
(6.1 MB, 4096x3192, average pyro moment (1).png)
I know inflation has one of these but figured bbw furry also needed a fresh shitpost channel. Post the best blimpy blobby shit posts you got in your stashes and let's do some meme reviewing!
Mods, ricks this retard's dick so his future family won't be an embarrassment

Daring today, aren't we?
Every board should have generals to replace less used or useful boards.
>>54377 (OP)
Are there any furry memes in the first place?
When I did speak to her. She didnt seem right. She seem scared or nervous to speak to another man other then her husband. She gave me sign of domestic abuse. We should monitor his movements. Because think he beats on her when he doesnt get his way. He cant see his dick under that gut.
These black women wont speak up when their husband domestically abuse them. But I will. Because I wish a nigga wood. Ill man handle you like a bitch nigga in prison. Alot of men who beat their wives never been to prison fake tough guy act but smile in pics. Fuck outta here

Where's the full pic?
>Where's the full pic?
I have posted the full pic.
Generals are designed to be familiar, not original.
Are there any furry memes in the first place?
We got to have more crazy memes even pyro ones I don't care! Please!
When he leaves all of them will be sad. & he isnt joking he is leaving. Everyone said far to long its been going on. Thats mental abuse you dealing with son.
Furries can't meme.

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