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If Lupo hadn’t regretted his hungry stomach when he’d first sat down at the feasting table, he certainly did now.

He should have known better than to trust strange food, especially when said food was to be found in the castle of somebody calling himself “The Lipomancer”. He also should have known not to have left his rations with the rest of his party, should have known not to get separated from them in this stupidly huge castle…

Could he really be blamed then, after hours of being tempted on an empty stomach? For finally giving in once the alluring scents of spiced wine, fresh-baked bread, and sizzling meats at last made the starving halfyeen adventurer cave into his rumbling belly?

After all, “Ironbelly” Lupo wasn’t like all the other adventurers who’d fallen for these kinds of traps. Though he never knew why he was blessed with an indestructible stomach, the strange power had saved him from any number of tricky situations over the years. Surely if the food was spiked to be addictive, or enchanted to fatten him up, his uniquely durable gut would simply save him from any ill effects just as with the countless poisons he’d stomached over the years.

The concept would have seemed stupid to anyone, even Lupo himself had he been able to think straight, but he was just so godsdamned hungry…

Then he’d sat down in the chair at the table, and hidden metal clamps had locked over his wrists and ankles.

That was probably when he’d regretted his choice, come to think of it. And then the food, which he’d only intended to nibble from, honestly! Began to fling itself right at his mouth.

At least his starving stomach had been happy at first.

Lupo wasn’t sure if the food had been ensorcelled to taste better or if it was just because he’d gone so long without eating, but the meat-wrapped fried eggs… the frosting-slathered carrot cake… even the beef stew that had so forcefully torrented down his throat all tasted so divine!

But it didn’t take long for the halfyeen to start feeling full…

His heart starting to race in panic, Lupo tried to shut his open maw… and found it somehow locked in place. He let out a startled whimper just before an entire mound of gelatin squirmed its way down his gullet. Sweat beaded down his brow as Lupo stared down the massive feast that was moving itself towards him, his terror only heightened by the realization that whatever force was animating the food to eagerly cram itself into his maw was also holding said maw open…

All Lupo could do was hope that the rest of his party would be able to find him before he was force fed every last dish before him…

Hours must have passed…

Maybe days…

Maybe longer…

Lupo couldn’t keep track anymore. Piece by piece, every decadent dish of food continued to feed itself to him, never stopping or slowing. Somehow, despite feeling constantly full, his stomach never seemed to grow any more stuffed past a certain point. Some of that might have been due to his strange stomach, but with the effects the food was having on the rest of his body, Lupo was certain it was down to the magical properties of the feast itself…

All of it was digesting much, much too quickly. Lupo’s belly seemed to churn through dishes as quickly as they came now, turning all those calories into soft, heavy fat.

Fat that tore his clothes to pieces.

Fat that crushed the chair beneath his swelling rumpcheeks, both liberating him and further imprisoning him all at the same moment.

Fat that piled upon his lean, agile body in roll upon roll of heaving, bulging blubber.

More than once, Lupo had wondered to himself when it would end. Despite having been forced to eat until he’d lost count of how many plates of meats, sweats, and other treats he’d been made to wolf down, it always seemed like there was more… and every time he’d had a moment to breath and glance at the table, it seemed as piled high with food as ever.

At least, as ever as he could remember… Was there always so much?

Lupo stopped wondering after a while. There wasn’t much point to it anymore… There wasn’t much point to anything anymore except to eat and eat and ea-

A roll of fat sausages wormed its way up the halfyeen’s many bellyrolls, coiled about his sagging chins and doughy cheeks like a snake, then reared back to strike. The links plunged itself past Lupo’s bloated, food-stained lips, slithering down his throat…

And then it was over.

Lupo could only sit there, his flabby cheeks and grease and sauce-slathered chins heaving with each heavy breath. For a moment as he brought himself out of the daze he’d been in for so long, brought on by near-endless gorging, he wanted to look himself over. He quickly realized that he couldn’t… couldn’t even move his fat-swaddled neck.

He didn’t have to in order to know how much of a blimp he’d become. He whimpered huskily as he tried in vain to lift an arm, a futile struggle when he was barely even capable of wiggling his plump fingers. He couldn’t even feel his legs, but knew they were buried under piles of jiggling thigh-meat…

Lupo licked his lips hungrily, moaning to himself as his tongue tasted the caked remains of repasts devoured days ago…

He no longer wanted to be rescued.

He just wanted more.
Dude, let's do it again! That was nice and greasy.

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