
Any reason why Rush Rabbit doesn't have a Twitter anymore? Also can someone post her backrooms sequence please.
Twitter is a hellscape, simple as.
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So fun fact:
Rush is a baby fur
And her boyfriend, mattc?
He's a pedophile and a utter asshole
Baby fur or ABDL?
It’s just ABDL
literally nothing of actual baby fur lol
who cares pick up foot ball
How do you know her boyfriends a pedo?
Oh no, it's full on baby fur
Fround screenshots of him talking such with a 14 year old, he was 19 at that time
Dude, I’ve seen the drawings posted on here, it’s just ABDL 😂
You also seem to be talking more than actually showing proof lmao
Why is it whenever threads about artists are made some maggot has to start shit like this. I know who you are, "anon" and you're a liar.
Get off the internet and do something actually productive. Any "evidence" you do have is unreliable due to things you're leaving out of the picture intentionally.
Anon Boards and Trans people just don’t mix I guess
The only thing from this guy I'm interested in is the video series.
Please have lots of slob so I can jack off.

I'll think about it...
Can someone find the one of her on a scooter
It's not fucking slander you dumb piece of shit.

Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.

That third pic, tho.
(99 KB, 604x440, IMG_2272.jpeg)
>2nd pic. Big ass bitch bunny or rabbit idk goddayum
Can rabbits even have stubble?
Nope. They're small and a bit stupid. They can't do anythin
what a dumb question.
do rabbits have humanoid bodies and live in apartments? Can they in art? Yes. she can have stubble retard.
Yeah but it looks retarded
(58 KB, 1176x1312, quota.png)
the fuck is this thread
It's hell, that's what
I found all the other photos. Trust.
Rush would never draw Tama from the Somnium files

You're right, cuz I don't know who that is.
(3.6 MB, 2961x5323, IMG_0424.png)
The Somnium Files? That boring as fuck detective game from the people who made 999 but didn’t live up to the hype? I never wanted to even think of that game ever again.

I’ll admit Tama’s cute in a vaccum, however, even if she’s just as boring as everyone else
Man no wonder you got no taste, not even realizing the best game ever, even if it slapped you on the ass. Man I had such a good time with it, the whole idea of TC-purge, amonst the whole alternate ending being the best ending to get to "save everyone" basically enabling some psychopath to live out her fantasy to basically live free of restrictions and also just free from people who would try and control her, because she was forced into an aranged marrage with some abusive asshole who only wanted her cuz she was beautiful. Not to mention, the scene where the Mizuki's talk about how they wanna beat people up who are assholes to LGBTQ+ people absolutely touched my heart.

Though fucking Tama is great, she's great, I love her. She's just so fucking cool. Knowing full well that Ryuki is basically insane, but still loves/cares about Tama enough to hold everything in so that she won't fucking die. Acting like a person who is unstable because if he doesn't, then he won't be able to actively save one of the people who he still cares about. So I mean, yeah. Tama and Ryuki, great together. Man, fuck yeah.

Though I will say the first one is better, storywise, it's just got that grit, but the sequel is more so a high concept piece about the world we live in. I mean ultimately, it does say that the bad guy in the whole game was just the guy who cucked the Naixatloz leader into having that baby.

Though yeah, fuck, what a game series. Love it, the zero escape series, and anything else by Spike chunsoft. Great writers all around.

Man, what I wouldn't give just to have another 428, or Danganronpa V3, fucking games just made me cry, they knew how to just touch a soul like my own.

Man there's so many good games.
Wait, how old we talking? Will say that the first pic is probably the best one out of the bunch lol

it does not matter how old the art has to be.
Well I mean, just, curious, wanna strike up conversation lol, but I mena, you're free to post art without me wanting to show interest with it lmao
I think all of those are about 3 years old now, kinda surreal cuz I've definitely improved a lot since then.
I mean yeah, honestly, you've improved a whole lot since then, but any piece you're proud of in the past, rush?
(3.3 MB, 2200x1047, Sequence.png)
I guess like, this? If we're thinkin' like way back anyways.
>>55370 nothing but improvements!

also hi rush, had no idea you went on here lmao

It's an unhealthy pastime, but hopefully I can finally feel like I never have to come back here lol

Hi, Rush. Any art you wanna share with us?
i like some of the roundness on these, but your art has gotten way better and you've got a cool style!!
it's 2 am and i can't word anything, i just think you're way cooler and nicer now
a lot of the time when something causes that extreme feeling of anger, eventually it just needs to be re-examined and ends up as "huh, this thing isn't that bad and i can let it go" or "i need to take a step back and find where this clash is coming from and how to tune it out"
i struggled with it for a few things, and it doesn't mean you're forced to tolerate the bad stuff
even if the goal is to get off, i still think being able to sit with it and post your stuff here is good and im proud of that!!
i dunno the best way to word it and im just a random anon with sleep issues but keep doing what makes you feel Epic
(1.3 MB, 2600x2200, DonutGirl.png)
Here have a drawing I did today

Thank you.

And where else can I find it?

