

Story 1: Beth for a while had been able to gain her fit body due to Marianne's aka her mom's intentions to force her daughter to lose weight again. This upsets Beth as she was taken away her precious sweets again that only Marianne had hidden and locked up. Beth was craving for sweets really bad until one day she found a ad online that there was a contest.

Beth: Huh? A eating contest to taste the most delicious and rare chocolate bars in town!? Eat with the most richest flavors that are 5 times tastier and....and.....makes you feel in chocolate heaven..?

Beth froze and thinks that if she can enter this contest, she can be able to eat all that chocolate as a cheat day and she can work it off later without worry. Since she knows her mom is going out tomorrow, this is her chance to get that taste in her mouth. And so it was settled as she kept this from her mom and waits till tomorrow.

Next Day was the day as Marianne had some errands to run as Beth sees her off. Beth smirks as she heads off towards the mall where the contest is held. In a matter of moments, she spotted Britney as well when she had entered this contest too. For the grand prize on this contest, it was a free trip at a amusement park that will give them a VIP Pass there and a huge discount on food as well. As the girls are ready, the whistle blows and they scarf down the rich chocolate as the 2 of them along with the other competitors have gotten into a trance for that one flavor.

Beth: Wow....its like drinking my enchanted chocolate milk but similar~

Brittney: Mmm....you said it~

As they all got to enjoy this in slow motion, one gulp had soon revealed their bodies begin to expand at a rapid pace. Once the girls realize how their bellies are growing bigger, they snapped back to reality and noticed how already most of the competitors had gaven up for them being too stuffed and some barely going with their pot bellies exposed.

Beth: Whoa, they not just taste rich, they have mega calories too...!?

Brittney: Whatever they are made of, I am not quitting!

Beth realizes that even Brittney wasn't going to back down as Beth was then eating more of those bars to stay ahead of Brittney and the help with a keg of milk to wash it down with a tube. It has been going on for a few minutes until both girls had gave up their fit bodies and now huge.

Beth: I....won't.....quit now!

Brittney: Darn....I can't match Beth's determination to win something like this...

When Brittney feels that her chances are gone, soon someone came in from behind with a angry tone. And it was none other than Marianne herself that she spotted her daughter and Beth realized this is trouble.

Marianne: Well look who decided to cheat on her strict rule of no sweets.

Beth: M....MOM!? What are you doing here!?

Marianne: I was out shopping to get us some nice new workout clothes but it seems that you ended up here ruining your figure.

Beth: B..b...but..

Marianne: No buts Beth, its time we go back home and get you back in shape and house arrest.

As this happens, Marianne grabs Beth and pulls her away from the stage as Beth cries that she is here by disqualified for leaving the stage.


As this happens, its safe to say Brittney was the only one left as she became the winner to get the grand prize. Now that she had won, there was a drawback to her winning but ending up very obese.

Brittney: I won....but I feel like I lost....

As for Beth back at home, she was forced to wear her new workout uniform as it was as tight as it can be. She was really upset that she never realized rich chocolate can give her chocolate heaven from taste but chocolate hell from gaining weight.

The End

Story 2: Brittney was in the gym the very next day after she had won the eating contest from Beth after the fiasco. Even though she got the ticket to the amusement park, sadly she had gained a lot of pounds and has a few days to lose as much as she can.

Brittney: Okay Britt, you got this, its only a few days and I should at least shed some weight off. I hope....

She was nervous as she runs on the treadmills, work out on her thighs, and doing her dance routines as well. It soon became 2 days and only 4 days left as Brittney was a bit worried that she may end up feeling a bit bad to be heavy. As she goes on the scale, she never realized that she somehow lost more weight all of a sudden and barely noticed her shape.

Brittney: Whoa!! Did....I actually lost that much weight already? How is that possible..?

The squirrel girl was very confused but this motivates her to resume her work out routine as usual. But eventually she noticed how much spare stamina she has as it makes her work harder.

