
>>56745 (OP)
(594 KB, 939x720, Krusty.png)
>>56745 (OP)
Bada-boom! Bada-bing! I'm done hijacking this thread.

Learn from a professional uploader OP.
But I'll be back eventually.

>Gets in car and leaves.
Well shit, thanks I guess. Is there anything you want to see here you can’t get from the original general.

I’m relieved to see that no one else has hateposted yet
is that second one maddeku? can't say I've ever seen that before, even before they wiped their FA gallery. Where'd you find this?
It’s still there


>Flora came for summer and looks like she... mutated quite a bit, also her head petals looks different, it makes it look like hair, and it certainly makes her look prettier... and sexier.

>What is she holding? that odd giant beach ball looks like a p-balloon, what if it actually is?, what is she going to do with Karen?.

>I love how Karen's butt turned out.

>*Sorry for my bad english*
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So the purpose of the gardens is to foster talent like this.

If you can draw or write, you are more than encouraged to do so.

Link to previous highlights: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/60322672/#60369345

Thread template (as of 15 Oct 2023): https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/60322672/#60369345

Wurmple conductor: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/60705870/#60761786

Fiida and Shelly: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/61353896/#61376321

Godseeker story: https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/43789.html#q50306

Hope you enjoy.
There should be fat art of deltatraveler flowey tbh
I suppose not. Next time, have a fat gardener tending to a fat plant, bug, or snake please
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I'm back with some more stuff for this garden.
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I'm done uploading for now.
Enjoy the garden here.

>Warps away
(1.2 MB, 4000x4000, Fat.png)
Drew that spider from that one thing
Is this why everyone hate lesbians. Putting a end to this madness.
What thing are you talking about?
Cant promise mary in bad boys 4 but ill try my best. If she comes so does loli pop
And if that happens union comes back in the film 😉
No I never been to dade county lol
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>The kitchen is abuzz with portly wasps working overtime to cook, heck with rampant obesity in the kingdom chef’s have almost achieved celebrity status.
>As Anon and the fat chefs began to cook Hoaxe and his elite force waited at the table.
>Hoaxe waited patiently, sipping on wine and eyeing the artifact he had obtained from his victory.
>Hoaxe’s gut nearly scrapped the floor as he sat, it was by the largest part of the mimic fly, stretching out a good four feet in front of him and is just as wide.
>His love handles flopping over the armrests of his throne as he sipped his wine in victory a belch escaping the tyrant as he soothed his aching gut, his chunky arms as large as the average bug as red flaps of chitin flopped off of them. He was without a doubt the biggest bug in the kingdom.
>No..of any Kingdom! And a king of his grace deserves an equally as magnificent feast. Hoaxe claps his bloated palms together the insects palp’s now as an ants head, and powerful enough to crush one with ease.
>“Book.” Is all he says as he continues to relax in his throne as his gut gently rumbles.
>A couple of bloated wasp guards hurry to supply Hoaxe with his need. The chatter of his generals at the table becoming white noise, for he knows it will just be brown nosing and self boasting. And he’s had enough of empty Yes bugs for the day.
>Within a half hour Hoaxe saw his dear spine and a conga line of chefs placing their dishes on the extravagant and reinforced dining room table.
The half hour wait goes by fast for the tyrant.
>However for the Soldiers and Ultimax the kings hunger was constantly known. Due to the huge royal guts loud and constant rumbles that shook the table as it pressed against it.

>With a huff Hoaxe clasped his book shut and simply stick under a crevice of chitinous fat near his belly. He was at a good part, he wasn’t too much of a glutton to not enjoy-Is that raindrop cake? Hoaxe quickly got off his throne, grabs a plate that a Soldier was reaching for, Hoaxe shot a glare that has killed lesser bugs, the foot soldier immediately apologized and slunk back in his seat shaking. As he should.
>“Anon.” Hoaxe holds out his left arm open waiting for his cuddle session. The wasp immediately does so with a smile as Hoaxe lets anon squeeze beside the tyrant on his throne and cuddle him. It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see the king cuddling the chef, but nobody was dumb enough to question it. He keeps the king happy, and an angry Hoaxe is a terrifying sight.
>Hoaxe ate with little grace, as he grabbed the cake, a rectangular cake, as wide and big as a bug, one that was obviously meant for the entire table.
>Was now being lifted up and with experience, the mimic fly titled the massive tray and let it slide to his mandibles, frosted splattered on his shouldered and jowl, but he did not care, flavors of Anon’s genius danced in his armored mouth. >He deserves this anyway. The fat shouldered waste no time digging into their own meals. From meat to sweets, Ultimax seemed to be eating a smaller red velvet cake, tearing it apart with his hands, a chunk of cake in each hand he multitasks and ears from both hands.
>All eating are absorbed in their own brand of gluttony. None more than Hoaxe. Anon helps catch the pieces of cake falling out the sides of the kings mandibles and helping feed the ruler. >He would make sure his bestie wouldn’t miss a single crumb. The king gulps and chews his eyes closed as his fat cheeks jiggle from his furious chewing, as if he is a chainsaw and just as messy.
>Minutes pass and the bug sized cake is now within his gluttony sack of a belly. The now empty tray falls the table with a loud clatter of metal on wood. Anon massages what he can reach of Haoxe’s belly, only able to meekly rub a small section on the side Hoaxe, but it’s enough to cause hoaxe to groan in pleasure. Followed by a loud rumbling and then…
>*BUUORP!* Hoaxe lets out a mighty belch, causing bits of pastry to flake off his jowl. “Ah! Nice appetizer.” Hoaxe chuckles, as the chefs brought out seconds.
>“Feast! For tonight we eat til we can’t move!” Hoaxe says joy lacing his voice. He was being fed, he was cuddled, he was respected. He was where he deserved to be in life.
>The table cheered through stuffed mandibles and belches. Hoaxe grabs lice burrito’s, pillbug steaks and all manner of delicacy’s, all shoved into his mouth. They all ate until the third course. >The room is filled with the a chorus of belches and groans. As well as these sound of chitin against pastry. The proud soldiers of the wasp kingdom, all fat before now all sport guts that rest atop the table, their chitin stretched thin as the few true gluttons of the group try to force more food into themselves,
>A particular wasp scout is rubbing their gut with one arm while slowly nibbling on cake with the other looking absolutely at peace. Their handkerchief ridden up by their triple chin. They look they will be flying anytime soon. A soldier is stealing from his full brother in arms plates, the sides of his gut starting to expand and push against his peers girth.
>An amazing display in which all the soldiers present had their guts pressed against the table and seem to be nursing their fullness. Ultimax is also eating without a care in the world his eyes half closed as he continues to chew. Seems like all the wasps are enjoying their feast. None more so than their king. Hoaxe shows no sign of slowing down, his gut weighs heavily on the table causing it to sift slightly under his guts weight alone. A solid mass of chitin, stuffed of every pastry imaginable. With his dear anon cuddling him and praising him.
>“Next course!” Hoaxe yells followed by a room shaking belch. This feast has just begun.

First half of the feast done. Hoaxe is back baby.
Anymore fat bees?

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