The best places to find my stuff is either furaffinity or bluesky.

Got any more to share?
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I’m not sure if this is by them but the artstyle is familiar to me
I have a question Rush. Are you working on your YouTube series? I think it's a cool concept

Yeah I drew that lol

Yeah I'm slowly but surely working on it.
Oh shit is the actual rush commenting?
(1.3 MB, 2600x2200, sweatybun.png)
The one and only, here to occasionally comment as long as you guys behave lol
I wonder…
If rush sees this.
Why were the pizzatower drawings deleted?
My best guess is that Mcpig himself. Came up to you and was like “delete this”
Or something
Skateboard image looks good :D
Hope ya color it in?

Yay! Thank you!
(43 KB, 720x540, PizzaTower.png) (2.9 MB, 3200x2400, PizzardInflation.png) (1.0 MB, 3200x2400, Pizzard.png) (1.4 MB, 3200x2400, BadRat.png) (2.0 MB, 3200x2400, PeezaTower.png)
Tbh it was a pretty kneejerk reaction, I thought mcpig was like this edgelord which I did not want to support lol. But obviously now it's whatever, the art can be shared again I don't mind.

No promises cuz I don't color usually color stuff unless I do it right then and there
(3.8 MB, 2503x1472, IMG_8876.png)
Ahhh understandable ^

Anyways imma post one of my favorite pieces you’ve done

“ Afamily that gains together, remains together..... because its kinda' hard to leave when you can no longer fit through a door, or even get up out of bed anymore for that matter :D” - sedit
this art is still cute and i love the pizzard ones!!! and that is understandable, and even though you might not have that reaction anymore, i think it's still cool to draw designs you like even if the source material/creator bugs you
i just wish people didnt think of fanart as an always direct endorsement of the original stuff, sometimes you just wanna see these creatures get fat and comfy
gosh i love his face and the fat folds on the butt,,,,
I wonder when Blood Clementine PG 3 will come out.
I’m actually pretty interested in it.

And we promise to behave ourselves.
Damn this thread turned from "Rush's bf is a fucking pedo" to "omg its rush haiii sorry we'll behave" real damn quick. Yall are weird.

Oh well. I'm just happy this thread is going well now! Hai whalebun~ <3
This website be like that ^
It will have random shitty accusations.
Just like Soyjak party lol
(131 KB, 750x1004, Are you kidding me?.png) (122 KB, 750x946, He’s not female.png) (135 KB, 750x1097, I CAN SEE HIS BALLS IN THIS ONE.png) (227 KB, 1280x960, Stella in her rightful place.JPG) (2.5 MB, 2217x1662, Fat cat.PNG)
Rushrabbit, I’d like to file a complaint. I know you’re a part of the transgender ideology and that takes an ample amount of reality rejection to be a part of, but can you not blatantly lie with your descriptions?

You’re based for doing Stella and the capitalist cat though.

Dude ffs thats a weak ass bait. Fuck off with that shit
Fym bait? It’s just false advertising at that point. There’s an option to set it to Trans (female) isn’t there?
How many angry repressed homosexuals are there in this site? Just admit you’re obsessed with girl dick you gaywad.
No such thing
No such thing as what? Repressed homosexuals? You prove that one exists.
(2.4 MB, 2400x2600, BonelessChicken.png)
The more you whine the more I'm gonna do it.

Because while I don't mind specifying I'm trans (which also attracts more whining mind you), anyone saying that is only wanting to mark myself as a "fake women" which is not something I feel like abiding.
>I know you’re a part of the transgender ideology
Rush isn't a part of any ideology, she's an individual.
i just came back and oh god damnit
it really depends on who wants to be loud on given days, and i think rush calming down sorta coincided with the threads calming down
i just wanna see more blobs with fat cocks, but that is based and up to you anyway
the sona can just be a cool bunny girl, it's a character and an avatar, even when they express your moods that's all there is to it cause you drew a creature
i know this is bait but man, neither is a lot of things but it still makes me horny seeing it in good art
Cool bunny girls and blobs with fat cocks don’t exist either. Life is disappointing.
Man I feel bad for rush rabbit in this thread-
Sorry you have to deal with stupid stuff like this
Mcconell had one hell of a sense of humor 1/30/85 lol I see why we click
Take this shit to /gen/.
Just draw girl dick or not. Jack off to girl dick or don’t. But debate it in /gen/, this place is for the furries of all gender expression.

Okay. We are so sorry. You can still show your art here, right? Whatd'ya make today? (You can even post your private art here! Just tell everyone to behave or else risk not getting to see it.)
You guys already made her leave.
You all deserve this lmao.
She isn’t coming back

Oh, she will be back soon.

And for how long is she taking a break from this thread?
You fucking idiots all deserve this.
And she will never rejoin this shit show of a site again.

But we didn't deserve this.

