
(3.1 MB, 2944x2656, image_2024-02-10_223959021.png)
Thread for furries that are pretty popular in the Webcomic space, so.. go wild and find some webcomic characters to post.

By dutchcartoon@gmail.com
Dude! manpersonguy’s SDamned fat art is amazing! They recently did a cosmic edit.
Does anybody have fat Flora from TwoKinds?
YOOO MODS RESPONDED TO HIMSELF. No activity on this site. Only mods generating traffic to lure in content creators so they can remove your thread and steal your content haha 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Not bad, it’s good taste.
Nice job with that thing!

Now, can you do a TwoKinds Flora WG Sequence? Although, in Keidran culture, being chubby is sexy for her.
I plan on doing more Slightly Damned related content, I'll consider doing TwoKinds, but don't expect it 100%. I got ideas of Inflation, Blueberries and Sumo TFs for this AU of Slightly Damned.
Wait... You have Fur Affinity?
Uhh.. Yeah? Name should be under the image. Might require a account since this AU is mature flagged.
BUWARO MY BELOVED!!! Holy shit I love this mother fucker, would legitimately love to hear the backstory behind this, and maybe just how big this little guy will become~
Honestly, it's mostly because there was a bit of a drought of SDamned related and decided to buff some inflation and fat art for them. The Slightly Damned AU is mostly just the Trio finding random fruit and food and bizarre objects that leads to scenarios like this.

But I had fun drawing it, I wouldn't be opposed to blueberry Rhea and Kieri in the future.
Honestly, if you're at the helm then we'd be pretty blessed to even see some more!!! But like, I really REALLY love what you've done so far with Rhea and Buwaro lmao

But yeah, go for it, draw them some more!!! if you ever need any suggestions, then I'm free to give some, I've read up to the latest pages and wouldn't mind having some fun within what's happened so far lmao
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Cool! I do have a concept of fat-expansion for both angela and demons
WATER: Can fill themselves with water, can be affected by cold temperatures
FIRE: Inflate hemselves with fire and release it like a flame thrower
AIR: Inflating their body w air, has the option to float themselves and being light as a feather while inflated
EARTH: Manipulate their own body mass, thus being to fat themselves
Opill first over the counter birth control pill. It has begun.
Whats 10ft? Ill give you 12ft lol

I swear there was someone on FA that made a Sumo AU of SDamned somewhere.
Yeah, but it's not that good and worthy enough to post here...
I mean yeah, they're kinda jank but like, so what? Love 'em to all hell n'back, the SD cast needs to be this big to make the story REALLY enjoyable! Hell, I'd love to see some more if you'd really like to get at it!
thread saved
Bump for interest
Honestly, just wanna check out that person who was posting all that SD stuff, because it honestly fucks, and am sad that they haven't posted any more in here. Hope that they do, or at least that their channel is FULL of the stuff lmao
Slightly Damned and "obscure" don't mix together, guys.
Finally someone said it
Bro, I didn't even know about it till like, a year ago. And it's been going on for like, 20 years at this point, but yeah.
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Natani (Twokinds)
by Keiththebastin on FA

And there's a fair bit of TwoKinds Fat/Inflation/Blueberry art in their gallery.
Should just remove "obscure" from the title of this thread.
Apparently, there is probably not enough fat Twokinds Flora content.
" llc's means nothing. Market maker see all transactions. Hajah so medicore everyone is into photography you like horses. Deep down
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So I've read all the comic and it's kinda mid, I don't care for Bunny she's a little too close to a villain mary sue.
Honestly her huge ass is the only reason anyone remembers her.
TwoKinds and Slightly Damned rule.
Want me to post some vore content here?
Kinda wish I had my Kieri drawing I've just done recently here. But this is exclusively a furry thread, unless you count Humanoid Angels as a Furry. Might try and draw her in a AU Bunny Form in the near future.

Also hi yes, I am the man behind this thread.

>>53983 (OP)
I mean, they could be like the High Entia in xenoblade, and they're also not like, considered human, so you're free to just post her if you wanna.
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August 29, 2014

Maggie, who has gotten high from Honei's potstickers, manages to eat the biggest item on Robo-Burger's menu.
She cant stop bitching. And being defensive.
BingFox's art is here to stay.
>There's also a gif version
Wow. It sucks.

