
(1.2 MB, 3264x3264, Old and famous art.jpg) (81 KB, 1000x751, Mermaid_Man_and_Barnacle_Boy_079.webp)
(I'm refering to the artists that started making art in the past 15 years or later)

Examples are the magnificent 🐦RaccoonDrew on https://twitter.com/RaccoonDrew, Herro (2006), Toner (2005), Mrlabrador, Fanimal, RockytheProcy/ConnerCoon (RIP), Tolstoy, Featherhead, Two Ton Neko, WolfgoneWide, Syriko, ZombieCat, BigWolf, Sakenskunk, RobCat, Silver Wolfe, BingFox, Arkveveen, KazeCat, and I think Hoodah (2009 or so), mountaindewdrawer, Silverfang725, Nekomata, Dogburger, FatGlaz, frozedfrenchdragon, Inksplot, Shikakaka, Vishykin, Pichurria, Aucherr, @chonkyreppu, @DadTigerDad, @HoneybeeBonfire, @KibaAfterdark45,and @NekoCrispy, (Furaffinity and Twitter), what is now ChrisandCompany on https://www.furaffinity.net/user/chrisandcompany, Hectorthewolf, Toner and Lupine, Racoondrew, and chief big wolf, Boot, CamuuShamuu, Gillpanda, and FattyDragonite, Gritz oz, Kygen, biglovealicia, creatureunkmown (RIP), gillpanda, and maybe skyox, Hijoke and fatreddragon, Trinity fate, Bootfromtv, bleucan, and pantheradraws.
I wish you just take the dick & stfu. Your friends dont need to know everything shut up. Channel your inner hoe for me
shit directly into your eyes

Can't poop into my own eyes.

Anyway, let's get to posting old artist's art!
Fuck you do what I say

Thanks! Please keep it coming!
We need j cole show these hoes how its done.
If tom was smart. He make the kid partner. The organization will triple in size, partnerships and his pockets will hit the equator with ultra overload of feederism. He isnt thinking long term or big.
(411 KB, 900x1080, 1.wolf_and_fox_by_animefreakx33-d4thuyq.png) (379 KB, 900x750, 2.burgers_by_animefreakx33-d4tm2jl.png) (7.1 MB, 3000x2500, 3.1483653323.biglovealicia_alicia_story_remake.png) (247 KB, 1280x939, 4.1485980748.biglovealicia_alicia_weight_gain_story_remake_2.png.jpg) (113 KB, 908x879, 5.destroyed_jeans_by_animefreakx33-d4tzy21.jpg) (130 KB, 900x771, 6.movie_night_by_animefreakx33-d4u87rs.jpg)
this thread is like, insanely nostalgic and really makes you realize you are way too old lmao

however keep in mind that a lot of their wonderful work over the years is limited in posting here because of the R9K I think, I'm not sure what the timeout is on that but their art has been seen and saved many times.

BigLoveAlicia is my all time favorite artist
(122 KB, 900x810, 7.look____by_animefreakx33-d4um0u4.jpg) (224 KB, 1280x939, 8.1488414199.biglovealicia_alicia_weight_gain_remake_3.png.jpg) (188 KB, 1280x853, 9.1491074772.biglovealicia_alicia_weight_gain_story_part_4.png.jpg) (202 KB, 1280x853, 10.1406330620.biglovealicia_hollydays.png.jpg) (160 KB, 1280x1126, 11.1493660708.biglovealicia_alicia_wg_story_remake_part_5.png.jpg) (232 KB, 1280x1024, 12.1514127885.biglovealicia_merry_christmas1.png.jpg)
Content Warning: Story contains slob, gas, extreme weight gain and forcefeeding.

Another thick, chocolatey mouthful was swallowed, the wolfess hardly spending a moment to lick the greasy frosting from her lips before cramming another slice into her maw.

A belch rumbled past her plump lips, wetting them as the gas spluttered from her gullet, crumbs and drool spilling over her flabby double chin. The expulsion broke the woman out of her daze momentarily, creating a gap in the cycle of endless gluttony that she knew would quickly be filled with more fattening cake.

How long had she been eating? It was hardly the first time she had wondered this, but it was a question she could never answer. Not until she was free.

The only method Johanna had of measuring her time in this ceaseless purgatory of mastication was her slowly growing corpulence. She took stock of her bloated body, comparing how big she was now to her size the last time she had been able to concentrate on anything else beyond stuffing her face. She had completely outgrown her clothing, from her sturdy leather armor down to her simple undergarments, but that had been long ago. She felt sure that she hadn't had that extra belly roll before, but she couldn't remember for certain. She was still seated upon her massive, fleshy buttocks that spilled across the floor behind her, crushing the remains of the chair that had given up on her weight a few hundred pounds ago. Her footpaws could reach the floor still, but she wasn't sure she could still stand... She hadn't really tried.

Just as the thought occurred to her, her preternatural hunger returned, and Johanna found her flabby paws once more reaching for the cake before her. Her ears drooped as the gluttonous curse took hold of her once more, its clawed grasp seizing her fate again and pulling it under a ruinous sea of sugar and lard. Johanna's despair was quashed again by the pure sweet taste of hedonistic indulgence and her worries melted like the frosting that coated her tongue...

Johanna moaned loudly as she leaned against the surface of the table, the bare wood cold against her fat, naked breasts abd belly as her claws raked deep grooves into the grain. Gas once again erupted from the enormous woman's body, this time thundering from a rear so fat each cheek could outweigh an entire person. The wolfess panted as the last of the gas left her, mind suddenly clearing again at the unexpected sensation. She pressed her feet firmly down towards the ground, but found that they now could not touch... Had she already outgrown her last chance at freedom so quickly?

"No, dammit!" The trenendously obese wolfess groaned, already drooling as she gazed at the fresh cake that had again appeared before her, another in an unending line that led straight down her gullet, "Have to... hnnngh...! Have to...! Eat..."

Johanna Thunderpaw reached greedily for her next slice of cake. Her own desire to escape was once again washed away by the alien, yet inevitable desire to fill her endlessly expanding belly as much as she possibly could...
Bitch shave your beard
county thots back at it again 🥱
(325 KB, 1292x490, MISSING PIC.png)
Can you or someone else post this PIC? I REALLY NEED IT!!
Robcat died, but how?

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