for years
Touched a milli. Why you mad
Dude I can't just ignore it I was waiting on the go ahead because I use someone else's character in it as a reference (only felt right since they wrote the first officer rex story)

I need it taken down. Furries are fucking lynch crazy man. If he doesn't do it soon i'll have to DMCA him and I hate that because I piss on the concept of copyright law.

That's fine. I was gonna do make it original. Anyway, say, when is that story gonna be uploaded?
as soon as the owner of the character I reference say it's okay for me to upload
I'm waiting on their reply.
Ohhhhhhh the committee was tickling your butthole they know about your certs they sure do love porno
My bad. I was worried you’d be powerless against him. Do you have a link to the original donut story?
I do and since it has been removed from gumroad/her pay sites I might put it back here because it is now lost media
That would be fantastic. I hope it can happen sooner than later.

By the way, have you ever done stories explicitly about…royalty? >>45545 (Cross-thread)
>Sly Cooper had survived so many villains, other thieves, and the long arm of the law. He's also survived being another playstation mascot that will never get another good game or even a nod just like Twisted Metal. What does he do in his spare time? Why, embrace his wealth of course! Carmelita wasn't totally on board with his weird kinks but once that ringtail rubs under her chin and offers her a deep-fried churro? How could her fiery heart not yearn to be his blimp-blob fuck-bed? Penelope decided, instead of jail time, to also join in on the "fun" since Bentley didn't want anything to do with her anymore. Every pound she gains is another day off her sentence and she has a LONG way to go to earn the respect of the Cooper gang again. Sly has also put on quite the weight and will spend his time gaining with his two lovely feedees until he needs mobility help himself. There's nothing stolen money can't buy...even a harem of feeders.

It’s just recently hit me how much the fourth installment fucked up everything. How do you personally feel about the series. What was the other side of this trade?
stop trolling your employees your lawyer wont get you out this one
At first, I was upset over her breakup with Bently until I realized I don’t care that much about him. My gripes stem from the unused potential of most of these other female characters from the series
Those 7 might sue you again keep it up
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I'm quite proud of how those stories came out ngl

Not allowed to say what the trade was. It was private stuff based on their characters. I can tell you what i think. I liked "Thieves in time" but what a fucking awful cock tease for another sequel on a modern system.

Honestly I'm so goddamn scared of these clueless game companies to pick anything up for a "modern audience" I don't wanna see them even attempt it. They'll end up making Carmelita's titties flat or adding some minority animal with the personality of a box of goldfish crackers.

Right? Pretty telling how the Cooper fat thread here is 90% Carmelita. Makes me think about the recent sentiments for obscure 90’s vidya characters stirred by Gwimbly. You want to see them again, but not in the hands of incompetents.

That’s an interesting pic. Have you done a story with her yet? I’m thinking post 4th game music teacher that belches and farts music.

Thieves in Time had some cool ideas, but the bad ideas outweigh its justification for existence.
Gex Trilogy will be coming to steam soon on that front. If they censor it I might go postal. People want classic characters back but they hate the modern times and modern writers who ruin everything special or edgy about them in exchange for modern marketing appeal

I haven't really done any Sly Cooper stories yet but I should. I'm just happy to be able to play it on my PsVita. I'm probably the only fan of PsVita left.
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Gex, that’s a character I’ve been interested in recently but rarely know anything about. To my knowledge, he’s a couch potato that takes the call to action and makes a lot of references from the 40’s to the 90’s. If they’re bringing the trilogy to steam, will they let him keep all those references? Will they let him make new ones? Will he be completely silent? Are there female characters worth fattening up? Who knows.

I could’ve sworn you did. There’s so many franchises, so little time.
Do you like my dumbass references, perversion, sexual innuendo, and collectathon N64 games? Then you'll probably like Gex.
You had me at your dumbass references. Great shit, and very fattenable. Come to think of it, Gex also makes references to dietary stuff when he encounters fatasses, or that’s the impression I got from watching a video break down most of his references. And he has a trilogy? Even Banjo-Kazooie couldn’t properly manage that.

What stories are you working on now though?
I don't like to spoil the surprise but I'm finishing a bunch of comms by next week
That sounds great, finish them first. But now I’m wondering what you specifically can do with Gex or any other Gwimbly-esque character.
Natalie prettier then all of u. Cubana even cuter.you bitches lose.
Does gravitysecret agent still write commissions or has the author retired?
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"new" character I haven't uploaded yet just dropped. Vanessa finally got done
An insufferable asshole as always WildCat
Man sorry you had a run in with him he's a parasitic scumbag. His whole thing is being annoying by spamming shitty threads about his niche character obsessions and fetishes as well as bugging the 4chan female fat fur threads by spamming constant art that ranges from medicore to downright bad. Dude has nothing better to do with his life than be a human cockroach on fat fetish boards. Also im pretty sure he is unironically autistic, like not even saying this as an insult I actually think he's one.
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>wildcat1150 posts Gravity's story to DA without asking for his consent
>He thinks he'll be applauded for this
God fucking damn it I hate this fucker so much
Like I said, unironically autistic
I got rid of the sory like you said, GSA.
Good bitch. My bitches
Garbage man makes more then pyscologist. Dont need brands to pick shit up.
when you are faced with the barrel of a gun will you beg and plead for your mother
So pull out gun. You weight about 160-180. Usually you light weight clowns pulling guns becUse you cant fight HAHAHAHA
everyone is laughing at you, mommy’s little bitch. Go take a midol.
Awww internet hurt your heart lmao
Nobody is going to do shit to me. I can bet any money I will kill your kids and relatives be you fuck with me. Try it. Killers kills real socipath. Come on bitch come at me do something I want you to be evil today and finish it no more waiting be a man of devil and do something to me so I can end your entire blood line with one blow.
Come on do it. So I can wipe out your entire blood line and this will finally end all you white boys do is talk shit on the internet. GO TO MELROSE IN THE BRONX AND POP YOUR SHIT PUSSIES!!!!!!!!
>nobody is going to do shit to me
What will you say when you receive a severed pig head in the mail
Mind dropping an exact address Wildcat?
Also, the irony of a fat, white, nerdy autismo saying that lol.
NEW JERSEY!!!!!!!!!! Come pussiessss!!!!!!
You have the address union. Look at the union doxxing them self HAHAHAHA
If you’re so unafraid, and are inviting others to fight you in person, you would surely post your own address, no? Otherwise that might make you seem like a blustering pansy.
Im sex money murder. You sure you want the smoke.
Talking tough on anon sites but scared of the big black man in walmart. You extremist is real pussies go so some other dumb shit for trump like riot your moms bed room
You never got hit with a 12-gauge shot gun & its showing.
Post yours I will show up today.
>but you wont because youre a internet pussy who never got aint by a 9mm
Bro we both know you wouldnt dare talk like to me in person. We all know. Save yourself the embrassment. You wouldnt last a week in rikers. Hoe.
I will be long island area all day if youre looking for me pussy
Why would I ask you to post your address if I met you in person? That would be silly.
Look out the window..
Come to the airport.
Can’t you take this shit to one of the crappier threads on here?
No been doing this over 10 years I love bossing up on you hoe ass cucks
>over 10 fucking years
That’s actually pretty sad. You could’ve learned a skill or gotten a job with that time wasted.

What do you think, GSA?
Oh, I thought you were referring to shitting up threads. In that case, it’s doubly sad because you worked with the government without protecting the USA’s best interests. A double waste of life
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Private relay moron.
go to deviantart with that shit you fag
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If you’re still taking requests, requesting Bushiki’s gyaru granddaughter discovering the terrible truth to her ancestor in present day (or sometime in the 2010’s). Or maybe she’s just a loud, but gentle mini-GTS who unwittingly throws her weight around that’s running away from the government for reasons beyond her comprehension.

I have no idea how this happened, but I hope it wont happen again.
Her favorite food would be beer with yakiniku but with krill

Yeah. This board and 4chan has often been the subject of media attention as a source of controversies, including the coordination of pranks and harassment against websites and Internet users, and the posting of illegal and offensive content as a result of its lax censorship and moderation policies.
This isnt a bank, talk normal

Bro all I wanted to do was give you a sneak peak of a story and it turned into death threats and autistic schitzo ranting.

I got a real fucking serious question. Why is the internet like this now? No, genuinely. It's either here where you have to deal with the special needs class rejects like this fucking guy or option #2 you have to deal with the overly sensitive special snowflakes who lie and manipulate most of the art community with their stupid fucking garbage

I'm not really in the mood to write after reading this shit. I usually like the schitzo babble but I'm just kinda fucking fed up with it all right now. You ever just feel like the internet has stopped being fun and magical? I genuinely feel whatever spark of joy I once had coming on here is slowly evaporating like piss stains on a urinal.
In what plain of existence does this deviantart ass steaming pile of autist shit have anything to do with the artist known as GravitySecretAgent

Holy shit, you just said some of the truest shit ever on the internet, forgive me if this sounds schizo-y (its not swear on my mama) I’ve got a furaffinity account, if you message me there I’d love to chat with you gravity, my username is NightShadeTheWolf2004 (made it when I sneaked onto horny shit when I was teen, that’s why the name sucks) so I can chat to you, and maybe ask you discord or something, though honestly it’s your choice, if you wanna talk or not, won’t force you, just glad to hear a furry fetishist who isn’t a lunatic or a snowflake for once speak their mind
Yeah. It just takes a select few bastards to ruin it for everyone, which was probably his plan. Fuck, thanks for coming anyway. Maybe it’ll get better after a week.
I'll bump the thread just so it doesn't get necked but something tells me I won't have to. I'm going to wait for shit to chill out.

Go ahead my guy. I'm approachable. I'm not some king high up in my castle surrounded by guards. Just in case I'm going to have to get your mama's permission. I already got her number >;P

I made my name in the same vain. I had very different ideas for my whole account. I was going to be a SFW tumblr blog artist...until I realized I had no artistic skills. And now here we are lol.
Waiting for shit to chill out is the best strategy. Nothing, not even shit, lasts forever.

Fuck it, I think I should write the gyaru granddaughter whale myself if I’m so adamant about it. I already requested the psycho blob here >>59820, and I want her story to be a certain way that might conflict to the kind of stories you write. Just give me a couple days to do it and I’ll post on this thread.
And let’s face it, a lot of requests almost never get filled anyway so it’s better to offset some of them to another talent. Although I hope my meager talent can suffice for what others are looking for.
wildcat has succeeded in scaring off another artist

Does this mean we can post his work here?
No I dont stop lying lol
I'm not scared off don't worry. I've been in the most toxic shitholes known to man. I use 4chan, 8chan, this website, nutumblr, all the shit that brings nothing but funny garbage and violence.

