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>Gathered Anonfurs,Come listen again to our tale of the FatFurry-onicle.
Does anyone still have those screenshots from Fawx's private twitter account where he posted daiperfur art? I believe the caption on one of the posts was "goo goo ga ga bitch".
That wasn’t Rushrabbit?
It WASN'T fawxen, WAS rushrabbit, but was drawn in the context of rush being an ADULT wearing a diaper, and they were coaxed into drawing it by a third party, likely to take advantage of the weirdness of the image, and spread shit around like this. God you people are actually braindead. Why not go after actual creeps like RidiculousCake, Ross/Ultrahand, and countless other fuckwads.
to clarify, yeah this was rushrabbit and at least counts as lore for this month
i know rush is twitters worst dramafag, but do you have to convert it into bbfurries drama
>>48345 (OP)
theres probably good and bad cases of lore and artist, but i'd say *inflates you making you big and round* would fit
and maybe Virus-20 being the ancient fat sonic artist, and the suck-o-lux if inflation counts
>>48723 I don’t know how many times I have to tell you guys, but a doodle I did of my sona in a diaper is not the “gotcha” you all seem to think it is. I literally have diaper art still on my FA.

But I appreciate it you guys think I’m special enough to get this much attention and live in your brains rent free 🥺🥺🥺
me assuming you still had a twitter is probably evidence of old actions being rent free, i don't know why this guy keeps bringing up one point/just unrelatedly farming you for easy thread anger

you were still a cunt on twitter and let everyone else live rent free, especially Muh Minors but i hope these threads can eventually just calm down and shut up
Stop labeling your transgender oc as “female” on furaffinity you lying asshole
But she and the sona are female, dipshit.
Chan incels man. They are angry when someone is trans while ignoring actual child predators.
Trannies are child predators silly goose.
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Ridiculouscake and Ultrahand never called me a chud
I expected some incel will answer to this with projection.
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Now this is the story all about how, the fatfur lore thread turned into a drama/circlejerk thread

It’s remarkable how people like you don’t understand the concept of chromosomes. I would have expected someone would have told you about them at some point to explain why your extra ones make you unironically believe gendershit.
Sex and gender are two completely different things, retard.
Men have XY chromosomes, Women have XX. Only physical traits such as body build, reproductive organs like the penis, testes, uterus, vagina, and breasts are affected by this. But what's up in the head is completely different, only affected by cases where yes, people can be born with an extra X or Y chromosome. You're obviously the one born with extra if you can't wrap your head around something so simple. It's not rocket science, it's biology.

Sometimes people are born in the wrong bodies or don't feel like they're either male or female. The human experience is a wonderful, but complicated and sometimes scary thing and there's no end to what we're capable of as a species that has free will up the wazoo.
Science is on the right side with us and there's nothing you basement dwelling homunculi can do about it.
You're a guy, born as a guy and feel like a guy? Good for you. Same with any women that may visit this site, very unlikely. But it's not your place to decide what does and doesn't exist, and what should and shouldn't exist. If it were up to me you would have died the moment you took your first breath, but the world needs people like you to make fun of.

John Money moment
Don’t know what your cancelation moment is even about but it sounds stupid. You know what was really fun? The time I went into owlkalines server and tipped you off to their “ban list” and you instantly went in confronted them and probably triggered and traumatized half of the discord server members.

