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Today's WG Roleplay Ideas are these
Discord: fattypichu
I got one.

It involves a husband and wife. The husband is quite tall and muscular compared to an average guy but they're still handsome and their rears are just as fine. The wife is also quite different from an average girl in that she's taller and has a body that is quite voluptuous and bountiful in some parts, but both are still beautiful. The wife also wears a flower printed apron that seems to be tight as it presses back on her breasts, yet she doesn't seem to mind.
I only do furs or the images

But the husband and wife are furries.
Does this board just straight-up have zero moderators on it or what? So many garbage one-off threads and multiple threads about the same subject made by low-functioning autists like this and nothing's being done about them. Do they treat it like 4chan's /trash/ just because it's the furry board?

You can make up the names of the furries in the couple.
Alr damn you didn't have to be a fucking asshole about it it's my first time doing this
No, which species are they?
And they can be any.
Fit husband dolphin and Fat whale wife. Can we give them issues like the husband being a fat sex addict that can only get off from his wife’s blubber alone but the whale is trying to get healthier for a baby? Or is it pure fantasy?

It is a mix of both.

I'll be the husband. You be the wife.
I wanted to be the husband, but whatever

>I finish making dinner in my flower printed apron and nothing else
>we’re having pan-seared chum
>I look down at you with a grimace imprinting deep in my multiple chins
>hard to see past my belly, as usual
>It just keeps getting bigger
>“honey…we need to talk”
You have the writing talent of a fourth grader, and the fellow responding to you with a "roleplay" seems to be of a similar caliber. Sorry that people actually give a shit about quality, Hun.
Fuck do you want? You got a better rp?
Nah, but I'll accept you just getting off this board and staying gone
This is penispoopassdick. Stinky thread yucky

>Yes? What is it you want to talk about?
>sighs deeply
>“I know you love my big blubbery body, and I love how much you make love to every inch and every roll.”
>“I just hit past 1,200 pounds of blubber and muscle this morning”
>“how do I explain this?”
>takes off glasses and bashfully covers her face, too embarrassed to even speak her desires

>Oh. So what's wrong?
>sighs even deeper than before
>“I want a baby, but you keep finishing in places that aren't inside my vagina.”
>“It’s starting to get frustrating. And even if I do get pregnant, will I be healthy enough to carry it to full term?”
>my bare, fat feet pace the tiled floor in anticipation
>“I can barely fit through doors anymore”
>we’ve tried to widen them, but it costs money we don’t have, and I’m getting wider by the second
>the house is so small that my head can touch the ceiling if I reach for it.

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