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carcupholder went private awhile ago. anybody here follow them and feels like sharing their stuff with those of us who cant?
thanks for these! glad i asked and someone responded. anybody else have more art they wanna share? maybe some favorite sequences or something?
thacks for the archive. Makes my life a bit easier trying to find all his art.
He should draw Bottles fat.
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cute comic, love these characters so much
apparently theyve posted a new comic, but theyre still locked. anyone able to share it here?
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bumping because its been a minute. anything new from them?
Its gone. can you please reupload the archive? Thank you
Can you just upload the pics on here? It’s not unzipping
I’m worried we’re missing works, you know. I want to make sure there’s nothing else. Are there any descriptions under the original images as well?
This new character is beautiful, I hope there’s more in the future
Nope, I’m not getting a twitter account, sorry
boner immediately gone
You have pronouns too, dickhead. It's called the goddamn English language.
They did delete their account. Another single platform fat artist is gone, and the only evidence they ever existed is saved pics. It's a sad day.
I think I’m gonna cry. Rest In Piggishness you beautiful bastard. I hope wherever you go is nicer than here. I’ll never forget your beautiful art style
You're right. But troons make us list them because none of them pass.

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