I just wanna wait for the thread to simmer down. I'm surprised none of the mods here stepped in or even cleaned it up
Mods don’t clean up anything that won’t satiate their egos. We’re happy to see you stay, but I’m going ahead with my interpretation of the Gyaru Granddaughter. It’ll take place in 2011.

Even though I’m doing this, is there anything you’d like to see in the story?
>>59556 (OP)
Go ahead and ask sorry for late reply

Go nuts man can't wait to see what you make
I’ll have the prologue in 48 hours. Thanks for working with me on this.
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Prologue: Chubby Gyaru
>the year is 2011
>the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami had ransacked a significant portion of Japan
>causing hundreds of billions of US dollars in damage, making it the most expensive disaster in human history
>but life goes on
>and for one particularly mild-mannered blue whale lady, life was about to get even shakier
>"So sorry! Thousand apologies!" A cashier in Fukuoka sheepishly blushed while showing off her rows of teeth.
>Kujirako was but a humble WcDonals wageslave by day
>humbly serving people at least a foot and a half shorter than herself
>she’s a bit of a local celebrity due to how much larger she is than the average joe-suke in her district
>her “smile-kudasai” can melt hearts
>but not the icy hatred of a peculiar ferret business man
> “These small FURAIDOPOTETO have 5mg more sodium in them than average. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! DO IT AGAIN!!!”
>“So sorry, we give you a discount.”
>“No…I’m never coming back,” he promised (the third time that day) storming off
>Kujirako had dealt with difficult customers before
>heck, she’s had to bash the skulls in of uppity foreigners anytime they tried to film themselves doing stupid shit on company grounds
>but this one was unique
>his words sent her crying into the break room
>there, she took a look at her framed photo with her tears splashing over it
>”kujirako” her bishonen peacock manager beconed, “you still have seven hours left this shift, what about your goal?”
>“how can I be the employee of the month if I can’t make one customer happy?”
>“no clue, but if you don’t work, neither of us get money and the yakuza steals my organs to pay off my gambling debts”
>she understood her mission then, sucked it up and got back to work
>her next customer being the ferret businessman demanding a coffee
>“I just can’t please that guy, Gori-chan” she texted her friend
>another day of work as an ARUBAITO finished
>another day to witness the stress eating her health away
>“I think you’re getting to him though. He only freaked out 8 out of 9 times today”
>“maa na. See you at 2100, I need to destress from today”
>she takes off her shoes before entering her tiny capsule apartments
>“even my feet are outgrowing my clothes”
>although she was a big, chubby, blue whale girl, she preferred living in enclosed spaces
>gave her a sense of warmth and order
>but it didn’t make taking her clothes off any easier
>or sweating like a pig after a rough work day
>it’s getting to the point where she can just barely pull off her socks and unbuckle her pants laying down
>they more often than not got caught in the sweaty blubber coating her lower body
>this is the biggest outfit they have…
>at least unbuttoning her shirt was easy
>her fat belly practically surged out when a button was undone
>but taking it off had a similar problem in that the sweaty blubber from her arms was preventing it from coming off her arms
>but now she could just lay there and bask in her soaked mattress
>it still had enough strength to carry her 275 cm, 210 kg frame, but it was getting close
>“this world isn’t made for big girls like me. But that’s ok, I’ll make space somewhere.”
>she felt much more relaxed after a shower and a nap
>now she could get dressed in her usual garb for the night out with her friend
>donning a fake tan, outrageous wig, fake nails, makeup, style contacts and skimpy clothes with fluffy boots, Kujirako parties the day away with her best friend, Goji-chan the lizard
>“sorry you had another KUSO day. Let’s go get yakiniku, but with krill to cheer you up”
>they went to their favorite dive and sat at their favorite booth except it was harder for Kujirako to fit in with her belly
>together, these two called each other “Gojira-san” but Kujirako’s kaiju-like presence absolutely mogs her decidedly smaller friend at 40 kg soaking wet
>an amount that Kujirako consumed twice that day
>“I think I have to get out of this plAAUURRce, Goji-chan. They’re starting to blame me for the earthquakes”
>“like the one that just hit recently?” Goji snarfed
>she had just as big an appetite for her size as Kujirako did, but her metabolism was better
>“they’re all a bunch of haters. Don’t let them stop you from doing the things you love”
>“but it’s starting to get to be a bit much”
>when they Gochisousama deshitaed their food, a white light spirited them away
>Kujirako awoke in a strange cell that wasn’t anything like her apartment
>strange wildcat men stared at her from behind bars to her left and a pulsating mass jiggled in the window to her left
>they explained to her the mass was a failed bioweapon from 65 years ago and they, an organization known as the wildcats, spent that time whittling away at it so it doesn’t explode and cause Tohoku earthquake 2.0
>but they need big women
>to eat it
>Kujirako staunchly refused, but they threatened her friends life and offered her a lot of money
>she had no choice
>they gave her an injection and ejected her into the ocean where the mass layed
>she took a huge chunky bite
>it tasted like yakiniku krill
>it was so good
>but instead, she was put back in her apartment with a note on her face
>“with your help, the mass will be neutralized in a hundred days. There are other women helping so another mistake like this won’t happen again. You can’t tell anyone about it or they’re all dead. Feeding sessions begin every day from 1700-1900. We’ll drag you back. Have fun ;)”
>then she found 10000 yen in her pocket
>and another kilogram of flesh on her body
>“100 days? Sure.”
>she ended the day letting a rancid belch escape her lips for 12 seconds.

I’m not planning to go continental like the story preceding it, but there will be sweating, gas, bathing, mobility issues, health concerns, and a reasonable weight gain. Critiques welcome
Told you two weeks ago I was sending another earthquake. You thought I was joking
Yes I can decipher messages on bbwchan. What do you want in request. I might have
What do you think, Wildcat, of the wildcats trying to prevent a world shattering explosion?
Trust me man if mods actually did somthing about this cunt we wouldve been free of him like a year ago
Ignore him for now and take a look at my prologue. >>62265
I’ll have the next part sometime in a few days.

Great story! 🥰
Need fuel cells for my vibrator
Gravity here! You did a pretty good job man :3 I'm glad to see my thread being used to giving newbie writers a chance to shine and show off their skillz.

I really like the world you have built and may wanna use it myself

also is it just me or is some of the people who reply on BBWchan talk like they are bots or AI
Thanks. It was the least I could do since I’m the one that wanted it, and I want you to focus on other stuff.

I’m hoping to get some free art from it by requesting from Smokii, but he’s got plenty of requests already.

Now, how much do you all like queen bees?
If any of you dudes want an invite to my new discord server you're more than welcome. I have to vent you though.

Message me/add me on discord or note me on FA/DA
Let the jealousy eat your mind daily.
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That’s GSA, now calm down before we hit the bump limit. Here’s a scientist named after two cheeses. I wonder if she’s based on Penelope

Cool! Now, GSA. Can you please make a mutual weight gain story starring Catden and Brie?
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Thanks again for your kind words

Chapter 1: Big and Beautiful
>25 days into this crazy project
>Kujirako has already put on 50 kg
>some of that might be muscle
>but the monetary incentives and the newfound hunger is making her eat more than usual
>Goji-chan is still nowhere to be found
>and she’s getting gassier with each passing day
>her bishounen peacock manager’s a bro who takes the blame for her noxious gas
>hell, some of the middle-aged female patrons are coming in more frequently under the pretense that his ass-blasts are permeating a specific area inside the restaurant
>but it’s getting to be too much
>her outfit gets tighter everyday
>She has to wear a shirt under her work shirt to conceal her blubber flesh poking out between her buttons
>she can’t even tuck it in anymore
>her belt has run out of notches
>even her shoes have run out of lace to fit her feet in
>thinner socks won’t help
>she’s had to cut off the sleeves to her shirts as well because her bingo pythons are puffed up with blubber-coated muscle
>her “SMILE-KUDASAI” reveals that a third chin is forming under her second
>and the “W” on her Wcdonald shirt is puffing out from how gratuitously big her tits are
>the sweat from her underboobs resembles the leaking of a fresh mother’s tit milk
>which subconsciously entices some of the male patrons
>but not the businessman ferret who’s solely focused on getting the food he needs to function through the day
>Kujirako squeezes back into her capsule apartment feeling grosser than usual
>and after a much harder shower, she looks upon her framed photo and cries once more

>except she doesn’t wake up in Fukuoka this time
>everyone has terrible teeth and it’s raining like crazy
>the wildcats have placed her in jolly old England
>in a palace belonging to a queen bee and her many drone-servants
>in her pjs
>they couldn’t find clothes that fit her in time
>one of the eaters has gone awol and is killing the other ones for more of the flesh
>she’s now after the queen bee and queen bees are precious
>they’re accosted by her eldest daughter, Princess Regina Wobblybottom
>who was no bigger than Kujirako’s thumb
>he was directing her to a rugby ball
>that turned out to be his mother, Queen Wobblybottom
>a queen bee of 50 summers
>she’s a gluttonous beast of a bee, feasting away her mobility with every chunk of bioweapon mass
>coating them in her honey and royal jelly
>Regina dreads the day she’ll end up like her mother
>limbs swaddled in bee flesh with their extremities barely poking out
>swollen beyond articulation themselves
>with a bloated belly churning all that meat
>and expelling noxious fumes from both ends
>although her mouth is too busy chewing to burp properly
>her face and honey-leaking pancake tits coated in uneaten jelly and blood
>all dominated by a pulsating abdomen that won’t stop shitting out eggs
>Kujirako was trusted with her life because she was one of the few eaters to put on some muscle as well as fat
>she only did it to keep in shape for her job
>but now she might be one of the strongest people on Earth
>before she can ask why the wildcats don’t neutralize the threat themselves
>a strongfat rhino with a drooling mouth barges in
>she has blood on her face and a crazed look
>demanding she hand over the queen bee if she knows what’s good for her
>kujirako refuses and a chase ensues
>they race all the way up to the roof for her plan to take effect
>Kujirako tosses the queen bee off the palace
>the rhino woman goes after her
>and falls to her death
>the queen bee, being of a micro stature, survives the fall effortlessly
>despite jiggling like crazy upon impact
>this stirred up a lot of gas inside of her
>from a rugby ball to a basketball
>to near bursting
>but nothing she couldn’t expel with some help from her drones
>she demands more food as she’s whisked away back to her chambers
>and a sponge bath
>the wildcats and princess thank her and seemingly teleport her back to her capsule apartment
>and she contemplates ending up like her
>on one hand, endless pleasure
>on the other, complete restriction of autonomy
>Kujirako prepares herself for another wagie day
>with a much tighter outfit
>and no more shoes

Next chapter will be out when it’s out (Wednesday, hopefully). Should’ve just focused on the whale.