Brittney: This is insane! How is it that I am losing weight but increased my stamina and movements too!?

She was very shocked to how she is able to manage to move a lot faster that caught some fellow members to envy her motivation. Time passed and it was the end of the last day before her trip. She got to see herself in her transformation that she ended up losing most of her weight in a few days.

Brittney: I can't believe it, I actually lost a lot of weight for a short amount of time. I think it must have been those chocolate bars that did this to me.

She says to herself as she looks in the mirror to see her chubby belly near to full fit. She soon looks at her booty when she slightly rubs it for still being a bit big.

Brittney: It may not be my style, but I think I can feel I have gotteb my results. *Giggles* I cannot wait to go tomorrow, I will treasure this as my best and quickest way to lose weight.

As that happens, Brittney would leave and soon attends to the amusement park as planned and she got some viewers. This made Brittney one of the biggest booty girls she has when they are not fat at all.

The End

Story 3: In a standard but somehow blank empty area, Haley was confused that she might be in a dream. She soon stumbles upon a room where it looks very nice until she spots the one thing that she gasped loudly for them.

It was a huge tray of strudels and it was her favorite food where her mouth waters a bit. She had the urge to walk towards them to see if they were real exactly.

Haley: S...Strudels!? Wow they look so good here and warm still. I wonder who these belong to?

She looks as she wonders if the owner was still around but no one to be found at all. She constantly stares at the strudels until Haley reaches out and takes 2 of them out of the pile.

Haley: Well....maybe just one or two wouldn't hurt. What could possibly go wrong right? Down the hatch my little strudels~

Haley smiles and takes a bite of her strudel until she really enjoys the flavor as instead of savoring the flavor, she immediately scarfs down the 2 she had. It confused to why she just did as she chews fast till she swallows in one huge gulp.

Haley: Whoa....that felt weird to eat them both so quickly...I feel heavy.

Soon Haley looks down that her belly starts to grow big already like if she was pregnant already. She screams and holds it to see if it was real as it is. Her fit belly is now gone and she decided that she has to leave.

Haley: Aah!! This is not what I wanted! I better get out of here and lose all-

She suddenly stopped and couldn't move at all. Haley couldn't move her legs as they were going back along with her arms going for the strudels as well. Haley tries very hard to resist but she simply can't as it was too late to stop herself. She begins to grab the strudels and stuffs them in her mouth where she couldn't resist the flavor till it was chewed quickly and swallowed.

Haley: Stop!! I don't want anymore strudels! I want to stay fit! Cmon....break free....!

She says till she looks at her body as it already showns she was growing fatter where her arms, breasts, booty, legs, and her huge belly exposed. Her shirt could no longer cover her navel where she keeps on eating those. Eventually she was tall enough to notice a simply sign as she reads while eating.

Haley: Warning- Cursed Strudels, do not eat or you will constantly stuff yourself till...YOU EXPLODE!!!??

Haley was shocked that she has gotten huge where her cheeks are now bloated too till her body starts to now stuff herself by simply eating a whole strudel in one bite. This shocked Haley as she can feel her body growing more rapidly to see that she is like a balloon canine now with her huge belly as the main attraction and her clothes are about to give out.

Haley: No more...NO MORE!!! Me and my....big mouth.....*cries*

Haley cries when she cannot stop herself at all until she feels she has reached her absolute limit now. Her hand tries to stuff the strudel stuck in her mouth as she cannot be able breath till she feels she was about to blow up.

Haley: N...no....no....NOOOOOO!!!!!

As this happens, she explodes until Haley suddenly screams no constantly from her bed. She shivers and looks around scared when she realizes she was back in her room with her slightly chubby body. She sighs in relief when she realized that all this time she was in a dream.

Haley: That....was scary.....I think I gotta lay off the Imported Strudels....

She says as she passes out until a box of strudels she left in the fridge shows that it has a warning. It says the following:

Warning-Strudels contains high sugars that can cause nightmares involved strudels

The End
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