Yeah I know, it's low budget and used a cheap Gif Maker website, unless you have sources for alternatives, let me know.
>low budget
What fuckin budget?!
>cheap Gif Maker website
This is implying you have to pay to use ezgif, which would be a fucking nightmare.
Hey I dunno if you'd like some thoughts and compliments about your stuff, but I REALLY enjoy what you do with Slightly Damned characters. I really hope to see more from yourself if at all possible! The story for your most recent pics were so good, I really loved reading through them and just the slight changes between each version!

Hey I appreciate It. Just have a habit of vanishing every now and then. Plus Slightly Damned hyperfixation kicked in and I want to get back to drawing kink art again.
i wanna see one like that w Kazai or any of the male angels lol. Nice job nonetheless!
Honestly, I'm really happy whenever I'm able to see your stuff, like that it's honestly really good to read and just get into!!! I love all your ideas and what you do with the cast and just, how much fun you seemingly have with it!!! I think my favorite part of it is that you're not afrad to really show off the characters as they are!!! I think I really loved how you kept Keiri's cuts on her arm when showing off her getting fat and big. So very good.

But yeah, I really do love these new posts you have and I really wanna see some more!!! <3

It’s true that I keep the important details in. (And double check the wiki in case I miss something if I feel I am not portraying them right) Since the person behind the webcomic got into snakes and vore thanks to their friends, it put me at ease about using their characters.

Back then I’d would have been a little bit paranoid about what the creator would think about this if they found it, maybe them doing their own kinks and such is the push needed that it’s okay.

So I made the Slightly Stuffed as it’s own branch in the SDamned timeline.
Well I am so very happy that you're able to just have some fun with what you do and just go to great lengths to make each new thing you put out there to be as good as it can be!!! I know there's detractors for what you do in here, but I really do love what you do to a whole hell of a lot. It's like watching a personal project with something that is just, personally made for yourself! At least to some extent, but I always can't wait to see where things take the characters, or the continuity!

And also the alts too, really, I do love how whenever you've done inflation stuff, you also make a little bit of a B side with berry stuff lol

I honestly wonder if there's any ideas to go from here?

But hey, yeah! Keep up the great work!!!

Had a funny idea to send the Trio to a Sumoverse where the world is the same but Sumo Cultured, though that's probably more of my own personal heaven. There was a FA account somewhere by another person where they attemped this idea.
Hey, nothing wrong with expanding ideas~ I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the whole trio becoming the best sumo's they could be~!!! I wonder if Buwaro would be the one to win the most out of the three of them? Or maybe Rhea? Or maybe Kieri... I could honestly see the three of them becoming the best of the best if they really lean into it lol

Maybe. Might use a fat base on DeviantART as a reference, then make my own Sumo design without relying on it. I usually use bases if I feel like I don't want to go all out.
Fair enough, I can't wait to see it and the story you'll come up with it, I honestly can't wait to see what it'll look like!!!
Hey nothing wrong with that! Honestly though I can't wait to see you do the outfits and make them really pop out!!!
been thinking, what if in Slightly stuffed, Angels and Demons, they can expand themselves depending which the element they are; like earth angels/demons having the ability to turn them fat at their will and water angels/demons fill themselves with water
You know, honestly that sounds very lovely!! I wanna see themselves whenever they can find limits to these powers, or just what Kieri/buwaro would get into? Maybe Kieri kisses buwaro, and since Buwaro is fire elemented, his whole body just FWOMPHS up due to all the water entering his body!!
>>7429 (Cross-thread)
Or a situation where Tsaco puffs himself up w wind, Verammi using her fat earth magic to get an upper hand on fighting
Hey it's alright! If you want, we could talk from some place else if you'd wanna lol But yeah, Honestly, great ideas!! I love them a whole lot and hope that maybe one day, you could put them in the greatest spotlight you can!!!

Not sure how I’d translate that in my universe, I think the fancy fruit trope is fine.
Hey Giichi. I have a question. Where can I find you?

Best place to find me is on FA as FantasyHeartReha. Might need to log in since these images have a mature rating.
Let's just say that they store magic inside of them and when they fatten/inflate themselves, they're amplifying their magic for a move

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