
(155 KB, 1242x810, 344F8A26-2AE4-4484-B7C9-1B37135D2D3A.jpeg)
Okay I want you to stop sending you goons after me. Stop noting me. Just leave me the fuck alone! I’m literally not interacting with anyone. I just want to get artwork and stories of my characters! Stop tweeting about me.
Yes my characters are inspired by another artists! So are millions of other furs! They don’t own every canine avian couple! I have just as much right to be in the Fatfur fandom as anyone. And I’ll leave when I’m dead!

I won’t be bullied off the platform and when I can re-enable my FA in 3 days I will be back!

I’m literally not harming or interacting or bothering anyone.
I know you or they tweeted about me or bluesky or something because I’ve never contacted even know this rando and for them to just message me “randomly” as I’m posting stories?
Leave me be!
Dude you love the attention or you wouldn't keep showing up with the same copy pasted journals and you wouldn't keep making and deleting new accounts so that you're constantly uploading the same 30something pictures.

You're bitching on an imageboard of all places. Nobody gives a shit, you're doing it for attention lmao
I can’t post to furaffinity. I disabled I need to wait 3 days . Being threatened after 3 years sucks.. Copy pasting journals is fine I still feel those things. And I don’t use twitter or bluesky. I know my haters and the goons of my stalker use this site. I’ve made the joke in the past but they’re not the queen of the fatfurs and this fetish is not their kingdom. I’m not trying to get attention I just want to enjoy this fetish as much as the next Fatfur.
Just stop disabling your account you dumb motherfucker, nobody said you can't post anything, nobody is hunting you, you just need to make yourself look like the victim because that's the only card you know how to play. You got what you deserved. It's done. Let it go and move on.
“You're bitching on an imageboard of all places. Nobody gives a shit, you're doing it for attention lma“

It’s the only place they’ll see
. When you disable your account you can’t read journals and you need an audience for Sofurry and deviantart. I dont have any Twitter followers and I don’t know anyone on my Instagram.
It’s a message board yes but 80% of the fatfurs use it.

I won’t be bullied I don’t want attention in fact I just want to be left alone and not to harass the artists and authors who choose to work with me. They are not culpable for my sins
I’ve apologized and I’ve moved on. I like to think I’m better than I used to be.
Just please leave me be.
Stop disabling your FA account you fucking crackhead. This shit is embarrassing, I pity you. Have some fucking dignity for once in your life.
Hey I’ll re-able my account I have to wait 3 days unfortunately. In this scenario I am the victim. When you spend 3 years touching grass and changing to be better and finally return only for people to kick sand in your face again it’s a lot.
I’m not bothering anyone I just want people to leave me be. That’s it.
Reformative Justice. I paid my time outside the fandom. What I have to burn forever? Because I disagree with people ideologically? I want people to leave me alone. Sorry I didn’t mean to get worked up it was just a lot to wake up to.
If you hate me don’t come to my account or message my artists or their customers just fuck off. I’m literally not bothering anyone.
Just stop disabling your FA account for the love of christ. This shit is embarrassing, have some fucking dignity.
It’s a knee jerk reaction. I lived through this hate I know what happens this was only the beginning if I don’t disable my notes and account the flood gates would open. It’s what happened in 2020-2021

Luckily the woke aren’t here I’ll re-able but I need to wait 72 hours.

You’re right! I need to repost my art and stay
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude just please keep your shit together and stop with the paranoid prairie dog shit. Nobody said you can't post. You're an annoying shit but you have every right to use FA as long as you stay in your fucking lane.
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Sorry for spaming the thread.
I’ll block and report. Just disheartening please continue having a good fap.

Here’s a newer piece for you of my characters have a good fap. I changed the color of my raven. I thought If both have matching hair and eyes it looks tacky. So I gave her frosted tips
>>49571 (OP)
>get artwork and stories
Make some yourself, you lazy sponge, or get a fucking job so you can PAY others to do it for you.
What’s that?

>>49571 (OP)
How do you get all the content for your generic as fuck couple anyway, begging?
I commission artists and authors. Mostly freelancers I find on Sofurry or private art/author servers. I pay well but with authors you get a lot of chatgbt (in the literature servers) unfortunately I’ve been scammed in the past but I know what to look for and you just block them and move on.
>AI scam of wank material

Then at some point, you’re going to have to make your own shit. Don’t care if you’ve done so already, you need to be more productive and less bitchy if you want the bullying to stop.
I wouldn’t call them generic. The design is a little simple…but even artists of average skill can recreate them.

