
Source on those?
(628 KB, 1000x1401, tumblr_oqwx8tE2rO1w24ruko1_1280.png)
Does anyone know where the artist who made this went? I commissioned him through form a year ago and got no response since. I only know he's on EKA for vore too but is radio silent there as well.
He closed up shop for a bit because of hand problems preventing him from drawing. His Twitter he made private and stopped using it for art but he recently started taking comms again on FA. Check out GHARKMOHB.
Who did this?
Not enough Parrapa in here
I know right
More Paflabba fam
Does anyone have that image of parappa from Lasercosmo3?
(452 KB, 985x834, image0[1].png)
Huh, as a matter of fact, I do.
Posted it in a Discord server he was in before deleting himself.
Needs more Katy
Do you have the rest of the sequence?
Got the Fart alt?
Whoops, didn't see that these had already been posted, sorry.
I wish spoe drew more anthro
Oh that is fucking niiiice.
what country even is that flag
Katy Kat is an S-tier inflatee, it’s a shame there’s not more big art of her.

Yeah, I know there’s quite a few pics of her fat and all, but I want to see her taut and airy and pressurized, like talk about rock n’ roll 😳
(101 KB, 1219x663, katyfat.png) (182 KB, 1219x663, katybrap.png)
Made by yours truly
(Spoilered pic is brap alt)
We gotta believe in victory!
I’m running out of artworks
(534 KB, 3750x3000, grope.png)
another one
source for the last two?
ywn date a big-bellied Lammy with the appetite of an elephant
Why live
Just trying to keep this thread alive
Oh, hey...that's not bad. I'll have to look up this guy.
(140 KB, 759x660, 1686200966058233.png) (67 KB, 1280x991, 1686294006275170.jpg) (260 KB, 1507x1368, 1686351149075075.jpg) (341 KB, 2066x2280, FouFKqUXwAE2seS.jpg) (11 KB, 611x627, FyNtIroWIAEZr2_ khiropt.png) (142 KB, 759x909, 1681163489.ratpack223_chubbylammy.png)
It's been a good spring for lamb fans. Good new art and the arcade game was found, that's neat.

>search the artist
>they just redid the whole image
Hot damn. I can't decide which version I like more. Maybe the plain lineart one, actually.
...Arcade game? I must know more.
(574 KB, 1507x1368, 1686374609788306.png) (277 KB, 1496x1108, 1684799495.aquamix_katyfat.png) (433 KB, 2063x1786, 1686201970.terrehaute_2023_6_8_lam_bellyfuck.jpg)
The arcade port of UJL, Um Jammer Lammy Now!, was thought to be basically missing media but apparently there was some British celebrity who collects old weeb stuff and someone got in contact with him and is in the process of ripping the ROM to preserve it. The videos are all already done but everything else is taking time since it's on an old Namco board and those are apparently pretty finicky.
Aww man, that's sick!
Bump for save
Best artist istg
First image…God that guy’s art so ugly, why does he draw those faces like that?!
Worst of all, it’s not even fat.
Damn this is really cute who drew this
Sausage ass ears wtf
Any more?
Any more again?

Had pizza and Beard Burgers.
This is such a niche game but there is a lot of art from it!
Anyone have any art of Parappa working at Beard Burger?
The second and third ones are my favorites.

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