
you need to be at least 18 years old to use this board anon
It’s fine. Isn’t he canonically a hatchling?
Oh hey, puyopuyoskuntank
willing to say your tastes and style is mid and probably the main reason i stopped hanging out with creff
can we have more yoshi tho
i want some proof of your superior taste so i can tell you how much of a nicer soul he is
Honestly, yeah, like what the fuck is the deal with this guy. Like, show your "superior" tastes, unless you're just so much of a pussy ass bitch to even go ahead and show us that you're lacking in both intelligence and guts in the first place to even go through with it and realize that you ain't as high and mighty as you say you are.
RCHammer5. I wrote it on subject line
The 1st pic is by rounded pentagon on Twitter
(108 KB, 1200x998, Yosh.JPG)
farting yosh?
(51 KB, 730x1064, Black_Yoshi.jpg)
Somebody should draw a fat Black Yoshi from SML saying "Mario please feed me! I needs it!"
Yall this is an opinion you don't need to do this
this is an obligation
you MUST do it
(128 KB, 850x756, 1.jpg) (56 KB, 850x812, 2.jpg) (334 KB, 850x721, 3.png)
spoilers cuz of gas and futa
SML can go to hell

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