But I wouldn’t call the written character simple unless what is your definition of simple? I added a lot of myself into my characters. Hence why they’re so important to me. They’re literally manifestations or venting or coping of how I deal with my past IRL trauma.
All though I recently starting watching sweetdreamcoffee and their characters also have matching hair and eyes. Maybe I was too harsh on my old design in the past.
AI will get good soon in 2 years I won’t need to commission an artist. I’ll just feed my past pieces into a program and it will create descriptions from My stories all the illustrations I get are either scenes from stories written or unwritten. I prefer the literature over images actually.
Generic might be the wrong word. You have one idea with them and you’re going to drive it to its fullest extent.

Who cares how good AI might get? It’s lazy.

What else do you want to do with your lesbo couple anyway?

Stories and art and world building. I’ve written 30 outlines. Plus I want to get rewrites but it gets pricey. 3 pieces I got from one Greek professor cost 200 Euros each. Worth it but very expensive,
the Alaskan backdoor,
let me show you how it’s done
and cleaning her dog stories . I found another author with the same qaulity who only charges 60 usd per story so I’m commissioning them. Just want to get these outlines done. Maybe if AI can make animations in the future or voice acting I’ll do that. Animate my stories.
My best friends convinced me to delete. I’ll stick to Sofurry maybe come back when I get all the outlines done or the animations in a couple years.
Im just experiencing the worst burn out. Right now. I’ll see you all in a couple years. But I will be back. Unless I’m dead but if I’m alive I’ll come back with beautifully written stories and maybe amazing animations. Until then all my art is archived on Sofurry and new pieces will occasionally go there. https://xackkbin.sofurry.com/
Are all your posts generated by ChatGPT?
>world building
With such a simpld premise? Are you shitting me?
What made you think that people will ever accept you, disgusting piece of shit? Wake up, even incels on bbwchan don't like you.
Come at me bro. I dare you.
bro who tf even are you
I will end you
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That reminds me. Someone’s looking for the full of this image. I know it’s from XanderDwulf but something tells me he didn’t save it to his gallery. Unless it’s just a profile pic.
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Was is for this piece? Old piece of my old sona but by this I meant you can be -ACCUSED- of being such and such. Tecically if you’re not attracted to trans women (people who have penises) you’re transphobic and homophobic. If you read books by a racist you are racist. If you play a video game you’re a bigot.
By this piece I just meant those labels are now meaningless because they can apply to anyone and everyone. It just didn’t transfer well into art.
>I did change the design of my raven.
All you did was give her an alternate color palette
Yeah that’s what changing the design is.
I guess. Thank you
Being a creep
Being a stalker
Harassing people
Commissioning rape art with their characters
Creating multiple accounts for more characters

Everyone remembers, lay off your stupid gaslighting attempts.
He got what he deserved 🚔, he knows nobody will ever forget what he did (even if he hates being held accountable), and he hates being pitied because he thinks everyone is beneath him, so just ignore him. Nobody can damage his reputation more than he can himself, so take solace in that I guess. Let him scream and cry for attention and play the victim as much as he likes, just hide the thread.

I know the urge to tell him to shut the fuck up and argue his bullshit is strong but nothing he says means anything. If he's the king of anything he's the king of bullshit. The only winning move with someone like this is to just ignore him.

In a few days his FA will unlock and he'll return to his cycle of uploading the same saved journals and the same art (now with Hen Jelly???), and then get paranoid and delete everything and start a new account to begin the cycle again. It's just who he is, I guess. I would feel bad for him, but he hates that, so I just feel indifferent to him and try to ignore him.
I agree with this advice. Ignore me! Leave me be! Leave my authors and artists be. I’m literally doing nothing. Yes I did stuff people find offensive in my earlier years…ooooooo. Your version of holding people accountable is literally burning them forever? How is that working for your political movement? Say the word retard or faggot years ago and have that receipt held over you till the day you die.
Get off your sjw snowflake tenderqueer woke scold high horse
I’m not a Villain I literally commission fetish artwork….fucking cartoons! Follow your own advice and fuck off. Ignore me and move on.
I should clarify, I'm saying to ignore you because you're a waste of everyone's time.

