
(231 KB, 1024x949, 0115757B-382C-4EA8-AF1B-C7B9347D130C.png) (201 KB, 1024x683, 2A0060DD-D06A-4E8E-BD14-ED57A55F9E2A.png) (243 KB, 1024x683, 89775B3C-6003-42FE-9DCB-EFF55271F19A.png) (315 KB, 1024x683, 3F8694BB-35E7-4496-8389-2B77148E5721.png)
Some time ago there was this character ChrisandCompany made called Coco The Phat Cat. She was retired when CandC sold her and I was wondering if anyone has that image of her next to a fattened up female rabbit. Here are some images of Coco in question.
Honestly, I'm quite surprised there hasn't been someone asking for his art before. Either as Chris or CJ.
(115 KB, 1280x731, 1573705809.chrisandcompany_phat_friends.png)
I just checked the other guy's archive, had the rabbit image mentioned. A lot's likely at the FA onion there but it fails to pick stuff up sometimes, still good to have this.

And my archive is for a much older period, cjshadorunner, mostly deviantart. Whoops. But here for whoever wants it anyway.
Does this guy have any other stuff worth hunting for?
Does this guy have anything else worth hunting for?

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