

>Beautiful. Now we just need the other 2 high school archetypes and it’ll be a real good party.

Thanks. What are the other 2 high school archetypes you're referring to?
>What the actual fuck?

I just provided an example of what I meant about jocks and nerds going hand in hand.
(184 KB, 750x583, Full party?.png)
>Thanks. What are the other 2 high school archetypes you're referring to?
Goth and punk. Maybe there are others, like prep, but these are all 4 from the markocomics. Plus, people might find umbrage with flooding the board with two more similar threads.

>I just provided an example of what I meant about jocks and nerds going hand in hand.
No, R9K was being a bitch and not letting me post images until I screenshotted them. I see them going hand in hand

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