You're welcome.
Stop posting????!!?! Alright alright
She's based on many things. She's the "sidekick" character to my evil shenannigans.

Penelope, Gadget Hackwrench, Guyfuy's Gretchen (it's cool we're friends and one of his characters, the armadillo, is basically taken from my sona), a random mouse foot fetish girl by sorcererlance, and Penny from 50percentgrey.

A lot of my characters are based on/stereotyping something/ or referencing something. Mainly from other furries or TV like the Simpsons.

Hot. I can do that. I was gonna give Brie her own story based on her getting an anime episode where she's a squeakin' epic high school anime princess heroine who fights evil.

Very nice work again man! Feel free to upload it! I think people would like it a lot!
I know they would, but I have other things to focus on. Thanks again for your kind words and enthusiasm.

Kek on the anime idea. Inspiration is underrated when making characters, you can’t just make something out of nothing.
(2.2 MB, 2505x1743, foxy_roxy_chicken_little_wg_fat_wip_color_sketch (1).png)
I'm posting this here. It contains scat and extreme kinks like my usual shit. I don't care if you don't like it. I only started making content to feel like I wasn't alone with my weird fetishes and that I could find people into the same shit I am. What a fucking futile effort that was. Even among degenerates I'm too much of a degenerate I guess.

Yeah, I'm into it. It's just one of the many things that I enjoy. Can we just move past this shit and get on with our short lives until we all die or become senior citizens in a retirement home too weak to even wipe our own asses?

It's Foxy from that stupid ass Chicken Little movie. Fetishizing fictional characters from my childhood are one of the few fucking pleasures and joys I have in my life and I can't even have that anymore. I just want to be happy for one fucking day and I can't even get that.

I also uploaded some crap onto my furaffinity, nothing on DA, and fixed my formatting for my writing so it's more legibile and spaced out better. If people like it I'm going to continue doing that going forward.
I’m ok with the act of pooping, as long as the poop can be cleanly removed after, but I’m seriously not into lolicon. Sorry to hear your brain’s fried to that point.

Happiness is something you need to pursue by doing shit you’re not used to. Maybe you need to escape your comfort zone and do volunteer work or something?

If you just need to bitch, keep doing that here. We all have something to complain about with our lives. Chapter 2 of Kujirako is on its way
I would but I already invest most of my time into my YT channel, my writing, and my job doing charlie work at a bar.

Sorry you have to see it. Thanks for not shitting on me. It's not about the age it's about the character. Anything of that content I usually get is for a commission and I'm not fully into it. I just wanna horn on my favorite cartoon girls. That's it. That's all I genuinely want and yet I feel like, once again, the villain for it.

You guys don't really gotta worry about it there is a loli, shota, or cub thread every single day and nobody bats an eye but on the rest of the internet it's become a fucking obnoxious minefield. It's like even if I changed who I am and what I enjoyed for other people they still wouldn't fucking like me so what's the point?
You have a YT channel?

Yeah, because you grew up with these characters, but they can’t grow up with you unless you write it that way. You’re not a villain, you’re just a guy with more vices than others.

Nobody likes anyone on the internet. Maybe it’s best to get off sometimes? Thank you for letting all your shit out here where it can be properly contained.
I would but writing is my main source of income and I refuse to leave anyone hanging no matter how bad my life is going.

Yeah I do, here it is. I mainly play licensed vidya games, abandonware, and weird trash.


Here it is if you're curious. I'm a small channel because I suck at promoting myself.

I'm big into canon accuracy. I'd make them all aged up but the community of twitter twats still complain about it so what's the point?
Fuck twitter twats, they have to be assigned their outrage on a weekly basis like the sheep they are. Age them up anyway, it’s good for your soul.

So it was that channel. I guess you can’t just read your stories or make video essays about ehat you find interesting either.

Writing makes me happy too. Happiness is hard to find in the modern day, but one simple change to your routine can make you feel a lot better. Find out what it is and hold on to it.
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I'm reposting this here. Still haven't got permission yet but I reformatted it/edited it to reflect my current stoiyle.

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Then fill that niche as hard as you can. Even degenerates can strike it rich in this world without prior nepotism

Truly a masterpiece. I hope this matches with your kino. Hope you all appreciate the twist.

Chapter 2 Super Serious, Big and Beautiful
>half of the eating is over
>and it shows
>at over 330 kg
>she can’t even button her shirt up anymore because her breast flesh is too vast
>not even her third chin will allow her to button up her collar
>her pants are torn to shreds from the absolute hams she’s been stuffing in them for the past 25 days
>she can’t button them up either
>so the restaurant has to witness her hairy fupa on display too
>shoes are out of the question for her orb feet that she hasn’t reached in 18 days
>she feels beyond bloated and ridiculous
>even the capsule hotel have left a note requesting her to leave
>“you are too big and fat to fit inside any of our apartments anymore”
>she could just barely squeeze her fat belly out last time
>and every time she squeezed too hard, her noxious gas would wake up all her NEET neighbors
>even her showers had to be done by the cleaning ladies
>she couldn’t reach her lower body anymore
>the muscles barely help
>and she sweats like a pig standing up
>“please either stop eating or GTFO kudasai”
>it was her last day at work too
>“forgive me, Kujirako.”
>it was the hardest decision her bishonen peacock manager had to make
>“You are my best employee. Ever since your ass-blasting arc, revenue has gone up by 1200%”
>“but our customers are going to the hospital because of it, and you’re practically naked”
>“I can’t ask you to lose weight either?”
>those wildcat fuckers won’t give her lodging either despite being the main reason she’s all hot and bothered despite 20 min on her shift
>her meat sweats not helping her in the slightest
>she’s functionally homeless
>but still expected to give her best at work with her blubber coat weighing down every action
>her manager gives her one last encouraging slap on her back rolls to get her day started
>her “SMILE KUDASAI” reveals the barnacles growing under her chins
>her handling of food reveals the sweat pooling under her bingo wings
>she has to move her dump truck ass like a tank to avoid breakage
>the stress is causing her to snack even as customers look
>an all around humiliating experience
>then comes in the ferret salaryman with his usual complaints
>in a fervent argument with his OYABUN over the phone
>seeing his shitty combover sets her over the edge
>she can’t contain her emotions over him any longer
>and her bladder can no longer contain her urine
>“that’s it, TEME! Your combover is flaky and transparent, your suit is tacky, glasses are 8 inches thick, you’re probably not married despite being in your forties, and you have the audacity to criticize me?!”
>you’re… everything I’ve ever wanted in an OTOKO.
>the ferret salaryman looks at her without emotion
>“oyabun… I quit.”
>he loosens his tie
>grabs her fat cheeks
>and kisses her on her sauce-covered lips
>“you are my fiancee now.”
>overwhelmed by lusts and joy, she breaks the countertop in an attempt to mating press her new husbando
>she’s worried that she killed him, but he insists that she not get up after that
>their kissing was so passionate that her sweat coated the entire floor
>this allowed the salaryman to safely slip off his business pants and insert his ochinchin into her belly blowhole
>she’s been starved of sex for so long that the mere prick
>she already came once when she peed, then twice when her belly broke the counter
>this third and final time from grinding her belly on her man had her making whale noises that all of Fukuoka could hear
>and after 76 passionate strokes, the salaryman unloads all of his frustrations into her navel
>she does the same into what use to be the counter and into the friers
>to their horror, the bishonen peacock manager was behind them the whole time
>“while I respect your pursuit for true love, I must ask you both to leave and never return.”
>but as they’re leaving, he high fives the best employee he’s ever known with pride
>the newlyweds then move away from Fukuoka to the countryside so that her husbando can fulfill his dreams of becoming a rice farmer
>ever since then, she’s been showered regularly, built up even more muscle to accommodate her piling blubber, and had a satisfying sex life
>her oji-san fetish has saved her life and helped her fulfill a happiness she couldn’t have in the city
>she says goodnight to him and helps him onto her belly bed
>while he’s asleep, she looks at her framed photo one last time
>of when the ferret salaryman, in a dazed and confused state, first came to her restaurant and shook hands with his employer
>seeing his cute face in utter bewilderment always got her to get up in the morning
>and now she can replace that with their wedding photo

Two chapters left
If you're still taking requests, here's an idea:
Dragoness runs a pyramid scheme where she gets kobolds to peddle useless, but pretty-looking crystals as "alternate medicine", and, as per pyramid schemes go, she gets a slash of the funds. But kobolds are dumb and trade the crystals (as well as getting new hires) for food, with each kobold up the pyramid getting fatter and slobbier, with the dragoness on top reaching immobility with severe gastrointestinal issues.
When the pyramid begins to collapse, the greedy low-rung kobolds one level above the newest hries just eat their unfortunate underlings, growing fatter and unhealthier in the process, only for THEIR bosses to do the same. Thus, the pyramid implodes, with each "level" becoming fatter, slobbier and unhealthier from eating the one bellow it, until it finally reaches the dragoness, who's own greed makes her eat the now immobile and barely alive lardball "top" kobolds, thinking she's made of tougher stuff...
...She isn't. The sudden influx of grease and fat overtaxes her entire body all at once, causing her to literally explode like a lard-filled balloon, despite her ruined GI track doing its best to vent pressure on either ends.

Or alternately, She succeeds in eating the big kobolds and sleeps it off.
Anything in particular that inspired you to get a drawing of obese slob foxy loxy or was it an "on the whim" thing

Southern Belle or Bully?

And where's Runt? He's digesting.
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I'll write you something but not right now. I'm not feeling mentally up to it. I'm not in a goober mood.

Bully for me BUT I also like the southern belle and the adult version from Ace In Action. You might be wondering why I didn't comm the ace in action one.

I W I L L B U T B U L L Y B A B E C O M E S F I R S T.

I like the 1943 version too. It reminds me of Br'er Fox from Song Of The South. That's a story I wanna write. A fetish story about B'rer Rabbit because he's hot. It's kinda hard to write the story without making it into a racist shitpost though.

On a whim. I was going to comm Kitty Katswell yet again but I stopped myself. I need to diversify my shit from comming Wendy Corduroy, Sandy Cheeks, or Kitty Katswell every fucking comm.
>That version of Foxy Loxy
I’m all for it. I don’t know if anyone’s asked you yet, but how do you feel about Runt being the one to force a permanent mind break on her? He’s not a very likable character.
To be fair none of them are. Foxy Loxy is the only salvagable one besides Little himself. HOWEVER I also like the ugly duckling. She gives my boner good vibes. She's that ugly type of hot that could drain the cum out of your balls using your beak.

