
Source on 5th image
Who made the gif?
Sauce for the 2nd one?
More K Rool please
olivia blobs when
Keep the K Rool comin' my friend
(301 KB, 3300x2550, f39fcadf832fe32650ae4a613ca37a78ce21e0c0.jpg) (300 KB, 1568x1866, 047d9bba5620922bd218247c828a9228568dd917.jpg) (287 KB, 2550x3300, dd44dcb92f36574998287b57fc31d98d573d0695.jpg) (855 KB, 1700x1701, d7c595f1377a31d5877be976db7934f533cc723f.png) (347 KB, 3300x2550, 9e57b473e013b09087bd7ad2ed4c511b7903a4e6.jpg) (496 KB, 1787x1554, bde81d10e5baa1e54d3f35ea26e89c9fccb1d0e2.png)
More and others on this image board site, for those who haven't found yet: https://tbib.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=king_k._rool+

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