Gosh I miss those days. Nothing like adding a little bit of chaos to trigger the woke scold tender queers…
Who the fuck are you talking about
I literally don’t know who that is lol
Sorry thought I was speaking directly to fawxen.
Just me reminiscing about the year 2020. Some fun things happened that year in the fat furry community.
Oh wait it is you. Course you remember owlkaline. They’re a pink haired trans femn monster fat fur artist, and a massive tender queer. Literally censored the word dumb in their sever as it’s “a abelist term for deaf and mute” and spooky “as spook is an outdated word for black people” Like Spade or Coon.
They created a list of fatfurry artists to boycott and avoid in their safe space snowflake server….remember? It was color coded and you were labeled as one of the worst ones? Nothing like you going in and shattering their safe space by confronting them …gosh that still puts a smile on my face…that was hilarious.
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>zoomer responding in shitty twatter memes when confronted on his delusions
many such cases, sad :/
Rush, have you thought of yknow, just closing the website so you don’t have to deal with this stuff, unless you already have which then that’s a solid 50/50, trying to explain some things to some people is like trying to hammer a nail into a piece of sheet metal
Who the fuck is rushrabbit? Their artwork looks like shit.
I thought you fuzzbutts would talk about big names like ridiculouscake or whaleoil(he’s a fat furry)

Not some twobit artist no one’s ever heard of.
i dont give a fuck about rushrabbit and his shitty art. why the fuck are you retards so obsessed with him? i don't see anyone getting buttblasted about any other troon fatfur like arkveveen (who spent the entirety of 2017 and 2018 drawing porn of actual human children)
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how the fuck has nobody ever tried to cancel this troon
Weird obsession over their gender aside: it:s because they don't hide it.
People get high off being "in the know" and the rush of both dopamine from huge numbers and adrenaline you get for putting yourself out in the open causes an addiction of sorts. You see it all the time from both sides of the political spectrum.
As this person makes no attempt to hide what they're doing it means there's neither risk nor award for cancelling them.
as bad as all this is, Arkveveen DID get blasted for all this shit and did end up hiding it eventually. Idk if they'd deny ever doing it if asked but from what i've seen they've tried moving away from being ...THIS, and a jealous whiny bitch all the time about stupid shit. Remember when they were hospitalized and became pre-diabetic because they actually believe that being morbidly obese isn't unhealthy? I dunno if the journal is still up but that was quite a thing to read around the time.
If by “science” you mean the followers of some Kiwi pedo intimidating everyone else to stay quiet about experimental surgeries and chemical poisoning so they can live out their fetishes to be something they can never possibly be and force people to go along with them then sure.

Give it time, this shit will be looked back on like lobotomies and thalidomide. “Medical breakthroughs” one day, terrible mistakes the next. Call everyone who disagrees basement dwellers if you want, at least basement dwellers aren’t guinea pigs for what might be the most misguided and harmful medical idea since bloodletting.
Any other normal community would’ve chased him off the internet like with Shmorky.
This isn't even lore, it's just yet another bitching about people thread.

Considering this sort of thing happens every other thread this one feel kinda redundant.
isnt that lore. what would you consider lore. Most of it has been well documented. lore on a chan forum is all bitching and gossip.
Remember the time when Fletcher the arctic fox
coined the post stating if you buy the Hogwarts legacy game youre transphobic. Everyone knows the woke see transphobes as synonymous with Nazis and that Nazis should be met with violence. So with the simple action of buying a harry potter game it becomes justifiable to commit violence against you.
it blew up with like 100 thousand likes and retreets. Ithink its a testiment to how far theyve gone "the woke" trapped in their echo chambers, then again the far right, centrist and even you fagoot trolls are in the same boat. you all look bizzare and insane to reugular old normies.
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Quads. I was worried you were talking about my boy, Royce the arctic fox, who has done nothing but enhance fatfur stuff in 4chan.

Can we just talk about artists who show up to 4chan either before or on the regular. That’s much more fun
Yeah let’s do that, I’m not a regular here so you lads lead the way.
i feel the best way to judge if an artist would be chill to talk with is their reaction to 4chan
some of them just take it casually or even join in the threads, and others flip at the evil site harassing them how dare they repost!!!!
i feel like the thumbnail definition is describing something else, not just general artist bitching but events where you had to be really hooked into the community drama and have whole storylines
like the splatoon 3 vore guy, sean chiplock embracing fat revali, pyrocynical's allegations, inflates you making you big and round, and probably some artists from months ago that popped in and out of existence
>>48345 (OP) Tolstoy may be the first fatfur artist
Bob Drake and Aldi and Lupine have him beat and there's a few even older ones.
I need to know about this “splatoon 3 vore guy”
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There might be even older fatfur artists that have died. That’s something else I want to discuss in the thread, dead artists.