I'll be sure to notify Rush in future.
Hope you get blocked weirdo. lol fuck outta here
Stop hoping. Broke
Never trust a tranny
Retards like you are why artists don't hang out here. Kill yourself.
There's always these weird troglodytes that come out of the woodwork to complain and offer nothing of value.
(2.7 MB, 2087x1766, 1709486587.rushrabbit_donutgirl.png)
we got lucky being able to relax, they were already taking a break from here, let them lurk and post the art you love
Woah, didn't expect this to turn into a literal __ Thread. Josh is a loser, KF is for losers and you guys are a bunch of sad incels.
Successful adults don’t mutilate themselves, sweetheart.
I may be an incel but I still have more sex than you (rape) niiiiggaaaaaa
But it explains why youre on bbwchan. U thought everyone was fooled. See you in april
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Don't delete them.
That's the duality of dumb motherfuckers on the internet, they go on and on about hating someone then make a thread where they gush over how good their art is AND how much they hate them.

Hate is a waste of my goddamn time.
So spread your asshole for your 11 yr old to see again
Then fucking leave. I don’t like your art style either
I knew I should of fucked you again. I cant wait to beat my dick. In you again
Just keep filling this thread with more of your schizo babble. There’s so many better artists out there.
I had alot of them. Ask about me
We needbigmarvcontent
Tell us more about bigmarvcontent
Sucks for you I guess, I schedule my week around hate. You can fit it in there, it’s not hard.
Seriously, if Rush had the right kind of hate then he’d be a much happier person.
Husband & wife infidelities
What, are you looking at your own crotch, you tranny?
Think about what you’re saying, it’ll look kind of humiliating for you when you get raped with a 2-inch dick.
>>58378 >>58382
Projecting due to small penis difficulties. Think more positively as life does not revolve around penis, unless of course you are a pornstar
(85 KB, 690x560, Nagito_Komaeda_Halfbody_Sprite_29.webp)
I finally understand you Rush, you're trying to bring the light of hope to these despair ridden channers because you too want to indulge in to total despair with them!!! You truly make for one of the strongest ones out of us all!! Just how could we ever follow in your footsteps?!

You came back, Rush. What art do you have here to share? We promise we will behave.
if it's a waste of your time then just don't spend that time at all!!!!!
>>58368 >>58374
this is basically the only part i agree with because i hate seeing people channel their energy into making arguments worse by spouting spite and hate back instead of just ignoring it and focusing on the good stuff, and i think rush finally having a break helped calm that and made their art better
"lmao i win incel youre projecting" gets nothing done, keeps this shit going, and just makes me want to never approach you at all
i dont even know if this is rush or not but Everyone, Just Let Eachother Be Already
Finally a reasonable person, I was just annoyed by the transphobes tbh
Oh, pog. Didn't know there was another version. Cool to see since my character is in it (the cat)

GravitySecretAgent I assume? Didnt know you lurked these threads! Makes sense~
I thought that was the cat Nekogami used.
I'm Gravity. It's my cat. Neko-Gami was one of my faves before I became a kinkwriter but he wasn't my original choice. I was going to have a raccoon sona.
I became a cat because "evil villain" and because a friend said it'd be perfect.

Totally wanna get a pic with me and gami one day tho but we haven't figured out a good scenario.

I'm like his evil cousin into all the nasty/dark shit.
Yeah I'm on all the chans lol but I mainly lurk. <3 Glad to see you here too. Always happy to meet a fan c:
Yeah you are and I can’t believe you’re here. Do you want a thread like Omega and Smokii?
I'd be truly honored and if you did? I'd post original content there and some "unseen" works.
but one little problem is, how do I put this nicely, half the community loves me and the OTHER half (mostly not here) wants my head on a pike
Is that because you identify with the LGBTEFGHIJKLMNOP? Just block out the haters and focus on making great art/stories.
No, quite opposite. It's because I do all of the kinks and characters they hate. The twitfurs kinda hate me even though I'm bisexual.
Well, not "hate" per say, they don't block me and rigourously jerk off to my shit. They just like to save face for their audience.
Yeah, twitter sucks.

>>59556 (Cross-thread)
I already made the thread and I like you more than Rushrabbit. Come in if you really want to and understand that haters gonna hate. I’m curious about the characters they “hate” (but nothing underage please).

I’m fond of your gas bomb story and would like a short sequel/anthology based on it.
Already posted some new comms in there! I had other stuff but it's mostly just, like, april fools nonsense lol.

I actually got comm'd by a famous twitter commer for a sequel involving their character I just haven't wrote it yet because I am constantly being bum humped XD
I’m glad you went. I love April Fools nonsense too.

Is it a secret sequel?
It's a fetish retelling of "Shrek" by Dreamworks. The whole movie. Just like the Bee Movie thing I did. It's now a tradition ig.

If you're curious, yeah, it is. Shit like Deltarune characters or anything. I'll do literally any fictional characters or pretty much any kink.