The damage you've done to your own reputation is irreparable, you're incapable of growing or changing because you refuse to get the help you need to fix your shit, and you think saying the most rudimentary and braindead nonsense is some kind of gotcha.

You'd be better off being forgotten but you can't even keep your insane drivel to yourself long enough for that to happen. You keep running in circles and screeching to draw attention to yourself and your grudges because you don't know how to do anything else. It's sad.

I want you to get better buddy, I really do, but it's clear that's never going to happen.
>Get off your sjw snowflake tenderqueer woke scold high horse
>Everyone who dislikes me is a highly specific flavor of leftoid
Okay retard
You didn’t refute a single thing I said above. But I already agreed with the advice. No matter the reason people should ignore me. I don’t care about any reputation I just want to get art and stories of MY characters. That’s it! Take your own advice and ignore me. You can’t though. You’re far too much of a pretentious dipshit to ever do that.
If you were serious about ignoring me you would stop responding.
That goes for all of you. Listen to this eloquent bronie bitch. High off his own farts.
Ignore me as it’s literally a waste of time. I won’t be shamed into your moral system I couldn’t give a single shit about any of that and I’ll never stop getting art and stories of MY characters.
So listen to their advice. Leave me and the authors and artists I work with be and burry this thread. Take your own advice retard and stop replying.
I was saying that specific person is a leftoid

But you should all take their advice. Don’t engage with me. It’s 100% a waste of time.
Just leave me alone on my corner of the internet. If you’re offended just walk away and to each their own. I don’t care. You do your thing and I’ll do mine.
>Don’t engage with me.
Okay, but why did you make this thread?
I don’t remember doing any of that? What are you talking about? >>49666
And what did I deserve? I wasn’t charged with anything? I have not done anything wrong.
You must love the sound of your own voice to be making shit up like that.
You’re projecting literally making up bullshit while calling me the king of bullshit.
This is all hilarious when you think about it.
We deal with cartoons non of this is actually serious.
What exactly is going on? What's the whole entire context behind this thread?

All I know is someone is accused of being unoriginal with a furry OC design? I have no clue about the rest of the context.
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I was addressing threats Some goon sent me.
Telling they’re crew to not engage with me as the fatfurs are a tightnit community. They all know each other.
I wasn’t bothering anyone. The authors and artists I work with know my history. They’re big enough to not be canceled or rather the people boycotting their work wouldn’t be their customers anyway. I work with freelancers outside the Fatfur community. The Fatfur community is all Intwined with backstabbing retarded bullshit so I don’t really care about my reputation with them. I just want to get art/stories of my characters. that’s literally the only thing I’m ever been interested in. I don’t care about drama or attention especially from the terminally online crazy people I just want to be left alone. And with that I’m out.
Fuck off and leave me be.
>OP doesn't want to bring attention to himself
>Makes thread crying about a Furaffinity note
Just because you were acting like a little bitch, I'm leaving this thread up
Xackbin/LeoToeFinger is a piece of shit who harasses artists, rips off characters and pretends they aren't ripoffs and is generally a nuisance whenever he comes out of his hole thinking people forgot about the shit he did. He's harassed Haradoshin and commissioned non-con/rape revenge porn of her characters because she wanted him to leave her alone after some escapades he went on. There's a lot more info out there, unfortunately the doc that hara made on him isn't available anymore (likely because he reported it like the bitch he is) Overall the guy's bad news so if he approaches you about a commission, decline and block him. Make him suffer.
oh let me start on what other things he did.
His two characters (the Coyote and Raven) are actually crappy recolors that belonged to an artist that he did coms of (without their permission) Then went into a tiradic rant that resulted in death threats at not just said artist but also at FA's moderators.

He likes to pick newbie artists/writers as they're not familiar. And when they refuse due to their preferences he'll bully them (he was known to do that during the Coof pandemic)
I think Haradoshin still has the doc, it's just not public. You can probably ask her for it tbh. I've seen it before it's gnarly
>>49571 (OP)

I wasn't gonna say anything because I know you only put this up because you crave attention and want sympathy brownie points from the ONE website on the entire internet that cares the least about anything except cooming to whatever they enjoy.

Let me be blunt. Is Hara perfect? No. They can be a hypocrite, wrong, and even downright stupid about shit and the people around them. This isn't about them today. This is about YOU.