Like Mok850. It’s been months but no one knows how it happened
twitter rando draws a jokey vore post in splatoon 3, just a salmonoid mawshot, twitter collectively flips their shit cause Kids Play The Game!!!! when miiverse had even worse stuff on the regular and im not saying the post was a good thing
i dont really remember the details and it was the drama-of-the-month that made me realize i dont like the fighting there
Or Stellos or Sebastien_nightengale
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There you go. I’ve never even heard about Stellos up until now.

He died in 2006 but was one of the best out there, that’s the general consensus?

I was talking to another artist about how I had posted a comic in /co/'s original content thread and how one or two posters were bitching about how it didn't "fit" or was shit. Personally, it was annoying and amusing but it's whatever lol. I just shrugged and assumed it was just one anon bitching. However, the artist had a different reaction.

They basically just treated it like the website was not good at all and you shouldn't go on there. The artist didn't mention it but I assume a lot of it is due to the reputation it has. From what I've observed, they at least know how to not dwell on any possible insults they might get on their work.

I kinda get the vibe that they'd describe 4chan exactly as how Takami Akai did for 2Channel long ago: "like putting [your] face next to an anus and breathing deeply." haha

Personally, I don't care what they make as long as they're not trying to do any nefarious actions IRL. That and knowing the difference between fantasy and reality (aka basically the same argument for why violent/sexual video games shouldn't be banned or heavily censored as long as they are rated properly and the extreme shit is made 18+ only).

Though I guess Ark kinda had some difficulty with the "fantasy/reality" department with that whole "being morbidly obese isn't actually that bad, guys!" without doing much research into it.

>He died in 2006 but was one of the best out there, that’s the general consensus?

Yeah, that's the general consensus. Though it's hard to tell since those who had talked to Stellos don't go out of their way to talk about him. That and this was way before social media became very big.
kazan.k built his following off a dozen+ stories of eighth graders in fetish and feeding situations. it burned to see the comments and see prominent artists discuss jerking it to middle school fetish work. it makes me side-eye everyone who engages with them tbh because they're not hiding it. i've seen some puritan fatfurs who think they're god's gift to political correctness befriend him and it's just like... lol bro what the fuck are you doing
But was he an eighth grader at the time?

Like it all depends on how old he was was when he wrote the story.
regardless of age, it's pretty groomy behavior to have extensive detailed links to those stories on the front of your page seven years later when you're decidedly an adult
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apparently nobody'd ever pointed this out but this dudes a decently active commissioner
this one commission they bought is very clearly from that bitkitano/draggintoucan person
it's also not a reupload which means that theyre still actively doing stuff
I despise the multiple head gimmick.

Speaking of active commissioner, I remember KatamariManatee commissioned so much he put his family in dire financial straits. The only commission from him I liked was the synonymbun and that’s because that artist leaned more into the bear part of his bear woman oc. Otherwise she looks like a damn lollipop at default
I had the proof ready. Did someone delete posts?
Well I just learned they sure are the pettiest people around.
I wonder if any other niche fetish group goes though so much bullshit.
Did something happen to Arakasa? He scraped some of his art (mainly his underage OC, not complaining) from his gallery.
What was Nemos drama again?
Probably not. Fat fetishism = plus-sized positivity people = twitter delusions. Same formula that created the atom bomb.

No other community is like this really. Normal porn, muscle, vore (especially not vore), transformation, or even feet. We get it the worst.
Cardlin. This guy’s been banned across multiple websites a total of like five times. Surely he’s done something lulzworthy to deserve it
Does anyone here know what happened to lemonadelemur?