Only things I won't do is baby shit, multiple body parts, toddlers, vore (sometimes), vomit, snot, body part TF, F2M TF (Don't like doing it much), anime (I don't know it), and futa/cuntboy stuff. I'm bi so I like male and female body parts. I'm not against anyone who has it. It's just a personal sexual preference.
I see that you’re a man of refined tastes and great boundaries (in as much as a writer like you can have). And how long have you been writing these retellings?
I started with Bee Movie last year and now I'm doing Shrek

Also the comm won't be private I'll upload it.
Excellent. If I could make a suggestion for next year: Kraken movie. Everyone hated how it ended with its weak twist and I have no doubt you would retell it better. You need to make the mermaid girl redeemable too and NOT HER MOTHER. But that’s for next year.

Thanks for listening to my request for a Love That Bomb Japan edition, and it’s my hope that the Bushikis will be a mainstay oc pack.
i know this is completely unrelated, but god i hate people trying to put limits on deltarune characters like that when nothing's canon about their age and you can just like the characters as adults anyway
twitter's weird and theres definitely a lot of pressure to save face and make a show of superiority rather than just focusing on making things you love to make/blocking and moving on at worst
i hope im not sounding too aggresive about it, and i at least like seeing rush feel calmer and happier now after leaving twitter, cause i hated seeing all the fighting and judging and blind rage even just to save face and let it out
To be fair it's more than deltarune. Any cartoon you can name I probably have fetish thoughts about. My whole fetish is basically "What if these cartoon stars had a REALLY dark fetishized made for TV episode in an alternate reality where obesity is an epidemic and the norm?"

I stopped caring about character ages when they started using fandomwiki for a source of reference. Sonic, deltarune, even fucking something as lamebained as Shantae's age.
If I like the design or the character I am going to corrupt them.

Twitter is a shitstew. I don't use it because I have no reason to be a "personality" or "influencer" on there. If all the fat fetish artists didn't go on there I wouldn't touch it with a 500 foot pole.

Literally every furry is much happier when they DON'T have to deal with that crowd. Who the fuck wants some retard looming over your shoulder telling you what you can/can't enjoy? It's a deflection in my eyes.

I might reference bushiki in the upcoming story
TLC really influenced a generation of fat fetishists. Way to get your influences in. And yeah, twitter’s still a nightmare no matter who’s in charge

>I might reference bushiki in the upcoming story
That would make me so happy. Which Bushiki?
(1.4 MB, 2400x1800, VinylSketch.png)
Sailor whale

TLC fucking ruined me. I can't get off unless they are an unwashed, grotesque, bariatric disaster.
No, I mean I introduced the idea of her having a granddaughter. Actually, og Bushiki is fine too and I’m proud that she’ll be used for more shenanigans than being too efficient as a fart bomb.

I like the idea of the blobs being that and apologetic sweethearts. Like they don’t want to bother anybody, but their insatiable appetites have doomed them into being the center of attention
They know what they did lol. Epic bread tho

That's what I mean most of these characters aren't even underrage and they STILL bitch about it because "they look young" or some retarded shit like that
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Hehe. Ik what you mean, but as much I don’t want to say it, you’re kind of right. I’m trying my best to no sound problematic, but there’s some really cute characters that I’d get bully for because I simp for them. For instance, I simp for Mina-Girl from Vitamin Connection (Great game, btw), and I once told some ppl on a dc server that I simp for her, and they started calling me a “pedo,” and stuff like that due to her design. Even tho, she’s clearly older than that. (The game even has some joke art parodying Japanese ads where she’s played by adult actresses or painted as one). Reminder, this is the same server that simp for Genshin characters (even the ones that are actual minors). I swear to god, this is some lookism type of crap. You would get hated for because you simp for a vitamin, but their legs turn into Niagra falls when Jotaro walks into the room. SMH.
(Also gimme fat Mina-Girl plz)
Error. I meant to say was that her age is unknown, but there’s no official confirmation.
introducing furries to social media was one of the worst things to happen to the community
unless someone is posting actual csam or using the likeness of real people, art is just art and im sick of this weird puritan 1-upping that makes everything worse
>(The game even has some joke art parodying Japanese ads where she’s played by adult actresses or painted as one).
Fucking where?
(1.1 MB, 1654x2214, IMG_3731.jpeg) (8.9 MB, 763x429, IMG_3732.gif)
Here’s some promo art and in-game artwork that jokingly depicts her as an adult woman, despite the fact that she’s normally a Chibi vitamin. This could be proof that she’s legal, but her official age is unknown. >>59927
That is a lot less cute than I thought it would be.
Buddy, I love you, but this ain't twitter. This is one of the few places you can have an opinion, enjoy the characters you like, and zonk to the content you enjoy. Sometimes you'll get mocked but that's about it.

I for one think people should be able to tug their rug to WHATEVER character they want including Mina-Girl, Sonic, Genshin, etc. Fuck what other people think. You like something? You should enjoy something. This is the goddamn internet. I shouldn't have to change my tastes to suit the needs of people who would never respect me as a person or as a content creator UNLESS I changed.

I fucking hate the whole twitfur shit. I miss when they were all on the chans like I am hanging out, drawing sketches, making friends.

These entitled shitsacks would sell their own mother out to appear morally righteous on the fucking INTERNET. Ten years ago nobody gave a shit what you jerked off now because everyone is on social media people thinks it is their business.

