
(60 KB, 600x600, Willy.png)


Name: Willy
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 600 lbs.
Species: Wolf
Occupation: Coverboy

Willy Wolf, you mean.

Making a thread for making fat furs. And now's the time for you to make your own fat fur.
(60 KB, 600x600, Hideaki.png) (97 KB, 600x600, Peter.png) (60 KB, 600x600, Oliver.png) (156 KB, 600x600, Patrick.png)
>>53658 (OP)

Here are some furs I made.

Please give them info and names.

And give them speedos, too.

And heads up, because there's gonna be lots coming your way for you begging for speedos. And please give them a stage to stand on.

(see >>53658 (OP) for details.)

Do either one of you have a fat fur you made that you want to share?
Is there a template of female fat furry?

Here's some. You can make templates out of them if you like.

Please remember to post your fat furs you make here.

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