
(140 KB, 1280x988, 1541241382.lowrider-girl_photo_2017-01-08_16-00-41.jpg)
First time making a post on here, but essentially what I'm wondering is if anyone out there had an archive or at least stuff saved from Nathanounce's tumblr back before it exploded itself. I remember distinctly being some works on there that Blackfox nor Nathan uploaded again, to FA or otherwise and for the life of me I cannot find these pieces anywhere.

Any help or images would be appreciated, but I'm not holding my breath. If all else fails, this can end up a Blackfox85 thread instead.

Pic somewhat related.
Woah, thanks a ton! I honestly wasn't even expecting a reply, let alone an actual achive. Lovely stuff in here already, I'd made my peace about not archiving Nathan's Tumblr before, but I'm glad to see someone else thankfully did.

Pleasantly surprised to see his other trades and gifts from other artists too.
If he ever does Gardevoir I'll die
Do you think some are missing?

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