I hate AI art but I love AI writing personally. C.AI is a big dub and I have been using it as a fun roleplay tool and thing to bounce off my writing ideas from. I hate that galleries now are being filled with computer generated shit from no-talent fucks.
I understand what you were saying but my whole point was about how people use lookism for their advantage. People mistook Mina-Girl’s doesn’t for a loli, despite there not being any evidence, yet these fuckers would simp for Genshin Impact characters that look older than they actually are or Giorno Giovanna or Trish Una (They’re both 15, despite how old they look). I feel as if it could be due to how they view it instead of how it’s actually is. Reminder that no one found Babydoll and Croc’s “relationship” creepy (Even tho Croc was just using her.). https://youtu.be/94Ib5t-TCtk
But then again, idk if what I’m saying will actually get in trouble.
(58 KB, 250x417, IMG_3734.webp)
“Loli haters” and “moralfags” when they realize that it ain’t problematic if any children are involved:
(Sorry for crapping up the thread.)
My bad. Any ACTUAL children are involved.
Can anyone explain why these two women took my semen and created babies. Well only one for my permission. Lol
Baby Dahl and Marian ftw tho but I 100% what you're saying. I agree totally with the whole lookism point. That and them having to dig up fandomwiki ages to shame people, including their own friends, for lewding a character they are personally uncomfortable with.

On the same argument I wanna say the only thing that legit kinda makes me uncomfortable is when people lewd the younger versions of characters or make like...loli versions of them. Again, idc what you do, but it seems like you're sexualizing the age more than the character at that stage.
>you're sexualizing the age more than the character
That’s a pretty important distinction. How do you know if you’re doing one or the other?
Great question

Here's a good way to figure out

Look at Total Drama Island Vs. Total Dramarama

Do you wanna sexualize the characters from TDI? Most people would say yes (me included)

Would you also sexualize the ones from TDR? WAY more people would say "no" of course

Now, here's the question. Would they ONLY sexualize the ones from TDR more than TDI or only the ones from the "looney tunes babies" version of it.

If they do what I typed above ^ that might mean they care more about the sexualization of their youth more than the characters themselves. Again, not always, but most of the time.
Bro, all I sent was a pic confirming Shantae’s age by her creator and I created a whole debate on a thread focused on some controversial twitter fatfur artist. What is up with my life? 😭
I’m glad you did because that controversial artist is a closeted AB tranny that’s part of the problem.
AB? What does that mean?
Adult baby. It’s gross. That image of his fursona wearing a diaper suckling on a bottle in a crib is etched into my mind. I wish I could forget it.
(1.1 MB, 498x373, IMG_3741.gif)
Yakuza moment. (Also, adult baby stuff is gross. I’m not a kinkshamer, but AB and Futa are the grossest things, and this is coming from a Hyperpregnancy and Unbirth fan!)
I don't personally like ABDL/infantalism/diaper shit myself but I do believe it's important that people enjoy whatever sick shit they want.

Mainly because paysites and credit card companies attacked them first and now they are trying to go after other fetishes like feederism.

If we don't stand together as horny degenerates we are all fucked because there are plenty of asshats who hate NSFW/kinks in general that want us dead no matter what we're into.

Sir, you dropped your based card and I wish to return it to you.
Thank you, sir. (Based? Based how?)
Yeah, I agree. Especially DA. You’ll get death threats for liking fat fetish fanart. I’d say we’d fight back. Time to kink shame the skinny-lovers/normal people! (Jk, don’t do that. We don’t want this to end badly.)
Rush makes plenty of good shit bro. Need I mention the video with Penny for the Juicy Burger? They are a sweet person too. Never did me an ounce of harm

Based you don't like futa. Not into it either. It's a bi thing
Well, unfortunately I can’t view the vid since I don’t have a YT acc. Yeah, never understood the whole deal with futa. It’s gross. It makes bimboification look hot by comparison (I ain’t into bimboification.)
I don’t support Rush’s actions, but can we plz get this thread on track?
(542 KB, 267x200, 200.gif)
Sorry about that.
I’m sorry you have to lie to yourself everyday to feel normal.
(1.3 MB, 640x480, IMG_3746.gif)
So, someone’s opinion on a drawing from their perspective is a bad thing now? Didn’t know that a drawing depicting a full grown adult character in a diaper, sucking on a pacifier while in a diaper doesn’t seem weird to you.
Mhm, I'm sure you guys have never jacked off to anything weird in your life, expressed yourself in a way that someone disagreed with, felt different about your sexuality or gender, I bet you're all just very boring bitches with no sorts of emotional baggages or annoying quirks. Doesn't sound at all like cringe ass projecting to me.