Now, it is not wrong to have crushes on other people's characters. Everyone does lmao. Literal whole threads of people wanting to fuck/feed eachother's sonas. That's A-okay with everyone. Here is where you come in. You did NOT ask Firefox's permission to use their, albeit generic, characters THEY created for THEIR take on the fox/crow grape story. You took that and commissioned your OWN art and versions of THEIR characters without asking which is straight up mentally retarded because Firefox is actually chill. IF YOU JUST ASKED TO MAKE AN ART/STORY ABOUT THEM? THEY WOULD MOST LIKELY HAVE LET YOU. HELL, THEY MIGHT HAVE HELPED PAY YOU FOR IT. They are a fucking nice person and I have talked to them before.

You took their sonas, without even thinking of permission, and got whatever you wanted with them. It's not the equivilant of rape but it IS disrespectful for the person who made the characters in the first place since you love them so much. Now, because of your dumbass bullshit, they won't even touch the character again and you fucked it up for everyone. I was one of those people who actually ENJOYED their story/work with the characters.

Then you started to commission "alternative" versions which is basically just a color change like a Super Smash Bros skin of their sonas so you could go to artists/writers, such as myself and Hara, and get'em to make the content. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST MAKE AN ALTERNATIVE VERSION IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN? OR CHANGE THE BIRD SPECIES. ANYTHING, BRO. Literally any effort except slightly changing the color hue. You are right that most characters are taken from other people and copied. Here's the thing. You only made a "different" version of them after you were CAUGHT COMMING THEIR EXACT CHARACTERS WITHOUT PERMISSION YOU FUCKING SMOOTH BRAINED DUMBASS

Now as for the hara sex/rape art? Bro, I'm not even in the Haradoshin fan club and I think that's borderline psychopathic behavior to being "called out" on this subject. Maybe someone SHOULD have talked to you about it before and just let you down easily that having your weird demon...green...goat grinch-lookin' ass sona raping the PB&J alien was not a good idea. If that's what I remember it being. I think I only saw one picture of what you comm'd on a thread a long time ago.

The ONLY way to redeem yourself at this point is to leave for good and start fresh. Make some writings, new characters, etc. Think of something nobody has done like a morbidly obese seagull with big fat tiddies and FUCKING STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE. You keep making, enabling, and disabling your goddamn accounts over and over when everyone and their dog knows who you are. It's not gonna be a "Oh, one day people will forget". This isn't like the retards who get their panties in a bunch over what fictional degeneracy you jack off to. You steal people's characters, rape them for the funny, and then whine and bitch about it with the SAME journals over and over AND OVER again.

Is Hara a good person? Fuck no. I'm in the boat with everyone else about them but even they don't deserve what you have done to them or their characters they worked hard on because you were too ass fuck lazy to make your own. I wouldn't even make content for you and I fucking jack off to shit and have created shit that would turn you WHITE.

I'm not even gonna comment on why you thought getting your sona saying "being transphobic, racist, whatever" was a good idea lmao. Those labels DO define you, like it or not, the same way being a "snowflake" defines people you don't like. Do I like either of those sides? Fuck no. But them being a leftoid has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with their opinion on you. I'm not a lefty or a righty. People don't like you because you are YOU.

You want people to leave you alone? Fine. Make your OWN characters, not a color reskin, change your name completely, commission some different artists (though you will probably just end up comissioning Hara again anyway lol) and stop FUCKING annoying everyone in the community with your flagrant bitching over people not wanting you fucking doing shit to their characters without permission. This isn't like wanting to lick Jaidenanimation's thighs. These are the people that make YOUR content and upload the SHIT YOU JACK OFF TO. THEY ARE ALL CONNECTED IN THIS NICHE KINK ZONE AND KNOW WHO YOU ARE. HELL, IF YOU HAD ASKED HARA LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED FIREFOX, YOU PROBABLY COULD HAVE GOTTEN A COMM OF THEIR SONA SQUISHING THEIR MOIST BUTTCHEEKS ON YOUR FACE. Fetish artists like her only care about money and the popular opinion.

Last point. Before you say "But I did nothing wrong ;w;" you MUST remember that the same shit that happened to those two creators COULD happen to you. How would you feel if I commissioned art of your crow being skinny in a pair of diapers and the wolf being beheaded and having her cauterized wound raped by a ten inch gorilla? YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT SO WHY IN THE GODDAMN HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO THAT TO OTHER PEOPLE?

