
Wake me up when Fawxen draws Raboot (it'll never happen)
anyone have the old Noelle art he deleted years ago?
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r9k ruins everything. I have more but it's a bitch to go through each image to find the ones that haven't been posted.
Use screenshots to trick the interface
stop making your own circlejerk thread, nobody wants to see this shit, thats why the previous ones kept dying, go post in the deltarune/undertale thread where you belong

the amount of times you vent on your public twitter is more entertaining than this trash
god art, shame he's such a hypersensitive crybaby
I liked when he took requests for his own thread. That’s why if we’re going to make these threads, we need to keep in mind we might summon the artists by mistake and have to deal with the consequences as well as the potential gains.
i didn't know what happened but scrolling through their twitter showed they went "erm think about the characters who are minors???" after drawing funhouse mirror shapes
i shouldn't be this mad at it and i know im putting more thought into it than i should but Ouch Every Fucking Time
Are you comparing drawing minors to drawing goofy shaped fat art as if one is equally as bad
So...anyone got more of their Noelle/Susie art?
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Try furarchiver

Here’s some insanity from this guy. I find it a bit cheap to not render Gwimblina in crusty low-polygons, but he’s not a programmer. Is low-polygon models something that can be drawn? As for the second image, I really hope all these fat artists don’t become a hivemind. I get they need to be friends, but a great friend can help correct another when they’re in the wrong.
Honestly doesn't seem too far from the truth through,
A lot of people here including myself talk big shit about artists until they actually show up.
Artists should be celebrated for their craft, but some of them deserve shit talk for being cringe.
People still use cringe?
If their being weird but not hurting people why complain about it?
By “cringe” I mean obnoxiously self-righteous. Some artists have egos that completely hjnder their works and motivations.
I'm more of a live and let live sort of guy, I don't go out of my way to tell people how they should act.
I've literally only seen people be pissed off at this guy and yet I've literally seen nothing they've done.
Ah yes just like how there was zero non-polygonal artwork of mario until sunshine came out/s
Also besides his literal next post being a low poly model of the character he made what the fuck does cheap mean? Are you talking about an artist interpretation of something???
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Critics can be self-righteous too. Also, I prefer Lynn over Noelle.

Everyone’s upset over how much Fawxen virtue signals not drawing minors. I don’t want to see minors too, but that shouldn’t be your personality. I just want to see more Lynn
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If he posted the low-poly model later, then nevermind. I shouldn’t have said that, and ig he was just getting a feel for the character he wants to envision
Honestly I half agree with you here, it's just a weird subject now thanks how the climate of things have changed.
Back in the day people used to draw tiny toons and sonic characters left and right but now it's become a risky minefield.
We let weakness rule over us and now our egos can’t handle conflict. Instead of growing stronger individually, we huddle up to expel dissenting opinions and I think that actually terrifies us more than we think. Like what if I’m an outsider because of what I want. Everything’s globalized now so there’d be nowhere to run from your sins.

I don’t like Deltarune at all, but Noelle is my favorite character and Lynn is better, canonically 18+ Noelle
That I can admit, honestly people need to care a bit less about stuff like this.
Some aspects are justified while others are just fearmongering and virtue signaling.
fawxen should really draw more MOTHER characters like kumatora n paula, they look rlly good in his style
i love how fawxen draws them and im absolutely seconding this, maybe even an ultimate chimera form of anyone
i had a bad mind that night and seeing vague slivers of self-righteousness seems to flip me into grumpy mode, but this was a rare occurance and i overreacted
fawxen is cool and chill overall and just does what makes em happy (i dont know if they're in this thread replyin to stuff or if im dumb and its someone else)

i hate how much of a minefield it's become, especially on twitter cause i see random artists get dogpiled and sent the same 3 reaction image memes for just drawing something they thought was innocent
and it's usually started by accounts made after 2020 who complain more than drawing/even praising things in the first place
honestly i love this model and how spot-on it is, same for the inspector gadget ones
I hate when artists give fatties canes.

It's borders on healthplay too much for me.
Real weaksauce man, you think they can just magically haul around 600+ lbs of their own bulk like it's nothing? I understand being uncomfortable with medical shit like ekgs and oxygen but this is just tool use.
It's a fantasy concept bro. I don't think someone six hundred pounds would be able to stand at all, and not for very long.
exactly what the cane is for. This is actually a pretty good point of discussion, why people like impossible sizes that need to be moved using some sort of tool (such as a scooter or crane)
but are afraid of these things cause it's "dark" when it's literally not.

And why can't she share her nectar with her subjects?
It's pretty simple: it reminds people of morbidity, one that might well be misplaced for a fictional cartoon character. People don't want to think about the realistic implications their fantasies are having on a character.
Neither one is bad and the feds give zero shits if you draw some deer girl who might be a day under the magical arbitrary age number of 18 (because that's what age is for a lot of these characters, an arbitrary number).
Now thats a big wide fat grannie ass I love she see me staring at the booty
That just makes me wonder, how many other pics of his not-Noelle character are reskinned Noelle pics?
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He's got a lot of characters to work with and barely uses some. Which character of his do you want to be more developed?

More Madeline. Insanely hot, seems game to be extreme fat.
i think Samantha needs a gf
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shut the fuck up retard, contribute or leave

You think you could draw better?
Anyone got any of their Noelle pics?
Fawx got a pic from hara? I thought they hated each other.
Contrary to popular belief, two adults can settle their differences.
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Does anyone have all of their ‘Fat Bunny Week’ artworks? If so, could you please share them?
Sauce for the last 5 images?
Fawxen should draw a chubby Link and fat Zelda
He doesn't draw children, but he does draw a noelle reskin.
that or just use another incarnation like Twilight Princess
Oh so he just aged her up, big difference, he could have just aged up noelle and everyone wouldn't have fucking cared lol
Yes people would have cared, and if there's no difference why do you care so much about the character being a "reskin" legit question.
Because it's obviously something fawxen cares sooooo fucking much about that he like legitimately locked away his twitter account. So excuse me, how about you check your fucking papers before making an argument in the first place.
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Check your papers first. It's obvious he's more bugged by some doodle he posted as content padding leaving its target audience. All he can really do now is stay locked until it leaves the public conscious or delete the post as suggested by others in the comments.
Didn't he have a recent post that basically confirmed he took aspects of noelle to make this "new" oc? Jesus christ, know what you're taking from. Do you know how many alt universes there are for Undertale/Deltarune. OFC people would easily mistake her for Noelle. So again, how about that?
Artists do that all the time, why are you so butt hurt over it?
>>73919 welp guys pack it up wholesome chungus 100 tobert fox made an anthro reindeer character so anything related to reindeers is officially off the table now sadge /s
Have you been living under a fucking rock? People absolutely would've still been pissed.

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