You're on BBWChan, get the fuck over yourselves. Like what you like and stfu.
That’s what I was trying to say, but I was trying to make you understand the situation of it all. Hell, I have weird kinks, but if it involves anything related to age-play, diapers, or anything relating to that stuff, doesn’t it seem concerning? May I remind you about Puppychan?
Wrong username, but that was my point. Like, bro, I’ve done weird shit, but that ain’t it. Plus, I’ve bet you’ve experienced some concern, embarrassment, or any negative emotion while looking at fetishized art. I know you.
Yeah but apparently me wearing a diaper is the equivalent to nuking a country, there's literally loli and underaged character threads right there if you really need to make a fuss.
Really everyone wants to just harass me cuz I'm like, idk annoying or trans or something idk.
(184 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_3749.jpeg)
Wait, a minute. Rush, is that you? Also, didn’t you read the thread earlier, we were literally discussing about that topic. Also, you were pretty much a petty ass to begin with, that you make Velma (2023) seem like Jonathan Joestar in comparison. I know people say “ignore other people’s opinions,” but please listen to them! They’re genuinely trying to help you, but you’re too far up your own butt to realize that. This is how people see you. https://youtu.be/9im75pHXa8c
Miyazaki, my beloved.
Why do I have this feeling that you're the same nigga who made a big deal over sentient cookies
(203 KB, 556x656, a026znp4r6a81.webp)
Yeah can we just wipe this thread off the face of the earth?

I'm getting tired of the same constant whining claiming to be "helpful" (When really you're just being an asshole) only for the second I show up in a good mood to be met with incessant meatriding to chrun out your slop requests.
I need more context. All I was trying to say was that, while I wasn’t to sound like a moralfag, it’s fucking weird for AB stuff to be associated with Rush and her controversial history.
Do you like Cookie Run?

Dude it’s not my whole fucking personality, you guys literally think and talk about it more than I have in my entire life.
>you cook hot pockets multiple times, no one calls you a chef
>but you kill ONE person and everyone kalls you a killer
What does this mean?
I’m just countering his logic about how people shouldn’t focus on that one AB drawing. It’s like a stain on an otherwise clean suit, people are going to focus on it. An unfortunate human reaction
All because I asked someone what “ab,” meant, Rush(?) had to step in and cover up her fetish, and be the petty person she is. I guess you can say she, “crapped herself” on this one.
I literally didn't cover up anything, I'm pretty open about myself, I'm not perfect, I'm more than flawed, which is more than what most people here are even willing to admit.

It's a stupid drawing stfu about it already.
(2.0 MB, 1334x750, Fuck….png)
I feel so embarrassed for everyone in this thread. It’s like an endless, shit-flinging nightmare.
Ok, ok. I’ll stop. I gotta admit, it was kinda fun bashing Rush over it, especially because they’re just a petty-ass.
Tickle my balls and shit on my chest plsu
Sorry about that. Bro should’ve mocked someone else being disrespectful towards one’s reaction towards erotic fanart.
The real MegaMan would hate you.
I’m only like that towards petty people.
Thanks Mr. Hadel.
You're being petty right now.
Oh yeah. I forgot
It’s aight.
RUsh! I discovered something great!


If you like, you can store your private stuff!
What would the center of that gradient be like?

FAQ about Kip and Glut.

Are there macro versions of them and normal fur sized versions of them?

Are there many of them?

Can their power cancel each other out at times?
Might as well put in my two cents anonymously since she’s in this thread. I think that having sexual attraction to snuff and fatal outcomes is abhorrent, and on the same level as being a pedo.
(69 KB, 1080x1027, IMG_3871.jpeg)
Thank you, finally. Now she’s gonna be all “you guys like violence in media you guys are hypocrites.” There’s a difference between having violence in media for pure entertainment value/story telling, and violence for fetish work. Like I said with the diaper stuff, it leaves really weird implications and doesn’t make you look good overall. Not trying to be a moralfag, like I said, but just sayin’.

Honestly, I know someone who's into diaper stuff who's really nice and kind and just all around awesome, and I do know someone who's into gore who's also the same way. But I've also known the complete opposite as well, where someone I knew was into one of those and someone who was into the other, and they were NOT all that great tbh.

So I mean, I guess it's how well they can actively do something, Among just, how well they fit into society, for the most part.

But like, I don't feel like Rush really has that grip on things all that well, in either direction. I mean if they drew a fucking vent art on fucking Chicken nugget of all things, then I think they're uh, kinda unhinged. And not really in a good way.

Honestly, it just comes off as Rush has yet to really grow up and take care of themselves. So just, I think anyone can be a terrible person, but it's not really up to what they're into that makes them that way, it can also just be, how they are deep down.

I will admit though that it is harder to actively think you can be better if you're into some fucked up stuff. But, that's not really an excuse.

