
any pregnant fatties?
>>45556 (OP)
Should we ban OPs who abandon threads they start?
Good enough general.
Why is there a blueberry?

But wait, there's more!

“They’re good but with eating one from this plant, the blueberry isn’t ripe just yet. These need to wait another week to ripen,” Xissea began to explain watching the wolf chew a huge bite out of it once more adding, “What I’m saying is they’re not reading for consumption.”

“Oh? Huh seems fine to me?” Kim didn't know it yet, but when those berries are eaten early as Xissea explained: it continues to ripen. Only this time it grows in who ever ate it; turning them into a blueberry incubator. The blueberry that she now wholly ate would start to change her body's role and create juice inside them. First the juices would inflate, then Kim's womb would grow a massive swelling blueberry inside it. Soon after 9 months of growing and swelling as if a baby, the now berrified and pregnant Kim would give birth to said massive berry now giant, ripe and fresh. Then the process would start over again producing another massive blueberry inside for another 9 months.

"Kim.....what you did now will alter your body in more ways than what you'll realize," stated the demon goat coming closer to the wolf

“What do you mean?” Soon as she asked her body turned a deep blue hue very quickly! “What the? Wait? No no this again!? But..”

Kim's belly groaned and began to grow looking pregnant.

Xissea grimaced a bit watching it all happen.

"Yeah.....you're going to be pregnant......and a blueberry..." she said awkwardly trying not to blush a bit and felt concern for Kim as their body had gone blue and started to inflate.~ Kim's belly was growing bigger and bigger, much faster than the rest of her. She squeezed and held it feeling it being very squishy but she could feel its movement rolling around in her gut. The sound of juice building and flowing filled the garden. Xissea moved beside the growing wolf before looking into her worried eyes.

"One thing I need you to do for me dear Kim is to stay calm okay? All I need you to do is to calmly ride this I'll be here by your side dear wolfer.~"

Kim tried to be as calm as she could; her body was blowing up like a fat balloon. The juice was filling her up everywhere, her legs, her butt and arms...everything was swelling! Xissea watched the wolf's body swell, grow and balloon in all proportions like the blueberry she would become! She was amazed at how massive and juice filled she was becoming. The juice built up making Kim swell into a giant 12 foot ball. Her breasts swelled into her body stretching them out like the rest of her with track suit hugging her body tightly as she flapped her hands. She felt body rocking to one side to the other as the juice found where it was going to go including blowing up her hands like latex gloves! Finally, the last bit of came to a head as the blueberry continued to grow inside the already tight and blown up wolf's womb. Kim's belly grew and grew almost as big as she was, protruding in front of her. They moaned and whimpered as the belly stretched outwards scrapping the dirt of the garden until the gurgling began to subside. The transformation was complete.

Xissea instantly after Kim finally stopped growing began to rub the massive pregnant belly of hers, moving her hands all over their body to keep the massive berry Kim calm.

"Its okay dear I'm right here; nothing else will happen to you."

The juice sloshed inside her as the blue was a beautiful color and her rounded belly was quite a sight and smooth. Kim looked fit to bursting; anyone else would have been blown to bits in this endeavor but Kim's body handled it. She squeezed herself with her massive blown juice balloon hands. Her head now sunk into her body being hardly able to speak, only to moan and hear Xissea down below feeling her rub her all over. Hearing her moans the tall curvy demon goat climbed her up ontop of them before reaching her head with a caring look.

"I know this isn't what you wanted but I hope you know that I'll be here by your side every step of the way. Unfortunately sweetie, this is permanent. However since your body is now accustomed to its new size, the pain or any discomfort will subside. I can guarantee that. And to admit.....Kim dear....you're......you're very beautiful. I don't care what others will say as long as I live you're a beautiful wolf." Xissea stated at this point didn't go no fucks before she pressed her lips into the bloated lips of kims giving her a big kiss! KIM clenched her hands as the goat gave her a big kiss.

"Why am I loving this so much?" Kim thought to herself adding more to the thought, "Here I am this giant thing and all I want for her to do is hug me....kiss me.."

Xissea kept up the hugs and kisses to her face. Her caring eyes looked at Kim's and then said,"Kim.......be honest with me......how are you feeling?" She then nibbled the wolf's ear a bit before kissing her bloated cheek
"MMMM... fat and bloated.." She moaned in bliss. They didn't want this pampering to end. Neither did the demon goat.

Xissea rubbed and smiled down at the bloated face of Kim responding, "Well, I'll make sure to care for you from here on out sweetie....gosh wait till your friends hear about this..."

Kim meeped at the thought only for the celeb to kiss and rub their body to calm their nerves. It would be embarressing; but it was all worth to have their favorite rock singer now be her caretaker.~
(149 KB, 1280x1112, 1639369057.bender097_pregnant_berry_belle_iclyn_bedroom.jpg)
Belle Iclyn stood there inside her nice sized bedroom dressed a custom-made version of the 05 Violet track suit feeling butterflies in her belly except in this case it was filled with surrogate babies. She wondered what she was about to do would affect them? They had asked their good friend permaberry hyena Dr. "Blue" Razz Berry who assured the wolf that nothing would happen. Belle breathed in and out before inserting the blueberry gum inside her mouth. Chewing on sent the same luscious taste of blueberries through her maw and down that throat of theirs. She loved how much it tasted making her chew faster and harder at the lovely berry flavored gum. Belle eyed at her hands were turning that familiar violet blue hue she adored so much. Her expression deepened to a grin of delight and excitement as the color change went from top to bottom including her massively huge pregnant belly.

Once all colored in, the gurgles and sloshing started with a nice growth in the chest making Belle put one hand on the bosom feeling its content move some juicy contents inside. The blue growing wolf watch in awe as the same ol' inflation swelled her butt, thighs, arms and belly up as they widened in grew in height. Belle was in her cloud 9 moment as the juices inside her body really went into overdrive pushing her body upwards and out. The noises inside feeling quite serene rubbing the stretching blue fur. She took gentle steps allowing her to make more noises before stopping to allow the growth to flourish. Her once mobile arms sunk into her body up to the wrists. Even their thighs were becoming part of the rounding frame of a blueberry. Once again, she was growing to that 05 size but a bit bigger and at least mobile since her small feet still touched the ground throughout the bloating.

Finally at last, Belle had stopped with a big *BLOOP* from inside. She peered at her own massiveness: what amazed her was the fact her bosom was so ginormous as it jutted it out beautifully on her rounded body. In fact, her pregnant belly had GROWN to a giant blimp size as well! It gurgled and stretched quite nicely feeling kicks from the surrogate babies inside it. She moved about slowly feeling the noises churn inside that balloon of a body. Belle smiled with content with her flapping hands rubbing her own self.

"Mmmmf...pregnant and a blueberry is a quite a great combo....I'll have to ask Cole what he thinks..although I'll have to tease the heck out of that little wolfer Patty to see what his first reaction is. Yeah....I'll do that first hehehe.~" she cooed before somehow calling the small wolfer on speaker to come by for some "help". She knew one thing: that Patrick's nose would bleed and that their eyes will be the size of two planets by the time they see her in all her round juicy maternal glory.~
NO!!! Youre a KING! Jesus is white! Thats it!
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I would rather have a limit to stop old threads from getting killed by spam.
These are neat.

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