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Does any one have a pdf file of this TF Wright story?
>>54535 (OP)
>yet another pointless thread that could have been solved with the beg thread

I wonder if whoever donated to keep this board up regrets that choice
hellll nah he doesnt bro still probably saved money from this board
I think I actually know why this is happening. I googled the name of a thread (the 3rd iteration ) hoping to skip straight to it and I saw a reddit post about that thread, asking how to get to the 1st and 2nd threads (long since fallen off).

That's why we're getting so many random threads lately, why so many threads on the verge of falling off are getting bumped back up with suggestion to change the theme of the thread to keep it alive.

It's fucking Redditors.

Redditors that don't understand how imageboards work.
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The longer Scott stood in front of the door, the more restless the butterflies in his stomach became. He’d already been standing in the apartment building hallway for a solid minute, racking up the courage to knock.

What was he so nervous about? It wasn’t like this was the first time. In fact, he’d lost count of how many times he’d done this.

Though, he knew exactly why he was nervous. It was what he had planned after knocking. He wasn’t sure what reaction he’d get to it.

You’ll never know until you try, dude, he thought. Just get on with it.

That and giving an anthro an awkward smile and wave as they entered the neighbouring apartment was the final straw. He raised his paw–

“Wait, is my hair okay?” he muttered to himself before fishing out his phone and opening the selfie camera. The fox checked the grey fur on his face and quickly fixed his fringe before smoothing out his shirt and jacket and dusting off his jeans.

Satisfied, he knocked on the door and waited, his heart racing.

Moments passed before he heard some steps approaching from inside, and when the door opened up, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Standing an inch or so beneath him was a very round fox. Her red and white fur, her ginger hair and her adorably spherical physique always made Scott think of a very fat strawberry. A sliver of her large tummy peeked out beneath the hem of her favourite purple shirt, and he could just imagine the seat of her own jeans straining a little from her globular backside.

“Scottie!” she chirped, throwing her soft arms around him. “You’re early!”

“I am?” Scott asked, unable to stop himself from smiling. He could feel his girlfriend’s soft belly and doughy breasts squishing against him.

“I wasn’t expecting you for another ten minutes,” Scarlet said, pecking him on the cheek. “But hey, that means ten extra minutes with you!”

Scott’s heart melted at her big smile. Her endless optimism was one of his favourite things about her. Her chubby cheeks dimpling and making her slight squint more pronounced sure didn’t hurt either.

“I can wait if you still need to get ready,” he assured her.

“Oh, I won’t be long,” she said, taking his wrist. “C’mon in!”

Scott let himself get dragged into the apartment, and was brought into a familiarly comfortable space. He was brought right into the living room, where Scarlet sat him on the couch.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, and Scott couldn’t help but watch her rear shift side to side as she made for her bedroom.

“Ah, you're here,” Scott heard from the opposite side of the living room. He turned and saw a taller, slimmer white cat in the kitchen doorway, her arms crossed with an unimpressed glare on her face.

“Hi, May,” he said, smiling awkwardly at Scarlet's roommate.

“She might not have noticed, but I have,” May said as she approached. “Ever since Scarlet got with you, she's been ballooning.”

Scott's pupils dilated just a bit. “Oh, she has?”

“Don't play dumb,” she growled, getting right in Scott’s face, causing him to back up onto the couch. “I’ve seen guys like you before. I know your game.”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Scott insisted, his voice more assertive despite still shaking a little. “I just want to take my girlfriend out on a nice date.”

“Don’t act like that's the only thing you have in mind,” said May. “I'm only putting up with you getting your jollies because Scarlet's happy with you. But you do anything to upset her…”

Somewhere, a fire ignited inside Scott, and he felt himself returning the scowl. “May, if I ever do Scarlet wrong on purpose, I'll beat myself to a bloody pulp.”

The two stared into each other's eyes, as if trying to read their thoughts. May was the first to back off, her gaze softening significantly.

“Well, alright then,” she said, seemingly satisfied. “You want a soda or something while you’re waiting?”

Scott blinked, feeling the tension disappear quicker than it arrived. “Uh, sure, thanks.”