Anywho, hope I don't come across as a moral fag tbh, that's the worst.
15 hating on one black guy. Now pay attention to the trolls after this.
I remember all of that stuff abt the Chikn Nuggit vent art. She was no worse than the kids on Deviantart who drew fanart of their characters beating up Unikitty. I get hating a property, but calm down. Don’t publish it. Also, abt the gore part, I didn’t know that abt u, but my point is this, if you’re into some pretty messed up stuff that doesn’t look good on paper, be it diaper stuff or fatal inflation, it doesn’t make your situation look good.
Why would anyone want to beat up unikitty?
It’s just an example, but my point still stands. RushRabbit is a combination of a DeviantArt kid and Andrew Dobson, but with a dash of fat fetish. She just might be just on the level of Ken spenders or Viziepop levels of “responding-to-controversies/drama”.
15 on hot seat for discrimination. Lets bring it back like its 1973. Fuck with us.
Fucked with the wrong group of people. Who let these jokers in the office. Never use to be like thisGET THEM OUT or we burn down the place in respect to bobby.
Yeah, I don’t get what this means.
(805 KB, 250x231, 673.gif)
Haitans report tomorrow.
Let’s delete this thread before Rush has another tantrum, again.
Ok, I’ll stop.
“Her” who? Rushrabbit’s a guy. I don’t want another thread for him
Nobody cares what you want, worm. You're a miserable cum stain on this planet and Rush is a woman.
Ok, and I’m the President.
Yeah, the president of dipshits

Reddit’s down the hall and to the left. We don’t enable delusions here.

Dropped a new pic on bluesky. But the ◤◢ rout1nes ◤◢ that Rush has, tho.
Average league of legends fan
(236 KB, 2000x1552, bafkreidikxxfj336y4ekuagax2jhq3nktf26dzt7rekc5nwu3avo7ll35i.jpg) (300 KB, 2000x1558, bafkreianrxqvtn53ifxcfxidambzyjjhwoc2bznzrg3cth66dt3znkmwhq.jpg)
1: Skater Bunny girl with a massively round belly stomping down a side walk, across the street the buildings are covered in graffiti describing sloshing and gurgling stomach sounds.

2: Skater Bunny girl with a massively round belly stomping down a side walk, across the street the buildings are covered in graffiti describing sloshing and gurgling stomach sounds. (Now she's belching profusely)
(622 KB, 1796x2000, bafkreibk6gtkmes3bq5urdxmb5on3yevovrn6ji3lcv3cthakgl46aysf4.jpg) (53 KB, 1000x525, bafkreifbyvomgrksswhzba44y6zg7hzpfuzrcdxp7c5rvejhfpqk6i2psm.jpg)
This picture of a fatass bunny spilling out of her office chair eating mint chocolate chip ice cream, she's watching the nostalgia critic and making a mess, muttering to herself "The Nostalgia Critic is so fuckin' funny," was posted from RushRabbit's paytron so if you wanna see more drawings like this early be sure to support it!

Hey uh, who the hell keeps on posting stuff in here, this place seems long dead at the moment.
Just hairy beared women & fat ppl who need surgery to lose weiggt on top of niggers claiming to be players but settled down married men who never conquer women over their age.
Well that's like, cool, I guess, but I honestly don't see anything about her art that has anything would have you sing her praises. You come off more like a troll, than someone who legitimately enjoys her art. I bet me, as a random stranger could find more reasons to like her art. than you.

I do enjoy her art!
Well how about this, you try to prove that, and if you don't, I'll blow you out of the water to prove you're nothing but a poser.
It is genuinely amazing to me how many braindead window-licking retards there are on this site. This thread has it all!

- starting off shitting on an artist and immediately doing a complete 180 and spamming their garbage requests once the artist in question posts in the thread
- thread derailing halfway through to talk about a completely different artist for like 100 posts
- retards screeching about how YOUR degenerate fetish is more morally reprehensible than MY degenerate fetish
- attention-seeking namefags who are either 13 years old or low-functioning autistic
- whining about trannies

This site is fucking garbage.
Basically the Smokedstacs thread minus the transphobia
(513 KB, 2000x1572, bafkreiesecw7kjmewk4xeztbzjrdc6zryq7ikk2vummwapzlhrtebfxox4.jpg)
Hi! I’m Mattley! Welcome to Indigo Park! I hope you’ll enjoy the wonderous cullinary delights and rides we have in store for you!

…Some of the guests have notified me about some glitchiness with my display screens around the park, but its nothing to worry about~

Its been a very, very long while since we’be had visitors here at the park… i’ve missed seein-


(Art done by
transphobia isn't real so it's just the smokedstacs thread
Alright everybody, let's just see how much potential Rush is wasting with how they are! Picking some recent examples just from this thread alone, I think I'll show you all, just how shit Rush can be when it comes to art as a whole!

Starting off with the first two, I would say that there is absolutely great shape consideration with Rush's form as a whole. Jogging around with a massive belly that just doesn't feel like it's just a circle added to a body can be pretty hard to consider, but really they pull it off pretty well. With a full impact of weight that does go off or does indeed earn the full list of sound effects grapping against the wall. Or at least how it looks like it is. Really Rush is REALLY good at the whole "Spray paint punk aesthetic". Defiantly capturing Jet set radio, or that other game people liked for like, a week, then forgot about. But anywho, the shape, is round, and that is good. It does come across as a bit wholesome, given it's simple nature and just the fact it's just her walking around some place in the upper or lower section of a city. A couple things is that I really like just the fact that the concrete below her feet is also cracking just from the sheer GIRTH of herself. Very good stuff, really adds to the whole WEIGHT of it all. And the burp at the second part is just cute, in general :3