Runt would make an excellent snack for her and I ain't even into vore. Of course, the aliens could also replace her mind with his so she become a nervous eater.
>To be fair none of them are.
No they are not. Glad we established that.

I’m in favor of that so long as it renders Runt completely brain dead and out of the picture.

Or that the brainwaves change significantly when she gets older.
You have any more art you commissioned that artist? I like his style
Its an official style from a video game adaptation

About the 1943 fox fanfic. Have you considered writing it on FA and making a direct sequel to the original short film?

Where can I find that image? And who made ot?
Anonymoose commer.
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I'm thinking of giving up on being in the community to be honest. I just got rejected by two artists I really cared about and it seems like no matter what I do, unless I completely changed myself into something I'm not, I'll never truly be welcomed here. I'm constantly on edge and on my guard and nothing really makes me happy anymore.

I tried to be the last holdout on trying to tell people to embrace their creative freedom and rights to enjoy the things they fucking like but it's a losing battle on a hill I'm dying on. I'm tired of being backstabbed by people I once respected. I ain't really liked here, there, or anywhere.

I honestly just straight up give up which sucks because I was working tirelessly to try and improve myself and my old content for everyone. Now I don't really see the fucking point of it anymore.

If you truly wanted me gone you got your wish. I'm out. I'm going to finish and upload my comms/trades and that's it. I'm not posting it publically because I don't want people to reach out or change their mind. I respect other people's choices even if it hurts me deeply in the process or I disagree with it. I may yell out my beef but I do feel a differing opinion is important.

There ain't room on the internet for people like me anymore. I constantly live in fear that nobody will really truly accept or like me for who I am even when I give them unconditional respect and encouragement for their weird shit. How about my friends? Would they actually really like who I am? You guys are probably the closest to know what I enjoy and I know a lot of people enjoy my weird shit or gross fetish stuff.

I'm just straight up tired of waking up and feeling like I'm hurting the people I care about by being around them or being myself.

Please don't reach out to me about this. I'm just telling you so you know what is going to happen in a contained place I can vent.
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Please don't message or talk to me about this. I'm doing this for everyone. It's for the best. I'll finish up my stuff, refund anyone I can't finish once I get paid, and then I'm just gonna...vanish. Yeah. For good. Forever. It was nice while it lasted and I appreciate the few good years that we spent together. I'll treasure it always. Even if you hate me I hope you know I did it all for you. I tried my damndest and I failed.

Cya later, space cowboys.
Just move to InkBunny and ArchiveOfOurOwn, just hang out with people that have fetishes and not mental ilness.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Sending a wall of text into a server of people who already hate you.
When I told you to forgive them I meant internally like move on ….forgive don’t interact with those people and just move on. No one even fucking knew you or remembered you. You blipped out 4 months ago.
You could have gotten away fresh slate and everything. It’s like you want to self sabotage and self destruct.

I’m really sorry you lost your server but you’re just making shit worse.

You should leave..for a while at least.
Touch some grass. Take a month or two offline if you can. Try to meet up locally with people and stop going online. Or go to a writing server and stop writing controversial fetish stuff o pop openly. Change your name. Yes the internet is changing.
You sound like a conservative.. do you think they liked when women could have penises now? Now you know how they feel.
Everything changes. You have to change with it or at least pretend to for your own mental health. Leave all your online furry drama bullshit alone and touch grass homie. For your own mental safety.
Cause the direction you’re going will only lead to ruin.

Please please just stop interacting with the people who hate you. Try to forgive them !!INTERNALLY!!
And move on.
Imagine what you text someone trying break up with you lol
No, I wouldn't have. That's why I did what I did. Something happened between us talking and today. Something that changed everything. Something that made me realize where I stand.

You don't get it. I'm leaving. LEAVING. Not just the fetish space but I might be leaving for good.

I said my feelings and peace. They never even gave me that chance after all I fucking done for them.
Sorry to see you leave before I finish my Kujirako story
Screw it. I'm not going to off myself. At least not right now. I was going to but I'm too much of a fucking pussy
You deserve love and appreication like everyone else and I'm sorry if you were made to feel like you don't.

I sincerely hope you find happiness in the things you make or with other people again..
Ejaculate then tell us how you feel after. Most times its just sex deprived emotional stressors
I'm going to cum a fucking bucket. I'm having those "don't think about yourself after 9:00 P.M" feelings.

You know even after I posted that shit in the group I just wanted to say my thoughts and kinda tell people how I was mentally feeling. Basically I got more dogpiling and basically them being A-Okay with my suicide because I do things they don't like.

Maybe I am being self destructive today. I don't know anymore. Maybe I just don't feel like I got anything to lose. I just hurt and nobody takes my feelings seriously. I feel like a joke.
You need to ejaculate
You can jerk off to ch 2 of Kujirako before you go.
Jews got caught jerking off in front of peoples homes.
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Sorry for worrying you guys I don't know what the fuck I was thinking I just had a sanity relapse. I was so hurt that I went into a dark place. I'm going to play TF2, take a break, and try to avoid any bad thoughts for the rest of the day.

I'm not quitting or committing suicide. At least not right now. Let's forget this ever happened, okay?
>>62948 (Dead)
I ain't paying money for therapy. I'd rather burn the money. Therapy is a quack.
Burn calories instead. Exercise is the best therapy.
Tickle my balls and yank my foreskin. Honestly, you should be sniffing penis stink forever. The bad kind of penis stink
(111 KB, 768x408, Never-Give-Up-768x408.png)
No problem man,shit sucks but there's so much to life to just give up,been a fan of your work since i saw your first stories on Furaffinity and your determination to make stuff even when some people are gonna hate it is inspiring, I've been wanting to be more of an actual presence online and in this fandom and your work is some of my biggest motivation to do it, i'm shit at talking without feeling i'm gonna make matters worse but i just wanted to say that just take your time and don't give up
Sorry about earlier guys. I'm fine now. I just needed to get it off my chest. I kinda bottle my emotions. I'll be okay and won't be leaving or nothing. Gonna take a mental health break. A serious one.
I write shotacon (12 years boys and girls) and cub (young characters like Simba) gaining weight, slob and even a bit of sexual content and I don't care.
That video is unironically motivational as fuck. They should show that in schools. Thanks man. I needed to hear stuff like that especially after that wall of text was basically ignored when it was basically a rough suicide note.

I'm glad you're just doing whatever makes you happy and doing the content you wanna do. It's just I have a very hyper specific kink of people who don't much care for me since I'm doing all the weird ass fucked shit and having edgelord humor. Prob why they didn't take me seriously tbh.
Found you. Hurt your emotions because its what youre doing. Your god isnt real.
Youre trolling. You treat your own kids like shit. You and your husband. Your daughter secretly wNts to murder both of you in your sleep
Your mistake is one or the two below:
- Taking yourself too seriously.
- Mixing real life.
How the daughter.
I'm glad my words lifted you up even with my shitty english,as someone who has writed enough suicide notes to fill a darn book i undertand how much it heals having someone hearing you and undertanding.Idk what more to say but if you want we can talk more through steam since it's the only social media i actually use.
On more positive notes, since my mental breakdown yesterday, I might work on more character.aI bots today. Am I cool to post them on my thread?
Uh... WTF is going on? I leave for a day an some kinda drama is going on that im absolutely confused about
Oh wait…wrong thread.
Eh its not to different from whats posted and discussed since this thread also has a lot of gross slobby women in it
Yeah I'm done. We're good. Sorry about that. I genuinely am. I just had a really bad day and kinda snapped.
GSA went into a server he was booted from and sent a wall of text to a bunch of people who hate him and are unforgiving. In hopes of getting another fur unbanned.

Gravity that’s not how you get someone unbanned. In fact the mere association with you is grounds for being permabanned by these people and you should know that by now.
You know the phrase they always use “if there’s 1 Nazi at a table and 10 citizens then there’s 11 Nazis at a table” they constantly cancel each other just for association of association. Being friends with someone whose friends with some who is canceled makes you an enemy in their eyes. LITERALLY!

Why the hell did you think for a second you could get through to them with a ten paragraph trauma dumping?
You can’t.
That’s why it’s best for you to just move on. People will still commission you for you specific niches.

At least you still have Bbwchan and other similar websites to pump your product.
Why do you call out of work every week? Youre going to get fired.
For me it's fine since there's not really a do not post ia stuff outside of /bbwai/ rule and people check out this thread for your stuff anyway.
I felt bad about getting him banned even though he brought something private up so I wanted to make it right. He didn't do anything fucking wrong. The shit I said to the staff, while true, wasn't shit compared to the shit they have already done in the past.

I TRIED TO SHOW ACTUAL HUMAN EMOTION AND MY FEELINGS. I WAS TIRED OF HURTING PEOPLE. I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE BETTER IF I JUST LEFT OR DIED. ALRIGHT? That was my thought process. I just didn't wanna hurt anyone I gave a fuck about anymore.

What I wrote was basically a suicide note but everything word was fucking true about my thoughts. About the taint they brought. They fucking think I should kill myself because I jack off to Susie to Deltarune while defending the floraverse grooming. I thought I could, just, fuck I don't know. I thought I could just go away forever because I thought I was doing more damage than good to people.

But seeing what those fucks said just made me want to continue living out of spite which is what I usually do anyway.

I'm a complicated person and I don't expect you to understand what I said yesterday or what my train of thought was running on. I genuinely want to set things right but if they won't even give me a chance to speak then fuck them.
Was this discord beef or something, sorry if im fanning th flames but im just curious about what the hell just happened
Yeah Discord beef I don't care anymore. I really don't. I'm done and moving on to greener pastures where the skies are not cloudy all day.
Yeah the less you associate with the idiotic leftoid furries the better, they'll throw you or your friends under the bus for even having slightly different views than them and think they're the good guys after trying to ruin your lives (I hate to bring politics into this but like all of these asshole furry fetish people are lefties and like 90% of furries are leftists)

Like one of the things I gauge an artist for besides how fucked up they are is what their personal veiws and beleifs are. 80% of these fuckers are wannabee political activists that dont stfu about it and dehumanize anyone who they dont like, and those are the kinda guys I never want to associate with. Holding a conversation with a crackhead in an alleyway would be more stable and safe than doing having one with one of those guys.

Despite my bias I know that not all of these guys who are part of the left side of the spectrum are faggot assholes but an insane majority are
Sextapes but throwing men under the bus right. I had a feeling. Thats why I dont even bother looking their way lol
I'm not even right wing is the sad part about all of this which is part of the reason they ain't defending me. They think I'm a chud and that's fucking bullshit the only time I mention politics is to make fun of it.