Moments later he was staring at the soda can in his paws. He may not have felt intimidated, but he certainly felt awkward. Thankfully, his girlfriend lightened the mood with her return, dressed in a loose blue hoodie he had bought for her some time ago. Her smile didn’t seem to have wavered since she left. He felt his tail wagging at the sight.

“How do I look?” she asked.

“The same as you always look,” Scott said as he got up, smiling back at her. “Like a million dollars.”

Scarlet giggled as her boyfriend kissed her soft cheek. “Aw, you.”

“Ready to go?” Scott asked.

“Sure am.” Scarlet took him by the paw and led him to the door. “See ya later, May!”

“Don’t have too much fun, you two,” May said with a smile, which immediately turned into a warning scowl toward Scott the moment her roommate’s back was turned.

Scott swallowed. At least he was certain he hadn’t imagined May threatening him. He was glad to be out in the hallway.

“So, what’re we doing tonight?” Scarlet asked, her violet eyes sparkling with excitement. “Ooh, is it a surprise?”

Scott gave her a playful grin. “Do you want it to be a surprise?”

“Yeah! No! Maybe?” Scarlet’s ears wiggled as her indecisiveness wrestled with itself all the way to the elevator. “Nngghh… gimme a hint?”

“Well, are you hungry?” Scott asked.

“Starving.” Scarlet’s bushy tail started swishing. “Are we going to the diner?”

Scott’s smile grew. “I thought we could try something different.”

Scarlet’s face lit up like the city skyline at night when she saw where Scott had taken her. On a downtown street corner was a large, single floor eaterie, the name Gourmet Buffet glowing above the windows in neon. The facade sported the image of a cute cat sporting a huge, swollen stomach and a satisfied smile.

“I heard good things about this place,” said Scott. “They do all-you-can-eat here.”

Scarlet let out a gasp as, indeed, she spotted a poster advertising the all-you-can-eat special in the window. “It’s so cheap too!”

“And it’s my treat,” said Scott with a smile. “What do you say?”

Scarlet opened her mouth to respond with an eager ‘yes’, but she paused with a frown. “I dunno. May says I eat too much sometimes.”

“It’s a date, so you should have some fun,” Scott insisted. “But if you want, I’ll stop you from having too much.”

Scarlet furrowed her brow and rubbed her second chin. “Weeeeeell… okay!”

Both their tails wagging, the vulpine lovers walked through Gourmet Buffet’s double doors, and Scarlet paused as the medley of delicious scents hit her senses like the most pleasant truck. Her head went blank for a moment, and a sliver of drool slid down from the corner of her mouth.


The sound of the customers’ chatter filling the air was just enough to mask the loud, ravenous grumble from Scarlet’s round belly, though she still blushed all the same as she gave it a rub. Scott gave her a reassuring smile before approaching the greeter.

“Hey, I reserved a table for two this morning,” he said. “Name’s Scott.”

“Hmm,” the greeter muttered, running a finger down an open book. “Ah yes, right this way.”

The two followed him across the restaurant floor. Scarlet’s eyes wandered around her, seeing customers bringing mountains of food on their plates to their tables to dig into them. Unsurprisingly, many of them sported a physique not unlike her own.

“Here we are,” said the greeter, stopping in front of a booth by a window. A plate and silverware were set out at each side. “Just take your plate up to the buffet when you’re ready.”

“Thanks a lot,” said Scott, the two taking their coats off. He helped Scarlet sit down before he sat across from her.

“I didn’t know you had to reserve a table for a buffet,” she said.

“For this place, you do,” Scott explained. “It’s really popular.”

Scarlet nodded, and found herself eyeing the buffet with a hungry glint in her eyes.

“Why don’t you go ahead?” Scott offered. “I’ll get us drinks.”

“Sure!” chirped Scarlet before immediately squeezing herself out of the booth. She carried her plate over and surveyed the selection. Burgers, fries, chicken wings, pastas, slices of pizza and more were spread out across multiple steam trays. Scarlet stared at them, her ears twitching. She could almost hear them calling out to her, begging her to stuff her face.