The meowskulls WG sequence is a pretty nice one, even though it's only two parts; that does just add to it and make it feel like it's nothing more than just a dramatic change within Meow's life as a whole! But, i do like the whole color scheme of this as well, just like it's in a character select screen, and we're just checking her stats. It doesn't feel empty as it feels like a whole space just to enjoy the "possibility" of more of herself in the future. Like it's packs of future updates will just allow us to ever expand her wasteline beyond what's already shown, which is a VERY good thought to have with herself. Though I do like how this form doesn't have that big of tits. It's good to have some variety and that makes it more appreciable as something to wank off in the future lol

Anywho, last one, the LOL one. Honestly I know two things about these character, Jack and shit. But that doesn't mean the pic as a whole isn't good. Hell it is good because you can enjoy both the pic as a whole, and the characters as well. It has a layer of "cute" in it that really is hard to explain other than "mutual". It feels like the both of them are happy with what this situation is as a whole and just doesn't make me feel like it's going any place other than "joy". Really it is something that makes me feel comfortable with what all this shows, like a nice comfy scene from your favorite anime or tv show, something nice and snuggly. Also helps that they both got massive dumpies.

But anyhow, this really wasn't a sort of Rush rabbit, it really was just me showing that there is good work with Rush's stuff, but that her as a whole, is just someone that isn't really fun to be around or discuss stuff with. It's pretty laughable that they had much of a following, given that they were just like this when they were starting out, but yeah. I really don't think Rush really is that great of a person, but a great artist, hampered by their own personality and that she doesn't really seem to understand much of anything at this point.

It's not because she's trans, or because of what she draws, it's because of how she is at this moment that is stopping her.

Anywho, yeah this is her quote unquote "villain"? God I could be her liquid to herself...Better in every aspect and just kicking her ass with what I could do lol Maybe I couldn't, I am schizophrenic lol But whatever, signing off right now. There's shit to do, and I just wanted to flex a bit when it comes to all of this trainwreck of a thread.

Look, I'm sorry about what happened and I do wanna talk about it. You were a dear person in my life and I'm sorry if I disappointed you in some way. But I'm not shitting up your thread. I was one of the few people saying positive stuff about you because I genuinely cared about you as a person in my life. Who the fuck writes a paragraph long essay about goddamn furry fetish porn and expects people to read it? You don't deserve this even at your worst. I understand you want space right now and can only know that I care about you and wanted to make you nice things that you can enjoy for years to come.

also bruh you are the exact type of person that fawxen, unfortunely, was right about. You type shit like this but when an artist pops into the thread you basically bend over ass backwards trying to get them to do a request. You wouldn't even fucking be here or know them unless you enjoy their art. Stop acting like a reddit video essay reviewer and just fucking goon.
(608 KB, 2600x1800, Doodlin.png)
Imma be real, I don't really know what's going on in this thread anymore and everyday I kinda hope it's just gone lol

If anyone really has that much of a problem with me I'd rather they just discuss it in DMs on like furaffinity or discord or somethin'. (I'm really sorry if I did block you tho)

Or you know, either just like my art or not like it and don't make a big fuss about it. I'm not really a big deal, I'd rather just quietly draw in my corner and try to work on being a better/more productive artist.

Okay. Take your time and be a good artist. We will see you later.
...You know, I shouldn't be surprised given that this is BBWCHAN but why do threads always tend to devolve into shit like this?
Listen i just wanna jack off to furry waifus is that not hard?
How do you feel about the Vivian thing?

Very happy for her uwu
Cool. Have you drawn Marilyn yet? She’s superior in every way.
>how shit Rush can be when it comes to art as a whole
>entire post is just praising her art
>complains about rush's personality but doesn't give any specifics
>mentions being a schizo at the end
this website is an asylum for the mentally ill and i hate it
That ain't gonna happen

But why and not? She's a gaunt lean bag of bones and fur. Truly a picture of despair.
(373 KB, 2000x1714, bafkreia6slrohsu2hcpgtzpevx2cjerfmspofq6cokj67ieyglllhhj4u4.jpg) (418 KB, 2000x1304, bafkreihjef7jcydjimmnkshgccrte7ck5bshxi6emr66rxxtcqzsayj64u.jpg) (404 KB, 2000x1467, bafkreig3kua5623ssdijzign2nomrwzusuqnal4grw3jgmb2qoysnonr6u.jpg)
1. Glut, the blobby shoulder demon, haughtily eating in the middle of a massive (compared relative to him) ice cream cake, he holds his pitchfork high using it as an actual fork with a piece of cake lodged in it. He's surrounded by large buttery burgers, chocolate cake slices, and hotdogs.

2. Quite the chubby skater bunny lying on her belly in the nude, there's donuts seductively placed on her thick doughy asscheeks, boobs, and footpaws and she's giving you a silly look with her tongue out.

3. Rush the Rabbit with her thicc ass cheeks spray paints "TRANS PRIDE" over a brick wall, the wall is also scralled with other various tags. In the background is a towering megacity and a highway bridge.

That's hot, but is that a gingerbread house?

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