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[Mechanicks dum]
(skip to the FAP section (next post) for a more juicy explanation)

Sup bbw-chan I have this idea to start writing based in my own fictional universe.

There are some mechanics in it that make it unique. Basically ignoring all the different races (Denian, Lizian etc) the universal constant in the multiverse is simple, Magic exists however to harness magic you need mana. To get mana you need to consume magic food. The more of magic food you eat the more mana you get -> the more power you can put into your spells.

This is the basic concept however there is more, once you get mana you gain a transformation ability to transform into a rubber girl, like the name suggests this makes your body extremely elastic capable of devouring insane amounts of food, however also very hungry.

Your body can absorb all the calories no problem (pick related) after a short rest.

However here is where the different races come in, depending on your race your metabolism is different since these magic mukbangs always damage your metabolism. Some races deal with this better then others, most of the non magical cultures in the multiverse have a very weak resistance to this damaging of their metabolism resulting in permanent gain and fattening of their base form.

There is also the gluttony mark, basically an ability that is unlocked and specific to the person, most of the time it is a unlimited ability to spawn magic food of some kind. For example 5 types of pizza for 1 girl based on her "pizza surprise" gluttony mark VS fast food menu for another girl based on her "fast food drop" gluttony mark.
This like you can imagine basically lets the girl spawn magic food for herself for free, this lets her replenish her mana without a problem however gives her endless temptation to gorge herself on her own free food supply.

Since there are many races and cultures of these races and also hybrids this creates a universe where the basic principle is simple eating enormous amounts of food and forcefully stuffing yourself to gain magic powers is the norm.

This process is seen by most in universe as extremely degenerate (pic related) most of the experienced magical girls from normie universes (magic is unknown) basically embracing the degenerate mukbang lifestyle. Other normies especially hybrids get slowly corrupted since they get a gluttony mark out of nowhere and now have a unlimited source of free fattening food.

The more magical cultures of the multiverse deal with it in a different way. Lizians are a culture who fully embraced magic and integrated it into their culture, without resulting in magical girls fighting one another to the death like in most universes until magic is basically lost to everyone there.

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>>56270 (OP)


Lizians are the "good" universe in contrast to most others, there magic is thought and encouraged to every girl and engraved in their culture. Because of the ages of endless mukbanging this resulted in a race that has a very hard to break metabolism, however it is not impossible. Lizians are body positive meaning that in magical girl logic this means they do not body shame for some magical girls being less fat. A common practice in all the evil magical universes. Lizians have a relaxed view on magic and mukbanging letting every girl decide how many or little food she wants to eat, despite this over 90% of the population is what normies would call very fat and over 50% is extremely fat. With only a 10% of the adult magical girl population being permanently skinny because of their metabolism. Lizian culture thrives and gives free magical food to everyone who asks.

The sign of adulthood in Lizian culture is the reviving of a gluttony mark, the magical girls who are perverted in a specific way open restaurants where they give free magical food that their mark generates to help other magical girls eat as many of their food as they can (it is their kink) for free. Other magical girls peruse other interests and only occasionally engage in giving free food however it is a common stable of the culture.

Young mages have one goal in mind getting their gluttony mark. This is comes naturally however is difficult for some. Receiving your mark happens most of the time when a girl consumes a magical food she likes very much(this is the most common theory) for example after eating a pizza she discovers she has a deep love for pizza and gets her "pizza surprise" gluttony mark, allowing her to magically spawn this delicious pizza without any limits.

So a blanks main quest can be her hitting all the restaurants to find out her gluttony mark.

In Lizian culture there are very different subcultures one of them is the metabolism breaker subculture where a magical girls quest is to break her metabolism as hard as possible to get as fat as possible since her fetish is being very fat. The main culture is opposed to this since it sees every girl as beautiful regardless of how fat she is. However this translates to being indifferent to growing fat.

For example food lovers are a very common subculture where girls stuff their faces with enormous amounts of food literally not giving a shit if they grow fat from it only enjoying the act of eating itself.

There is also the gym subculture oriented around gyms. Here the main focus is on how much food can one girl mukbang in one siting and increasing this number. Gyms are full of the most diverse girls out there from absolute no fat flat bellies to walking blobs where they only care about the amount of food that one can devour in one siting. Surprisingly many flat bellies gravitate to gyms since they can eat insane amounts of food however their metabolism is to strong so none of it stays as fat on them.

The main focus are Lizians and other normies who interact with them since they gained access to magical powers for the first time.

So bbw-chan what do you think would you be interested in this kind of kink? Reading anything based on this multiverse?
I aint readin allat
If that’s the first response to your idea, it’s an automatic 1/10
Hmm, have you considered posting it on /elite/? You’re likely bound to get some better feedback there.
We should create a writing thread for this type of content.
>Hmm, have you considered posting it on /elite/? You’re likely bound to get some better feedback there.
I think about it.
However I was thinking that I can make it also a comic.
What do you think?
Any thoughts on this seting?

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