I hate all politicians and all of that shit. I like my edgy jokes, sure, but I believe in freedom for everyone regardless of sex, race, disability, etc. The ability to create, marry, and be who they wanna be. That's part of the reason I felt dejected. I feel like true freedom is a dying concept now.

The worst thing ever is going to someone's twitter you love and seeing nothing but a wall of retweets on (current politician here) without any art or even anything fun. It's like their whole personality and life revolves around licking boots or scuffing boots of people who couldn't give less of a shit about them.


Oh, please don't leave! Why cannot you stay? Please stay for one more hour! Do not travel to the west or east. Just stay right here, and we promise that we will behave ourselves!

A writer like you should never leave us until you are out of ideas!

Hey, buddy, why are you so shy?
You fled away as I wanted to say hello!
If you want to stop, I can talk to you.
You might appreciate it if you try taking a chance and stopping and staying instead of hiding and running away!

I absolutely need someone to discuss my ideas with today!

Hello, guy, my, oh my!
You're not interested in this community, and I don't see why!
What would a kind person have to do to spend time with you?

And I defend you, btw.
Is that a song?
This is Wildcat's pathetic attempt at simping. He may very well be asking Gravity for a vial of his bath water. Lmao.
While my views do differ quite a bit from yours about things I do agree about the sorry fucking state of things in the US right now regarding freedom of speech.

Also for the love of God, these fuckers need to stop making their fetishism a political platform. Not even satire layered upon satire like you do but honest to God genuine political statements and messages in their drawings of obese fatfuck animal people. Dont you love it when some artist makes a 4th of july themed drawing instead of doing classic patriotism with a side of "Americans are fat and eat unhealthy shit lol" like God intended you just draw your fatfuck oc with USA sweatpants saying "ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE" written in all caps instead so your echo chamber of fellow lefties can clap and praise you for your stunning statement about baby killing? Like its not even doing anything beneficial for whatever stupid views you have and is counterproductive. Im sure the average Joe will support your *instert political thing here* by seeing it on the absurdly fat ass of a gay femboy furry or whatever.

Fetish art should not have any actual serious politics in it. It should either just be good natured or more edgy natured satire that even a idiot would get is just satire. I just blame people from both outside and inside the furry fandom thinking furries are forever tied to and part of the far left and the existence of furries are political by nature. Its fucking not, its weirdos who have this weird infatuation with animals that are also humanoidish.

would you buy it?


>Made a 4th of July story about obese eagles
Does this mean I'm not invited to your barbeque?
>Idiot posts Gravity's story on DA without permission despite making it clear is secret and for a com
>Now he's making some dumb ass song thats tone death regarding the situation at hand an he probably thinks was clever as an atempt to get in his good graces

This fucker is a prime example of an annoying and autistic obessive fan, he's like this with a decent amount of fatfur artists who visit here and on 4chan proper, as well as on DA. My word of advice for any artist that encounters Wildcat is to just ignore him and when he doesnt stop bugging you just block him and any burner accounts he has
>would you buy it?
No offense but God no

>Made a 4th of July story about obese eagles
>Does this mean I'm not invited to your barbeque?

Nah that story was literally an example of classic 4th of july fat fetish joke art taken to the absolute extreme, your fine dude. Even if am not a fan of incest and people dying via obesity explosion. There was no fugggin politics it was just fat fuck patriots, its the inverse of what I hate
None taken I wouldn't either.

I wanna do another 4th of July story but making it more of like "modern day murica'" and the corruption of patriotism from an obesity epidemic.
Maybe it'd be to on the nose but you could make something about a fat elephant lady and donkey lady having this feirce rivalry and hatred for each other. They then make some kinda bet or competiton revolved around eating or whatever and it results in both of them eating themselves to the cusp of death and it ending in a tie (or you could just have them die, since thats usually what happens in your stories and your the boss)>>63067
Maybe it'd be to on the nose but you could make something about a fat elephant lady and donkey lady having this feirce rivalry and hatred for each other. They then make some kinda bet or competiton revolved around eating or whatever and it results in both of them eating themselves to the cusp of death and it ending in a tie (or you could just have them die, since thats usually what happens in your stories and your the boss)
dunno wtf happened with it repeating itself lmao
That'd be perfect for election season I'll take your idea into serious consideration as inspiration

Also can I post humans on this thread or nah?
Well this board only exist because the normies will have an anxiety attack if the see a animal character. Dunno how strict the inverse is here. Like maybe you can get away with posting 1 humie, but I dunno man, last thing I want is some mod to ban ya for stupid shit

Also thanks for taking it into consideration, thats the second one so far (I made another story suggestion back in the 4chan thread you also said you put on the idea list or whatever) I'm flattered
Excuse me? Is this JM or CB?
Get out of my account and stop harassing me or I’ll call the cops.

Exactly good riddance to them, just move on to a better life without them.. there’s always going to be people who dislike. You can’t make everyone happy. Just try to make yourself and your friends happy and healthy.
The recent one? Glad to know you got some good ideas. Hey, if you ever wanna chat, my door is always open (for everyone except people who are going to backstab me)

I don't wanna make my own human thread for early posts because I don't have enough human content to justify it.

That's the problem this all came out because I couldn't make a friend happy and felt like I failed them. I dunno.
>Hey, if you ever wanna chat, my door is always open (for everyone except people who are going to backstab me)

Thats nice of you to offer and I might do it someday if I ever feel like. But dont expect us to become bffs or anything if it happens, I dont wanna sound rude but im just putting that out there. I also dont do voicechat or videochat or whatever for obvious reasons.

Maybe i'll commision you one day or something, your a pretty versatile writter an have no real qualms about writting anything fat related from the looks of it. I do share most of your kinks regarding slobby blobby ssbbws, excpet for the fact I really dont like death stuff
Yeah same to you just saying I am approachable I'm not some dark wizard high up in my fucking tower

I can do regular stuff in fact i've been trying to branch out into doing more "normie" wg and slob content.
Its funny, 5 years ago and before that i wasnt into more extreme slob like farting and only liked vanilla ssbbw furs with maybe some sweating or messy eating. But due to the sheer about of great art that had farting content as alts or otherwise and other reasoning I started to get really into farting fat ladies instead of finding it gross or annyoing. And more recently like around 3-2 years ago i got into ssbbw scat content to, but only when its drawn by specific artists. So im not really a normie slob enjoyer as now I honestly prefer it if a drawing has a fart version or not and I like scat stuff certain times. For example when you write fat women farting up an storm and spreading their pheromones and femstank everywhere its great. And same for most instances of you writting women absolutly destroying their assholes with massive shitlogs to.
I learned from the best when it came to slob but a lot of my older work is rough but right now I think is my whole ren

Actually, I'm just telling GSA something positive.

That was in the past.

Aww!! That makes my heart good to hear appreciation for your art! I support you!
Jesus just please just stop trying to be an unlikable egotistical autist for a single day and pretending that you arent a mass art dumping thread ruiner. You do this shit with every single artist that visits.
Meh just leave him be. Even if he's trolling he's one of the more positive people I had the misfortune of meeting in the past 24 hours.

I ain't going nowheres.
Eh fair enough, but to us he's still an absolute thorn in the side that thinks he so cute and funny for derailing and ruining threads with his retarded kink shoehorning. I guess we should be "lucky" that our annoying cunt is just a sub iq autist and not something far worse.

BTW Im curious, what new batch of stories are you working on to post on fur? Is it all just commisions or are there some self serving stories comming soon to?
Well good news is I got permission to post my kino story. I have to edit it a bit but other than that it's good to go.

I have been feeling pretty down myself and busy with work/shit homelife so I haven't been working on much to be honest. I don't like sharing writing early I think it's more fun for peeps to read it start to finish.

I'm on a mental health break right now
Ah well take a rest dude
Jonda Sue mccoy get the fuck out of my account and leave me alone or i'll send you back to jail.
do you miss it? was it a sweet little vacation a little get away from your kids? its not my fault you dont use condoms.
Leave me alone or i will call the cops.
Nothing I just talked to him like a normal functioning non-autistic member of society. First time for everything.
Good for the both of you.

Yeah. No drama should ever happen on this site.
I have asperger's syndrome you retarded fuck.

Yes you do. But you should watch the potty mouth, honey.
So you were trolling everyone wow I gotta say 10/10 you actually almost had me fooled for a minute.

Do you do this professionally?
>have asperger's syndrome
>call someone else retarded

Kettle, pot just called. He said you're black.
Read above. He's been doing this kinda shit to a bunch of artist threads. Literally saying and doing everything possible to tick someone off. I can take a lot of things but not being able to say or self describe myself as autistic when I am is fucking stupid.

Nope I was not trolling anybody.
also bro you got that from the autism speaks website like come the fuck on they're the P.E.T.A of the sperg charities.

And please do not judge me.
This troll is for me GSA

Stand down. …

She’s here for me I’m sorry I brought my drama into your thread. Some people just don’t have the manners.

Can we take this a little more private? You have my email. Tell me your extortion threat.
.. or fuck off.
More like he wastes his life doing it, fucker posted his ugly mug twice on the chans and not only revealed himself but his poor mom in the background. Sad sack of potatoes literally lives with his mom and does nothing be be a nuisance on fat fetish treads
Why did you think this was a good idea to taunt me with this?
Like you hacked my email 👏👏👏

Why reveal it? Are you mentally retarded. Did you bang your head in the courthouse?
Also it’s been ten years why are you bothering me again? I’ve literally had no interactions with you I just want you to fuck off and leave me alone.
Tonight is called calling friends on friends. Told you I know everyone. Call again lmao
Sorry wildcat is it?
I don’t mean to be rude and I understand you’re having a moment with secret agent gravity. And this is his thread

But I’m addressing my stalker and harasser who just showed up re reterrorize me after ten years in this thread. So if you could sca-daddle
for a bit I would appreciate it.
I do feel harassed actually
You’re wildcat? What’s your story? Why do they call you Wildcat? Are you a stone toss fanboy?
It be your own family. Lmao could of lost yo kid shawty
Are you black? Why do black people speak in such weird linguistics?
You’re African American so guess you really like dragonBallZ and red lobster.
Oh let me try to assimilate and speak your lingo.

True dat homie them playahs are kray kray. Yo wut i mean. Waz good? Homes?

But also just stop responding please
I dont know how to speak monkey hoodrat
Thats comical. Ask the irs who made more money. You or me. Crakker
oh so you're not black your just an autistic white guy.
malibu's most wanted here. listening to eniniem and limp bisket thinking hes gangsta

Because I am wild.

End of discussion
Can we all just fucking stop this shit? Myself included. This shouldn't be a vent thread. This is a porn website. Let's just go back to talking about fat shit and writing and all of that good stuff, okay?