Fuck off and die already.
Can I ask her for more Cati too? I’d post the oc, but I’m worried toefinger might steal it somehow.

I love how this is now a hate thread. What goes around cones around, dumbass.
Wait, they’re recolors of the fox and vixen from Borrowed Time? THAT STORY’S NOT GOING TO CONTINUE BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT?! NOOOOOO, FUCK!

>>49571 (OP)
You bastard fucking mongoloid. I hope everyone knows your name in this community you rat bastard. How dare you cause Firefox, Haradoshin, and everyone else so much grief?
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Yeah they are which is part of the reason I am so pissed off. He just straight up made art of the characters and uploaded them without any permission.

Case and point:
Not listening to my on advice by posting in this thread again but please god don't speak for me. The mistake I made that got this whole shitshow started was giving ddougie permission and within a month I regretted that decision and attempted to revoke it, not that it made any difference to ddougie, cumbrained creepshow that he is.

The draft isn't even that fucking good is the funniest part, it's subpar dom-drivel that I wrote in my sophomore year of college.

And I never said Borrowed Time was canceled calm thyself haha
Aw shit, I am sorry. I didn't know that part. My bad
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Thank Christ. Borrowed Time is kino like you wouldn’t believe even if the first two chapters just trudge along. I never thought fatherless-induced depression eating could be so fucking hot.

Fuck you Leotoefinger for making cheap copies. You had good ideas, but you didn’t have to steal from Firefox. Or be a fucking threat-slinging creep in general. Go back to thd depths of the sewers where you belong.
>first two chapters just trudge along
Really? I actually prefer the focus on the more realistic mobility and emotional struggle stuff in the first two chapters.
I like the emotional stuff too. I meant with regard to coom material it’s a bit slow.

Fatherlessness has become a meme recently, but you can feel gut punch after gut punch as Loretta experiences its consequences manifested in gluttony and social isolation. It really tugs at your heart strings while giving you a raging boner.

Like that meme of the kid crying while being at full mast.
Chapter 4 when?
This whole thing seems stupid. The guy above is clearly retarded. They she be ignored. Cry somewhere else.
Who’s retarded.

This whole thread was a cry for attention from some piece of shit
The OP clearly.
>>49571 (OP)
Like buddy you realize you look like a retarded coomer right?
This is an image thread. If you have an issue with someone, then message them yourself on the appropriate platform. Don’t bring your problems here. No one here gives a shit about your whining and crying. We just want to exchange fatfurry porn. Take a time out, STFU and go touch some grass. Like seriously get offline for a while.
i dont want sympathy points nor do i crave attention. if you read to top this was addressing threats someone had sent me and the group which sent him or her occupies this space and like clock work they replied proving that they occupy this space and they sent a goon to come talk to me, despite me not doing currently doing anything wrong.

even if my characters look similar even if its the equivlent of mortal kombat characters with different skins they are still different characters with very different dynamics.

to each their own fetish but his are like immortal they just fatten up explode and restart forever. its manifestation of a exploding gore fetish which to each their own. its not my thing but i got my own fetishes so i wont judge.
mine is an oral fixation fetish theme but besides the species the characters are very different. I dont believe i need to change species the idea that this persom owns every fat raven and skinny canine couple is....well i'd have to see the patent to believe that. They dont have dibs on every fat avian and skinny canine lesbian couple.
I know theres no point just like my above message next the piece of my sona saying those words dont define you. You didnt even read the context, context matters i meant those insults dont mean anything anymore. you're now transphobic just for being straight as in just liking the opposite genitals or buying a video game. thats an example of how those words dont mean anything that was the context of the piece CONTEXT matters.

I did make my own characters i liked fat ravens so im not changing that. they're my favorite avians. and theyre weights are different. his sona and my sonas and they look different even when it comes to beaks and mass and fat distribution. His raven i s shaped very belly heavy like a brick wall and mines just blobby and sometimes skinny.

i decapitated my own characters and retired for a year, before bringing them back with a better hair color design. but i understand what you're saying. i havent interacted with that group for literal years so for them to just send me threats out of nowhere was disheartening to say the least.

i just want you to leave me and those who choose to work with me alone.

Thank you
I have my own authors and artist. i would never approach the fat furry community again.
most google docs that they make to cancel people are actually against google Terms of service.
techically most people can get a cancellation call out taken down if it breaks Terms of service.