And who was she to say no to that?

She went to lunge at them, but a thought made her pause. A thought of May giving her a rather unimpressed scowl when she got back. Her roommate was always advising her to not overdo her calorie intake.

“I better watch myself,” she decided, Lifting a burger and some fries onto her plate. “Though, a few wings won’t hurt. And pasta is good for me, right? Ooh, there’s some meat feast pizza there! That’s practically every food group in one!”

Scott’s eyes widened when he watched Scarlet bring back practically a bit of every selection. How she piled all that onto one plate was beyond him. All he got was a burger and some sodas for both of them!

Though, he certainly wasn’t complaining about the sight, especially when Scarlet sat down and started digging in. She took a huge chomp out of her own burger, her tail wagging as she chewed.

Scott loved to watch Scarlet eat. With the big smile pushing against her stuffed cheeks, it seemed he and food were the things that made her the happiest. And with the two of them with her together, she was practically on cloud nine. Her cute little moans as she gobbled up mouthful after mouthful were music to his ears.

He finished his burger and looked down at his empty plate. He was satisfied for the moment, but watching his date put so much away made an idea start forming in his head. But did he dare put it into effect? Did he dare invite May’s wrath down on him?

The next thing he knew, he was slinking off toward the buffet and filling that plate with another helping of assorted foods.

As long as Scarlet’s happy, I’ll take whatever May’s got.

By the time Scott had returned, Scarlet had just finished the last mouthful of macaroni and cheese on her plate. A cute little burp escaped her as she licked her lips clean.

“That was amazing,” she sighed, before eyeing the other plate on the table. “Ooh, you’re having a lot too?”

“Oh, I thought you might want some more,” Scott said, rubbing behind his head. “You look pretty hungry.”

“I dunno,” said Scarlet, frowning with uncertainty. “I was thinking I should maybe – is that fried chicken?!” she gasped, gawking at a large drumstick on the plate.

“I did some looking around the other trays,” said Scott as he pushed the plate forward. “Go ahead, you should enjoy yourself.”

He was happy to see Scarlet didn’t need much convincing. She pulled the plate closer and started tearing into whatever was on it, holding a fork in one paw and a drumstick in the other. Scott’s tail wagged as he watched his date glut herself, both their tails wagging for different reasons. He looked down at the emptied plate, and decided to sneak off again to refill it while Scarlet was eating.

Every time Scarlet finished a plate, Scott would bring another course for her. And with every plate she emptied, her shirt rode up more from her stomach swelling larger and rounder. She didn’t seem to care anymore about how much food she was packing into herself. In fact, she didn’t seem to be thinking about it anymore.

Which suited Scott nicely, especially when he spotted the dessert buffet. He snuck away once more and made his way toward it, grabbing a bowl of ice cream, some slices of chocolate cake, and…

“Oh, perfect,” he grinned, grabbing a large plateful of churros.

He brought the sweet feast back to the table just as Scarlet finished an extra greasy slice of four-cheese pizza. Her fingers, face, and the top of her shirt were covered in all kinds of stains, from barbecue sauce to fryer grease to sticky soda. Yet, she was happily licking at whatever she could reach.

“How’s about a palate cleanser?” offered Scott as he presented the round of dessert.

“Oh, I’m getting kinda full,” mumbled Scarlet, resting a paw on her bloated middle. “I dunno if… I can… churros…?!”

Scott grinned and pushed the treats toward her. “Your favourite.”

To his lack of surprise, the sticks of fried dough were the first thing she grabbed. She crammed them into her maw with newfound vigour, sending crumbs and powdered sugar in every possible direction. Scott had to duck his head to avoid a particularly large clump of pastry shooting his way.

He would have been concerned about Scarlet’s behaviour if not for how elated she looked. Her eyes fluttered closed and her fur and hair bristled as she let out a moaning giggle. Scarlet would live on churros if she could, but May wouldn’t be too pleased about that.

Though, little did she know Scott would encourage it.

“I’ll see if they have some more,” he said, getting to his feet.