I'm sorry for starting this, was in a bad headspace, now let's just get back to the one thing we can all agree on. Fap fuel.
Stay away from women with no ass! Bad for business!!!!!!
I got fat shit and writing with Kujirako Chapter 3 later today. It’ll be out when it’s out.

Venting a little is ok but we’ll bring it back now. Can you write anything right now?
Yeah I know he didnt find that acceptable those bitches is weirdos
ofc venting a little is okay but people are talking like gangsters from a 1990s hood movie, yelling at one another, and bringing weird personal drama here as well about their marriage life? I truly don't know what the fuck is going on.
Yeah keep your extended family out of your main family affairs. Theyre non union after all fuck em theyre not coming with us.
also why the fuck are people replying to everything I say and talking like a bad AI chat bot program?
Because your jewish job and pay sucks
poopie on me head pls
It’s only the one schizo. Don’t worry about him too much.
(194 KB, 768x499, Rice farming reference.JPG) (134 KB, 1280x854, Kyushu rice field.JPG) (171 KB, 1280x820, Barely there.JPG) (75 KB, 538x460, Ryu Hayabusa.PNG) (1.5 MB, 2009x1435, Wardrobe malfunction.PNG) (7.5 MB, 640x360, WELCOME TO THE RICE FIELDS.GIF)
Here it is. Hope you all like it even if you are a bunch of schizos

Chapter 3 Universally Super Serious, Big and Beautiful
>75 days down
>another hundred kilos up
>430 in total
>thank goodness she moved to the countryside, Japan
>even is somehow the residents were even smaller
>or maybe it’s because she’s bigger
>it hasn’t been easy farming in a rice field either
>but it sure beats the claustrophobic confines of the city
>the ferret farmer has been feeling it too
>ever since his change in career choices, he’s been looking healthier and less bald than ever
>or that might be because he’s wearing a straw hat
>Kujirako can no longer fit in her city clothes
>neither her old work outfit nor her gyaru getup can contain her size able, wobbling ass
>since the incident back in WcDonals, she’s worn nothing but farming clothes for most occasions
>her obesity has made everything difficult
>forget shoes, this wobbly whale can no longer even reach past her belly to trim her toenails off her fat feet
>thankfully, her skin is strong enough to walk barefoot on rural roads
>and her husband is more than patient enough to help her with personal hygiene
>especially when getting tree-trunk calf deep into water when picking individual grains of rice
>her overall jorts can barely cover her thighs
>or the fat rolls seeping out of them
>you wouldn’t know that unless she was pushing her bare belly out of the way
>her bay max window not even getting an attempt at coverage
>always sweating, always gurgling for more and release, her tummy is an eyesore to most
>even if secretly her husband enjoys it
>her husband doesn’t enjoy slacking off, however, so he’s super strict about how much exercise and work she takes on
>this is something Kujirako secretly enjoyed about her husband
>and it bore results
>even if she needed extra help to pull her bingo wings away from her smothered armpits, she now had enough arm and back meat to lift small cars
>good for helping her hubby park
>bad for her wardrobe, as all her shirts only cover her tits now
>she had to cut the sleeves off of most of them
>even Kujirako’s conical hat accentuated her multiple chins fighting for room on her face
>what a messy, sweaty, ginormous fatty
>however, even with all this difficulty, Kujirako was thankful she was able to function, albeit with a lot of help
>but her wardrobe and weight weren’t the only obstacles they faced
>ferret farmer’s pancreatic cancer has taken a turn for the worse
>it’s gotten a little better ever since he pulled himself out of a stressful environment
>but not by much
>so they try to enjoy every moment together that they can
>even their nights together like this particular one
>where they slept together in the cozy April rain
>but not alone
>late at night, 5 hooded figures snuck into their rural abode
>they immediately seized Kujirako in her sleep
>they couldn’t lift her away, for obvious reasons
>but that didn’t stop them from placing their sneaky hands all over her blubbery, jiggly flesh
>the sounds of slapping flesh immediately woke up the ferret farmer sleeping on her belly
>and he yelled at the ninjas to leave
>but as he was yelling, he fell over by accident and got into a coughing fit
>not even a 9.0-9.1 earthquake could wake up Kujirako
>but the sounds of her husband hyperventilating woke her right up from her Hello Kitty dreams
>all it took was a sit up and a growl from this normally gentle giantess to have the shinobi quivering in their sock-boots
>she demanded an explanation, and one offered one by unmasking himself
>it was her bishonen peacock ex-manager
>the other four were clones
>he tried getting his expensive ring back from Kujirako’s flabby folds
>but was too embarrassed to tell her, so he cloned himself and they became ninja to save face for everyone
>“so sorry, a MILLION apologies. I need that ring for my host side-gig”
>the ferret farmer insisted on fishing it himself because he didn’t want anyone else intimate with his literal landwhale wife
>it was deep in Kujirako’s fourth back fold, but they retrieved it and handed it back to her former employer
>with that business finished, the newlywed couple go back to sleep
>the day before ferret farmer’s health takes a turn for the worse
Once again a good read, be sure to compile this all and upload it. It shouldn't just be for like the five real people, myself, and two schitzos that are on this thread.

Where you getting the pics like "barely there" because it's really fitting.
Thanks, but unfortunately, I don’t know how or where to compile then upload.

It’s from JS463/Mackbeard3, the whale pics are from thatbluewhale and then I google other images.

Thanks for reading, only two chapters left (4 and ending). It’ll be out by early next week
(5.0 MB, 4992x2671, uuzeyy.png) (5.1 MB, 4992x2671, 3k0d65.png)
She's very purdy.

Also as usual here's a sneak peak of the uploads before I get around to bulk uploading.

This one is the most kino thing I have gotten imo.

Feel free to upload in another thread like the health issues but give credit to me. I want people to know who is responsible for ruining their day.

Pubic hair was an after thought for me. I wanted to make it look like she was kinda unshaven/slovenly/been there a LONG time.

As if Noelle kidnapped her with promises of ham sammies and chocolate chalk cake
It’s not your fault he does it strange. That’s some good visual storytelling too.
Still one of the nicest and best artists I've had the pleasure to work with. He's a real one.

Sequel already in the works. I'm also going to get him to draw Lottie Tush. I think he can do her lumpy pudding ass very good.
How ironic, the most schizophrenic seeming one is the nicest.

I look forward to it. I don’t remember who that is.
(2.7 MB, 7800x3300, GravitySecretAgent design sheet.png)
Well to be fair, I have the malkavian curse. Anyone who is schitzo, crazy, or weird I usually get along with. It's the normies or the people who pretend to be mentally sane with that I have the most trouble when it comes to dialogue options.

also her my 60s swinging spy gal based on Austin Powers and Cate Archer

New Character.AI bot for Vanessa Moonfang who is my goth coon girl. Let me know your thoughts or if you run into any problems. She might be tweaked before I announce her.

I'm not sure what other characters I got left. Brie, Agnes Scrimshaw, and some more fan OC stuff I suppose
More bots because I have free will and my own thread and I can shill my garbage if I so please.


Brie Mozzarella bot ^ Focusing more on inflation, regular weight gain, TF, and misc kinks either on you or on her.

A bot based on Null. The fennec fox from the story "The Flabby Fennec Fox" done for my friend

and finally because nobody has done it properly yet

A Serleena from MIB bot involving XWG, vore, slob, and alien dating.
I'm also working on a sequel to "love that bomb" for the guy that has been posting it here. I've been meaning to do the comm for a while but seeing what he wrote inspired me to just finish it off.
Thanks. I’m going to have Chapter 4 either today or tomorrow. After that, I’ll work on a true ending, but I was wondering if J could request a bad ending from you? Forgive me for going at a snail’s pace. But I would live to see your sequel first.
More details after I post it. I’m haply that I inspired you despite all the problems with the thread.
It wasn't just the thread but life in general and the people in it. It's hard to describe how and what I am feeling right now.

I'll do the bad ending once you finish the little series. Gives you reason to continue it.

Don't forget the good and neutral endings!
I didn’t think of a neutral ending. Maybe I’ll come up with a WTF one