Slander, directing hate, nonconsensual sharing of personal information. these are all thing which are against googles Terms of service.
Also you're going to talk to me about reporting? you people literally camp on my profile to report even the smallest slight.
You also punish my authors and artists by contacting their commissioners and in 2 cases when those commissioners didnt budge you tried to boycott them. the customers of the artist who worked with me.
so dont give me this bullshit about protecting creators. it has nothing to do about protecting authors and artists its all spite driven. take that virtue signaling horseshit out of your mouth.
this was 9 years ago and it was taken down and i created by my fat raven skinny avian couple.

i know theres no point in arguing because context doesn't matter to you people
everythings virtue signaling bullshit
The document is no longer available. So unfortunately we can’t decipher that claim.

It violated TOS
Hold onto your feathers folks, the queef powered coyote is back to argue some more since her FA journals don't get any
no matter how many times she reposts them
(211 KB, 1280x1262, 1E647A8D-DF85-4EBD-9AE9-04EBF5052DB1.jpeg)
They get engagement all the time.. just not on FA most of the engagement is on Twitter.

Like this old gem stating males and females are biologically neurological and socially different.
And there are different societal expectations for interacting with different genders.

Remember on Twitter when you all sat in a circle and jerked each other off while not addressing a single point from it.
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But hey I’ll just end it here

I forgive you all. It’s not your fault you were born this way. I’m moving on..I don’t care about all this drama . Please don’t threaten me again and yeah I think that’s it.
Posts can only be viewed from their profile. It's not very common for people to look profile posts, because that's not the thing Furaffinity publishes.

Imagine actually asking or paying someone to make stupid cringe shit like this for your own petty internet feuds you started yourself. Fetish art is less cringe than these images.
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The comedy is that now he'll definitely post in this thread again despite saying he's done here twice over and repeatedly trying to start arguments about his prageru downloaded talking points while simultaneously saying arguing is pointless.

Despite having the power to instantly end this, he's too stubborn and lonely to delete the thread because this is the only place anyone actually
with him.

It’s a sad day when saying males and females are different is prageru talking points. I would think they’re pretty apparent. Isn’t that why we don’t allow them to play in the same sports leagues? Despite all your whining….I’m still actually a liberal. Also thank you! Gosh the amount of effort you went in here I think this is better than any of the art you posted in your gallery for the least a decade. Awww Thanks buddy…glad mean so much to you. Also thank you for the Google doc.
Yeah when you put it like that the whole thing looks like autustic screeching between a bunch of fur fags and lolcows over literally the dumbest shit.
I want you to know, we did chew him out for coming at you like that. Neither of us encourage people to harass you; quite the opposite, we tell people to keep their distance and let you do your thing in peace. He was suspended for harassing you and you have your account again.

You can't change what was done in the past and I accept that, but I won't abide trying to pretend it never happened either. You're an annoying obnoxious shithead but that's your right to be so. You have every right to delete and repost as much as you like on FA, no one is trying to take that from you as long as you follow the rules, which you have been in your own way.

Yes it's fun to get you riled up, you're no stranger to provoking either so I know you understand. This was fun for old times sake but like you've said multiple times now, we're done here.

Delete this thread and go in peace.
I understand

I don’t know how to delete threads, I don’t use this site often enough. I didn’t set a password for the other posts.
I guess I contact a moderator?
Click the checkbox next to the first post of the thread, then the blue-black triangle to the right of it, select delete post. All your posts are logged with the same ID so the randomly generated password should still be the same.
I already said I will not be deleting this. Don't bother asking again.
Sorry Red bumping this back to the top. I know you weren’t suppose to share that with me. You always said actions have consequences. Just holding you by your own morals.
Also did you literally name your character Red because you’re indigenous? As like an ironic hit at American racists?
I'm once again not following my own advice, I hope you appreciate that.

There's no harm in you having that file, and the MAB link was set to expire 3 days after posting so the link is no longer viable. You could have downloaded it off Google Docs at any time before you had it taken down so it's hardly a breach of any sort.

I don't have your hardon for being edgy and offensive, I grew out of it decades ago. I was a teenager once, and I thought having a character named after the color of blood would be cool.

Now would you please chill the fuck out and let this go? We told that dude not to talk to you again and on top of that he got suspended anyway. We actively tell people not to approach you and just let you do your thing. The nostalgia has faded and I'll gladly go back to pretending you don't exist. Please do the same for me.
Complaints thread?

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