
(1 KB, 117x117, Tubblate.png)
Make your own template for making fat furs.
>>53980 (OP)
This is just an example. Now knock yourself ou.
Why do these pointless threads keep appearing. I'm starting to think they're made by the same dude
It's probably some underage autist the janitors haven't bothered to ban for some reason
Exactly. It is the same guy. but op should die or somethin. Get banned. Fuck these threads.
How many templates have you made that you need to post here today?
Nice thread.πŸ˜ƒ
...we can see it's you. There's a little number that identifies which one you are.

Everyone is just angry at you for this, y'know.

They're just jealous.
The loona thread died for this

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