I don’t think he did anything, I think the guy just can’t decide if he actually wants to draw fats or not and keeps quitting and returning. He said something about not wanting to keep making porn before nuking his furaffinity, then he returned sometime later and now he’s nowhere to be seen again.
Man, still beating the dead RidiculousCake horse's ashes, eh? Lemme guess, big mad that he made pics of a hurricane, or you one of the people who still believes he legitimately stalked a kid?
Didn’t he blog on his tumblr how he followed a kid during Halloween? I don’t think it was for sexual reasons (their costume looked like his character) but it was still creepy as fuck.
Not to be that guy, but like, RC just has a weird obsession with drawing clearly underaged girls in general. Like at the end of the day they’re just drawings (although I’d like to see someone try to defend drawing violet beauregarde) but I can’t really get behind a person like that.

"So myself and two friends had a little get together tonight. We ate some food, planned on going to a movie, and decided to go to a couple of neighboring houses for candy. Now we're all 18/19 so we really only intended to knock on two doors, but... we met Diamond Tiara. This girl, holy crap, she was the fattest, rudest little 12 year old any of us had ever seen. Upon realizing that she was essentially Diamond, we all decided to follow her and her skinny, nicer, dark skinned Silver Spoon esque friend around for a little while. Here are a few things we overheard her say: "Shut up and give me my candy." "Well fuck you!" "The houses with the lights off don't celebrate Halloween, or they're poor." - We had to have followed this brat around for at least 15 minutes, we had the biggest shit eating grins on our faces, and I agreed that I would draw a pic or two when we got home. So yeah, that's the story of how i stalked Diamond Tiara on Halloween."

This is a word for word quote from the tumblr post. He stalked two 12 year olds for 15 minutes straight because they reminded him and his buddies of his underage, fat fetish OCs.
He did LEGIT stalk a kid, even SAID so. If you look at a child, and they remind you of something you draw porn of, then yeah- that's pretty fucking bad.

The character designs based off of natural disasters are in pretty poor taste but not something to get too pissed over, it's the kiddie shit that's the problem, and people just let it continue because "hurrr he draw good so bonerific"

Like yea, they're "just drawings" but he legit stalked a kid, continues to draw kids, kids with defined ages, such as mabel pines/ pacifica northwest, violet Beauregard. it's even worse that he bases the appearances of violet off her actresses. Shit's fucked man.
“The character designs based off of natural disasters “

Which ones were those?
pretty sure bro drew a picture of him and his friends doing it too
also, kinda unrelated, but I got another reason why RC sucks: hes one of those 'oh I dont draw expansion stuff cuz I find it hot, no I draw it because I just think its neat' fuckers. This is bullshit to the highest degree, and its obvious when you see who he hangs around with. In fact, go find his violet beauregarde reanimated vid, look how many people involved animate nsfw content, and get back to me. If it quacks like a duck, that's one thing, but if it hangs around a bunch of other ducks and makes content with them, it's a goddamn duck, or at least, a duck in denial
@marshmall0fluff on twitter, they don't do furry stuff anymore sadly
Isn’t that the same logic of if there’s ten people sitting at a table with one Nazi there are 11 Nazis?
That’s pretty flawed logic.
Or am I wrong on the semantics? Maybe you just phrased it wrong.
Maybe your just an idiot, did you ever consider that? I truly doubt there are nazis, under any circumstance, but go ahead and live in your weird little world
I don’t think they meant Nazis by the old definition but how they’re defined now.
Anyone who is socially conservative, transphobic, reactionary, pro capitalist, anti communist, for the right to use offensive speech, make rights activist, anti feminist or a gamer.
That’s how it’s used now. All these labels are seen as the same or the same equivalent. So they just use one label “alt-right Nazi”
And those people definitely exist.
I was going to link a tweet from a prominent fat fur adding to this drama area but I think X.com shadow banned them. I can’t find the tweet.
wasn't this recent or am i late to the situation?
Funny thread.

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