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Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website.
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>>57460 (OP)
>this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists
Mods, ban him and blow up his house /j
No it’s just filled with immature assholes, transphobes, and retarded “exposers”
>>57460 (OP)

Reddit is down the hall and to the left, sonny
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>>57460 (OP)
Well I've come to this site many time and I've never seen any of that. To be fare, I don't make thread crying about racists on a chan site when everyone here is tired of moral fags like you. Show me broof or SHUT UP!
Exactly, and the occasional 4chan weirdo
I find it seriously funny that anybody would ask or post this sort of thing at all. Like yeah, wow, you really think you're going to be doing anything with this at all? you're just making yourself look like a complete utter fucking fool with even attempting this. Like you're just an ignorant little child who thinks they can "take on the world" with this sort of thing. For real, if anyone thought this would do ANYTHING other than piss people off, they've got another thing coming when they find out that food costs money, or that they have rent to pay, or, GASP, that they have shitty lives! Can't stop them from failing, flopping around all the while they're ignorant of how ass fucked they are.
"Indeed! This is a bad railway." - Sir Topham Hatt, King of Japan
pretty much the worst ive seen are people yelling about rushrabbit and the chickin nuggit containment thread, but most of time things are pretty civil besides random weird people
but man chan boards hate moralfags and i wish people would realize that and stop trying to be backseat moderators on posting the wrong artist (not saying to let the floodgates open but just show me good blobs and talk about good blobs)
You fucking get it, blobs are absolutely peak. Honestly that's the only thing that matters here. Blobs are great and more should be posted more often. This isn't a fucking place to bring civility, it's a place to finally just be a bit of a dick without having to worry about all the stupid bullshit in the world. Anyone who tries to bring it in here should get a swift fucking kick in the ass.

Anywho, any sort of size limit for yourself? Or we reaching the absolute peak of sizes and saying that no blob should stop gaining?

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