Thanks, I’ll set up the parameters after chapter 4
(245 KB, 2600x1800, Blow up or shit?.PNG) (364 KB, 1049x750, A thousand apologies.png) (155 KB, 1280x960, Mobile no more.JPG) (1.2 MB, 1334x750, Why does Goji-san care so much about this kid?.png) (3.2 MB, 2146x1717, Slamwiches.PNG)
Chapter 4 Immobilized by fear and loathing
>it is the final day of eating
>or it would be had every other eater not died from heart attacks, choking, or even literal bursting (poor queen bee) from gluttonous desires
>Kujirako was the only one left who could eat this biomass of destruction
>and it’s not like she had anywhere to go either
>ever since that stressful ninja day, the ferret farmer’s pancreas acted up
>to the point of critical condition
>and while he languishes in the hospital, kujirako needs to trust the bishonen peacock with their livelihood
>because she lost her mobility from stress eating only hours later
>she has become a fully immobile blob at a literal metric ton (1016 kg)
>she’s all alone in a sea of her own body blubber
>worse still, the biomass is still around, even with all her eating
>at some point, the wildcats tell her the truth
>how the Japanese government made a fart bomb out of a person after seeing the Americans do it many years ago
>how fart bombs proliferated across the globe
>and how the practice has since been discontinued ever since their failure with Bushiki
>her grandmother
>by sheer coincidence, the final eater of the biomass was her granddaughter
>her son was orphaned after their failure
>somehow he’d been born ten years after the catastrophic events (>>59566) that reduced his mother into the dead, hazardous biomass Kujirako was forced to eat
>and became an abusive drunk who terrorized his own family after being deprived of the love of a mother himself
>that was, until Kujirako met her best friend, Goji-chan, and her father, Goji-san, a stereotypically stressed and balding lizard businessman, set him straight with a job and an ass-whooping
>since that day, Kujirako developed a businessman fetish
>but more importantly, she swore that no matter how big she got, she’d treat everyone with kindness
>even long after their fathers’ KAROSHIs
>but with her husband KAROSHIing himself and goji-chan missing, Kujirako feels lonloer than ever
>she was at least twice the heights of the wildcat manlets who stood at an average 5’
>she was completely naked too
>forced to sweat and digest over constant supervision
>sometimes they’d have to rub her all over or even tickle her with feather dusters to get things moving in her belly
>but never any real physical touch, it was all done with cold, unfeeling automations behind a glass door
>all they can offer her in the way of emotional comfort
>was a thousand apologies
>they were clearly afraid of another failure
>and Kujirako, despite her typical gyaru attitudes, was a forgiving landwhale
>but she was still miserable in her body
>her feet hadn’t touched the ground in days, but it’s felt like years since she’s walked
>she hated how sensitive they were to everything
>including tickles
>not much she could do except crease the fat balls from wiggling her toes
>which had toenails in desperate need of cutting
>she was thankful that they weren’t swallowed by her calves
>despite being the size of a cylindrical mixer tank each
>so swollen with rolls and liquid were they that they’d sometimes burst fluid out
>that would fill back up as quickly as it came out
>in fact, a lot of acne has formed on her body from rejecting the biomass
>they itch like crazy
>but when they pop, it’s like scratching an itch GOOD
>she desperately wishes she could reach the offending zits herself
>especially on her hairy fupa, where they congregate near her sensitive clit
>an area her husband would be servicing regularly had he not fallen ill
>completely buried between her roll-filled thunder thighs
>they thundered and clapped every time her ass opened to release gallons of gas
>sometimes scratching multiple itches at a time
>her ass crack itself has hairy and lined with pulsating pus pockets
>her cheeks forbid her from scratching inside sheerly from how far they stuck out
>and her arm were having trouble already lifting themselves from the blubber anchoring them in place
>she hasn’t opened her pits in a while, but he could feel them getting sweatier and hairier every passing day
>it was her only for of exercise lifting them above her head, and exercise was the only thing giving her hope and sanity
>her fat mitts weren’t good for grabbing anymore anyway
>she had to be fed by the wildcats for that
>she hated how they climbed her
>using her happy trail to grip on
>then latching on to her leaky breasts
>that practically farted out sweat and pus themselves from the zits lining the areolae and the heat from her underboobs
>she hated how she had enough neck rings to step on like a staircase
>and she haded how far the fat had obscured her vision
>face cheeks too heavy to move, the biomass has to be blended and poured down her overworked throat
>always swallowing mass then belching for more
>living in her body is a nightmare of disgusting pleasures
>she hated how great it felt feeling all this fat and release circulating her useless body
>worse than all of that, however. was the hunger it demanded from her
>physically she felt full to bursting
>her stomach was always trying to push out solids, liquids, and gases to make way for more biomass
>the same biomass that was rotting and stinky
>no matter how much mayo and takoyaki sauce they put on it
>but mentally, she wanted as much of that biomass in her belly as possible
>she was addicted to feeling full and becoming bigger and more disgusting
>that way she could feel something that wasn’t soul-crushing loneliness
>she’d cry herself to sleep often
>as her mobility disappeared, so did her hope
>but her grandmother needed to be put to rest
>somehow, turning into a planet pimple and being eaten alive hadn’t killed her yet
>the least Kujirako could do was give her ailing grammy the send off she deserves
>all she could do is move her arms, digest, and pray to kami-sama she’d still be herself in the end

Bad end parameters
>she loses the battle
>her husband dies and Goji-chan remains gone
>she becomes yet another failure like her grandmother
>but unlike her, she doesn’t want to hurt burgerland
>or anyone for that matter
>bisonen peacock finds her using his inexplicable telepathic abilities
>genocides the wildcats
>gets a good look at how far her body has degraded health and hygiene wise
>and honors her wishes to become the second in her seppuku
>she holds gas in until her belly bursts so gas can safely escape (because whale corpses fill with gas fast)
>and bishonen peacock, being her second, cuts her neck cleanly despite being swaddled in blubber so she doesn’t have to suffer
>that is, she doesn’t have to suffer the pain that comes after the initial, rapturous pleasure of bursting

If you have questions or inputs, let me know before you start the bad end. Thank you all for reading.
You do know I can code this lol I designed it
(218 KB, 721x621, Weight loss.JPG) (179 KB, 1255x1280, Swimming to mobility.JPG) (188 KB, 1280x845, The desire.JPG) (1.4 MB, 1280x1280, Victory is sweet.PNG) (2.0 MB, 3024x3336, Goji-chan.JPG) (3.5 MB, 2567x1435, Mobile again (just barely).PNG)
(CW: Weight LOSS, toilet)
True Ending: desires that aren’t morbid or obese
>something snapped inside Kujirako when she contemplated her and her grandmother’s fate
>how she let herself become a pimple on the globe and how all she thought about after was the destruction of Burgerland
>a desire implanted into her by the government
>when was the last time Kujirako allowed herself to desire things?
>her whole life she’s been too passive
>getting a degree to make her mother happy, letting her father walk all over them, taking the ferret businessman’s abuse instead of marrying him instantly, being a pathetic wagie despite her size and education
>letting some no-name organization take her best friend
>now her life was on the line, and she was going to reclaim it
>but first, she had to finish the biomass
>and she needed to put out as much as she took in
>she exercised as much as her blubber-encased body would allow
>especially her abdomen
>although it was bloated beyond belief, she strained and constricted as much of it as she could
>the result was better digestion
>and smoother shits
>with her bigger body came bigger logs just sitting in her digestive tract refusing to come out
>thankfully, the wildcats had a built in system for cleaning every biomess she made when they did
>even laxatives were provided
>but Kujirako knew it needed to happen more frequently to make progress
>and progress was shown when the biomass became smaller than Kujirako
>she was looking at her grandmother’s face for the first time
>a face of madness from unending pleasure and a promise of victory over her enemies
>but her only enemy was herself
>without the thick layer of biomass keeping it pressurized
>she exploded and the threat was neutralized with her
>with that, Kujirako finished the leftovers until there was no more biomass to eat
>her grandmother was put to rest because only her skeleton remained
>and Kujirako was the fattest she’d ever been
>2000 kg
>and the fattest she ever will be if she can help it
>the wildcats wanted to kill her after finally digesting all the biomass
>but Kujirako’s blue whale screams stopped them from having her commit seppuku against her will
>she demanded was water and three square meals of sardines
>and by water, she meant enough to be submerged in
>just enough to have her reduced to a quarter of her weight
>it was slow and tedious
>which made it all the more important for her to never quit
>she never quit her diet, no matter how flavorless it was
>she never stopped shitting and pissing, no matter how large or stuck the logs got
>she never quit moving her arms
>or wiggling her fat toes
>any movements she could make she capitalized on out of fear of losing to the immobility
>she quit being subservient to the wildcats
>demanding they help her take care of her physical therapy, dermatology, and general hygiene 24/7
>she demanded they pop or drain her pimples
>whatever gets the pus out quicker
>audibly moaning for every blemish drained
>but most importantly, she never quit hope
>until one day, she could swim unencumbered
>then she could lift herself out of the pool
>then she could walk out of the facility herself
>she threatened to come back if either Goji-chan or her husband didn’t come back
>10 years later, she attended his funeral with her son and Goji-chan herself
>at that point, she’s become a strongfat 10’ tall whale mommy that manages the WcDonals that she used to work at
>she took it from her ex-manager bishonen peacock, who’s now livinv thd dream as a host for a host club that caters to fat girls all over Japan
>GOMEN-EN for regular fatties and GOHYAKUMEN-EN for obese landwhales
>Goji-chan’s a little plump herself, but ghat doesn’t stop her from living her best life
>Kujirako never questioned her on her disappearance, she was just happy that she came back and they were still friends
>her new son, Kujiraneda, is a bit of a delinquent with his dyed hair, but nothing she can’t set straight
>She was happy she could live her life free from a generational curse
>didn’t really matter what kinds of earthquakes life would send her
>as the Japanese say, “another one’s right around the corner”

That’s the true ending. Sorry for weight loss, I plan on writing a WTF ending that will have revelations. Thank you for reading my stuff

Hint: You can do all three!
I specifically asked GSA for the bad one, Wildcat, don’t reply to matters you don’t understand. Which are 99.9% of them.
What exactly do you want me to do? I'll write it on my own time if you don't mind c:
:) I’m glad you asked.

Already had it set up but
Bad end parameters
>she loses the battle
>her husband dies and Goji-chan remains gone
>she becomes yet another failure like her grandmother
>but unlike her, she doesn’t want to hurt burgerland
>or anyone for that matter
>bisonen peacock finds her using his inexplicable telepathic abilities
>genocides the wildcats
>gets a good look at how far her body has degraded health and hygiene wise
>and honors her wishes to become the second in her seppuku
>she holds gas in until her belly bursts so gas can safely escape (because whale corpses fill with gas fast)
>and bishonen peacock, being her second, cuts her neck cleanly despite being swaddled in blubber so she doesn’t have to suffer
>that is, she doesn’t have to suffer the pain that comes after the initial, rapturous pleasure of bursting

>your usual humor from your stories

Be sure to explore her whole body, including extremities and tail. Thanks again for undertaking the bad end, GSA. The wtf end will be a little more high concept
(2.3 MB, 3000x3000, snek (1).png)
Sneak peak of future character

Saleswoman, con artist, grifter, etc.
Got other stuff too on the pipe everything from Deltarune to immobilie universe filling blobs. Stay tuned.
also I wiill do it but on my own time if that's okay I haven't been feeling mentally alright to write especially after my mental breakdown
That’s ok. It’s possible overcoming it will make your writing even better

Thanks for showing us the new snake. She’ll make an excellent addition to the Fat Gardens
The WTF ending is taking me some time too. It’ll be out tomorrow though.

Did you like the true ending?
Fantastic, because then you’re going to love the WTF ending.

As for your snake lady, what’s her personality and does she sell? I know she’s a con artist, but there’s hot heads and cool heads and everything in between. Is everything about her a surprise?
She's a used car saleswoman who basically does everything from sketchy diet products to door to door vaccuum cleaners
Her name is Big Bailey B. Arganes and she is basically a shyster who cons idiots into buying her crap products with her silver forked tongue

:"Ssssssssssooooo....do we have a deal? No need to think on it too much! You and I both know who wearsssssss the pantsssss in your relationssssssship!"
I used to fuck her. He married her. Must like nigger residue lol
>you know youre no match for my stage 4 twin turbo r8... we can do this tonight lmk.
She must know all the psychological tricks. I’d love to see her fatten up on her ill-gotten gains.
>>64214 she know tricks on that dick head. Miss her sloppy mouth on my tip
(5.3 MB, 3800x3000, Catti (1).png)
As usual you guys get to see my comms and stuff early. I got this one from an amazing artist (you might recogonize) and he blew me away for the price. I've paid 100 bucks before for a comm and barely even got 1/10th of the detail he provided. Creepygollumpenis is too good for this world.

There's even a special video (which I hope I can upload to furaffinity) with some sound and deltarune dialouge bubles.
Here it is. I don’t have the energy to post images.