“This is what you needed help with?” asked a waitress, looking rather apprehensive.

“If you don’t mind,” said Scott. “It’s not gonna be a one-person job, as you can probably tell.”

He and a pair of waitresses were staring at a ridiculously engorged Scarlet, whose stomach was pressed so tightly against the table that she couldn’t possibly get out under her own power alone. Her shirt was horribly stained with grease, sauce, soda and ice cream, as were her face and paws. Her mouth hung open and her eyes slowly blinked one after the other, so dazed she was from the overload of sugar on top of all of the other fatty foods she had indulged in that evening. Scott was glad for it, since it meant she wasn’t paying attention to the murmurs and whispers she was getting from other patrons.

“I think we’ve got some spray oil left in the kitchen,” one waitress said. “That should help her slide out.”

“But then there’s the matter of getting her out without her exploding,” the other commented. “Man, she’ll be the third one this week. I do not get paid enough for this…”

“Sorry,” said Scott nervously. He lifted his wallet and was glad to see he had some cash left after settling the bill. “I’ll tip you both, if it helps.”

The waitresses glanced at each other, suddenly looking more eager.

“Well, I’ll never say no to a tip,” the second decided. “Alright, let’s see what we can do here.”

The first waitress raced off to the kitchen and soon returned with a can of sunflower oil. She carefully sprayed it onto Scarlet’s stomach, getting it glistening and slippery. The waitresses took hold of Scarlet’s arm while Scott hopped across the table to her other side. With their combined pushing and tugging, the overfed fox slowly budged with small surges. She groaned and burped with each bit of progress, and with one final strain of effort, she stumbled onto her feet with an audible pop.

“Oof!” she grunted, waving her arms to keep balanced and looking more awake for just a moment. She just barely registered that she was on her feet, and Scott was quick to tug her coat on as far as it would go before putting her arm over his shoulders. Scott wore an awkward smile as he thanked the waitresses, and was glad to see their expressions soften when they saw the hearty tip he gave them.

“Where… we going…?” Scarlet murmured.

“We’re just getting you home,” Scott said softly. He halted with every groan, burp and hiccup that erupted from his girlfriend, being afraid she really might blow up. Her steps were slow and plodding, but he had all night if it meant getting her home safely.

Once outside, he flagged down a taxi and helped her into the back seat. Sure it wasn’t far from Scarlet’s apartment building, but he figured the less walking she had to do at the moment, the better. Besides, it gave him some time to try and soothe the stomach ache she was no doubt feeling. He put his paw on her stomach as the rode down the street, and he was surprised by just how rock solid it had gotten. She really packed it away.

The memory of her eating all that food made his tail thump on the leather.

Finally, he had gotten Scarlet into the apartment building’s elevator and up to her floor. Once he got her to the door, he looked in her eyes and noticed some clarity. She seemed to have recovered enough to realise what all had happened.

“I… really made a pig of myself, huh?” she asked, lowering her head in shame.

Scott put his finger under Scarlet’s second chin and gently tipped her head upward. “You were really enjoying yourself. I love seeing you happy, y’know.”

“But I probably made you look really silly…”

“Not at all,” he assured her. “You could never do that.”

Scarlet looked into Scott’s eyes. She wasn’t sure how, but she could tell he meant it. It was enough for her to return a little smile.

“Well, since I picked what we did, how about you call it next time?” he offered.

“Sure,” she said, before letting out a burger patty-and-fried dough-scented yawn. “Man, I’m sleepy…”

Scott smiled. “You’ll be happy to get into bed after such a big day.”

“Thanks for tonight,” said Scarlet, pecking him on the lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Scott purred, returning the kiss. Once he helped her through the door, he strode off toward the elevator with a spring in his step. He got to see Scarlet stuff her face with wild abandon, and she didn’t mind! If he had to pick a favourite date, this was definitely high up on the list.

He got in the elevator, and when he heard May’s exclamation breach the walls, he found himself mashing the ground floor button more than he intended.
>>54535 (OP)
Why don't you start a write general?
Why can’t this be the write general?
The OP is too specific.

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