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Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit.
When are they going to Vegas? Ill have my men follow them no worries. Make sure they dont return.
Keep an eye out in the summer month. Thanks
>>57581 (OP)
As much as I hate to admit, you’re technically right to some extent. When I posted on a thread to the /bbwai/ section to the website, some jerks called me “autistic,” “retard,” and ever racial slur under the sun, just for posting reaction images to my posts, no harm intended. I tried reasoning with them, stating that just having a fandom for a series doesn’t necessarily make a person autistic, but they kept going and going, until I tried to call them out on their crap, only for them to paint me as a raving schizophrenic man. Heck, they even made inaccurate percentage charts just to prove their points. Bottom line is that a lot of websites have jerks, no matter which category they fall under. I suggest that you ignore them or report them, and just enjoy this website if you find the right people.
Julying thats his son! I knew it!

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