WTF ending: I ship it
>Kujirako was the fattest she’d ever been
>2000 kg
>and the fattest she ever will be if she can help it
>the wildcats wanted to kill her after finally digesting all the biomass
>but Goji-chan stepped in and stopped them
>imagine Kujirako’s surprise when they KNELT to her
>turns out Goji-chan was the shadow leader of the wildcats
>here, Goji-san is known as Goji-himesama
>how long had she been the leader?
>ever since her mother died in that earthquake
>and her father died from KAROSHI
>he himself inherited the wildcats from that Jerry Lewis stereotype back in the 50’s
>he had the business sense for it
>but he wanted to try to revive the project to take out those American pigs
>Goji-himesama felt differently and wanted to discontinue the project
>even after her father’s passing, she couldn’t convince the wildcats to go through with discontinuing the project
>not until the earthquake hit
>that’s when the eaters came into full effect
>Goji-himesama offered her best friend a thousand apologies
>but Kujirako didn’t need any because they were still friends to the end
>during this time, the ferret farmer sadly passed away
>with nothing to do and nowhere to go, Kujirako agrees to be part of a new project
>something that Goji-himesama has always wanted to dk with blobs of lard
>turning them into cruise ships
>ten years later, her project would come to fruition
>Kujirako became the first cruise ship to sail from okinawa to hokkaido while stopping between each district japan has to offer
>she’ll never shrink back to her original size
>but thanks to wildcat technology, all she needs is a wave of her sausage fingers and a wiggle of her fat toes to set sail
>most passengers stayed in spaces between her back folds partying it up
>while Goji-himesama resided right next to her head
>she’d start the day with a kiss on her friend-turned-lover’s fat cheek
>and sail the day away
>Kujirako still felt bad about her deceased husband
>but Goji figured what cancer she implemented into his pancreas that Kujirako didn’t know won’t kill him.
>all that mattered was her future plans of building fat love boats instead of hate fart bombs
>nothing but cool waters and sunny days ahead of them now
(4.5 MB, 2550x3300, Dr. Catden, M.D.png)
I believe I have a story. One in which Dr. Catden gets exposed as a quack physician who studied at dubious medical schools and claims to be as good as the next doctor.

You think you can make that story?
Okay unironically I always wanted to do a breaking bad kinda thing with brie. I hinted at it during my big burger story
(587 KB, 1125x812, IMG_4791.png)
Hey guys, does anyone have the full images of toasty54's new set? I already checked Kemono and there's nothing.
Wrong thread
Begging is down the hall and to the left.

Same with bbwdraw.
Junk food just as addictive as meth? That’s some good storytelling material.

You must have a lot lined up but do you still want to do the Kujirako bad end? >>64254
I finished up the WTF end here. Kinda lost energy with it.
Generalized troll kumar come on lol
Of course I've just been very tired and preoccupied with anxiety and work
why the fuck did you say "ditto" to yourself.
Yeah, I get it. Not completely satisfied with the WTF ending myself but I had to shit something out. Maybe I’ll give a tour of the ship before the thread dies out
I don't think I'm worth making a second thread tbh
Then let’s get as much as we can finished in this one. It was a pleasure having it anyway.
(451 KB, 1171x805, image - 2024-05-09T083215.246.png)
I'll see what other people think on it. If they want I can still be here but I think threads should be for well liked artists aka not me.

This entire thread has been nothing but a schitzo nightmare showing the deepest bowels of my sanity.

Anyway here's some more pictures of Bailey and kinda giving you a bigger look into what kind of character she is gonna be and how I'm gonna use her.
If you're wondering for edits it was originally gonna be Lottie Tush but I had it changed to Melissa since she is the lord of gluttony

Who is Lottie Tush?
I knew you were a fake fan lol

Actually, I was just asking. And I'm just an enthusiast, not a fake fan.
An OC of Gravity's. Think Austin Powers but a woman. And a furry. And super bottom-heavy. Very swinging sixties inspired.
Lets get married im broke baby

Got any pictures of her?
Will she get her own stories beyond A.I.?
I don't like to spoil but yes. She may be a new character in the sequel/prequel to the big burger story i wrote
Sounds great. Take your time.
Walking distance lol
She was selling me a used car then dented the hood with her fat belly what kind of dealership is this
New cars lose 30% appreciate off the lot. Die slow get but raped dont make a move
Why is this comment still here new cars lose 30% value off the lot!
Have you thought about porting your AIs to different platforms that allow NSFW content and chats?
(1.0 MB, 2981x2402, IMG_1301 (1).jpg) (773 KB, 2735x1906, IMG_6596 (1).jpg)
Yes, I will do it on one of my "off" days when I'm not working, writing, or etc. I'm debating if I should do janitor or spicychat. I was hoping for a better roleplay AI website that has no censorship while also having decent bots that respond to you well. So far it's either one or the other.

also some stuff I got from a certain somebody. He said I can post it on chans and discord like here.
Can I request chat bots for you to make?
A shitpost I made for april fool's day parodying the recent stream of bad art I have been getting on my deviantart feed.
I wanted to make something so repulsive anyone that looked at it would lose a part of their soul.

Well, you can make your own art. I say it as I love it and I think you should be an artist as art and stories go hand in hand!
Welp thats one way to find out a new artist you discoverd is open to hardcore slob, nice work Catboy (and I mean that genuinely)
(89 KB, 1195x1518, GMas6zlXgAAOQdX.jpg)
Don't call me catboy otherwise you might curse me into becoming a femboy. (God forbid)
What if I called you a catman?

Also, do you still wanf to do the Kujirako bad end? It’s alright if you don’t, but there’s only so many posts left.
I'm sorry man, I'll make it in the next thread or something. I've just been too mind fogged to write as you may have noticed from the uploads today.
I understand. I was also under the impression that the thread would last long enough for it, apologies.
Said it on Fur but man do I really love this new character of yours, the artist who drew her for you really brought her to life.

On a slightly different note her AI chatbot is pretty great but she seems to loose her snake accent after chatting with her for a bit which does suck
Hey gravity hows the new server going?

i think cancel culture has crested and whittled down. i didnt even see mention of you ever. no one cares
or maybe all these cancel culture children have finally grown up
i just have the worst timing. i should have come on the scene now instead of 4 years ago and like your situation
no one would give a shit

Yeah. We're almost at the limit.
I'm not cancelled. They just booted me and I got upset because I was there before the jokers came. They all jack off to my content so I don't give a shit. Wish they weren't ashamed to enjoy my content but that is the world they choose to live in. They're all too busy attacking their own friends and artist to worry about me. Plus they defended the floraverse shit so they can kinda fuck off.

New server is great. It's basically just a personal art server at this point. Gonna keep updating it and shit. I wish I would have started content years ago too. I always have lurked but I never bothered to write until recently. Gonna keep getting comms and improving my craft. Eventually people are going to come back and we can live together in harmony again. I'll forgive anyone that backstabs me as long as they are sincere.

I'm doing a lot better mentally too even if I'm still going through the motions in real life. Dunno if you guys want a second thread. Maybe in a year or so we can make a new one but I think the slots should be reserved for other content creators/writers. I don't wanna hog the board.
can i join your server?
Note me on FA or DA.

also how many more posts do we have before the thread dies?
Do you have any other characters in the workshop right now? Unrelated, but I'm using the Tasha ai rn and its really high-quality.
A male pizza delivery dalmation and two siamese cat twins named Fortune and Cookie.
Leave the psychology alone holy fuck lol every chance you get I read your non sense 😂
If you're still wondering which one you should port your characters to, I would suggest Spicychat. I know Janitor has more in-depth ways to tweak the ai, but i feel like spicychat bots give me longer and more satisfying answers. A lot of that comes from personal bias tho ngl
Okay, I'll do spicychat.ai. I was hoping for a better alternative to come along because the output from the bots is garbage imo but I might as well do it so people can get their lewd fix.

also I have a new "tubersona" thing I wanna unveil if you guys wanna see it. I'm thinking about doing some podcasts where I talk to some famous fetish artists/commissioners and make a show about it.
Have you ported the c.ai characters over yet? No pressure, I know you've got some stuff cooking
Thought of doing it on Janitor.AI
(119 KB, 1146x697, fat_moments__silly_symphonies__3_by_kingsizetraci_dh24klx-pre.jpg) (152 KB, 1024x676, captain_foxy_loxy_message_error_gone_wrong_by_idonotsleep2023_dfha49h.png) (156 KB, 1024x676, captain_foxy_loxy_came_unprepared_during_messeging_by_idonotsleep2023_dfha76l.png) (180 KB, 1000x700, sts_patricks_day_foxy_loxy_pinup_by_idonotsleep2023_dfqqb9p.png) (526 KB, 1920x1080, christmas_pinup_foxy_loxy_by_idonotsleep2023_dfl3yzk.png)

I keep it coming!
Okay bro stop. This isn't the foxy thread lol.

Good. Because I know you want to do a Foxy Loxy story.

Can you fucking not?

But there has never been a fat foxy story made!
Christ this thread is an absolute cesspool of autism
Tell me about it. This site is slowly but surely going down the shitter.
also fuck off wildcat, you're not innocent.

He already did.
Your fucking dick's hanging out, jackass.
(390 KB, 1000x1000, 1717976386.camceesofwonder_untitled9_20240609173134.png) (196 KB, 1280x1280, 1664077637.preney_171fde2e-8ea5-4ed0-828e-45f8606ea4ed.jpg) (115 KB, 1280x1187, 1669339920.agroupoffatties_untitled1194_20221124004119.jpg) (262 KB, 720x480, 1708488497.popperexpand_sketch1708488616493.png) (2.9 MB, 2271x1622, 1683360489.rowan-the-dog_0a6ccc99-6882-41e7-ae96-d1746b2ecb58.png) (2.3 MB, 1759x1369, 1681957638.k-n3ko_daggy_waggy_tumby.png)

Yes. I defended a user.

Now, I believe I have some spooty beavers for you.

And a dead user at best. But a user nonetheless. However, You get the idea.
Can we delete this thread it's gone down the shitter
I'm literally the guy this thread is about and I want it deleted too. We can make a new thread once the shit settles.
>Who wants to delete the thread
Hands raised
>Who wants to make the next one

It was a great thread despite the autism. I can’t believe someone posted GSA’s stories in the healthplay thread and ended it. It feels like they posted in the wrong thread but it was the right thread at the same time.
I'm actually kinda honored that's the last thing that got posted in that legendary thread. Glad there is still a new one but man. I know I posted art/stories in there before but my content being the last thing that closes it. Feels fucking good man.
I’ll say. Then how do you want to close out this thread?

But the Abngry Beavers art I posted, though.
Fuck off wild cat
Probably write one last thing, how many posts do we have left?
Please do the Kujirako bad end that guy requested a while back. I’m curious to see your take on it

Are the Janitor.ai bots done?

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