
(1.6 MB, 2217x1662, IMG_7117.png) (2.4 MB, 2217x1662, IMG_7119.png) (2.5 MB, 2217x1662, IMG_7120.png) (3.6 MB, 2217x1662, IMG_7118.png)
>>45545 (OP)
Thanks for starting another royalty thread

Beelzebufo Anura II, or simply B to anyone who’s not her aunt, is a demon by adoption: Anura took her as a payment for a deal long ago and raised her as her own in the hopes of creating a demonic lineage that could grant her more power without having to do much of the heavy lifting. Thing is, this made her a terrible mother figure to her “niece” who grew up resenting her… and grow she did! B is especially massive, typically standing at 30 feet tall (although she typically spawns a small swamp beneath her that keeps her cool and muddy) which remains impressive by demonic standards. She was lazy like her aunt but leagues more clever and, although her aunt would hate to admit it, more powerful. She rose through the ranks and became an Archfiend quickly… and then chose to do *jack shit* about it. She spends her days lazing in her swamp domain, being fed near-constantly by her little tadpole-like servants, and generally just being chill and fun to hang with. She even refuses to make deals with mortals, instead preferring to either hang out with them or eat them outright, something aided by how she was able to make herself easy to summon (kiss a gross frog by a smelly swamp after feeding it specifically seasoned meats and she’ll pop out of the waters!). This infuriated her aunt who tried to have her obey her as her sponsor… but Raa-Deas ruled that Anura hadn’t sponsored B on account of how she took her in as a possession which she liberated in the purpose of raising her. B was given her crown as the new true heir to her Aunt’s massive domain which she’s turned into a flooded swamp manor with acres of bog. B is a good friend to Sizzle’s gang but is especially find if Ember and Akhet, who are closer to her in age.
(125 KB, 1736x1444, Rude!.JPG) (291 KB, 828x485, Statue..png) (188 KB, 1736x1444, Forklifts?.JPG) (463 KB, 2048x1306, Shortcake ref.JPG) (198 KB, 1993x1191, From batspid2.JPG) (254 KB, 2054x1433, From DoosdooMSDOS.JPG)
>Another new character, this is Princess Shortcake! Spoiled completely rotten, she secretly craves social relationships but is way too stuck-up to make friends. Could there be someone that can find a heart of gold buried underneath her haughty exterior? (probably not)
(472 KB, 2305x3220, Go poof.JPG) (569 KB, 2305x3360, Armor.JPG)
Still fat
I have a story idea for this pink kitten! Listen!

>Despite her sweet name, Princess Shortcake is anything but sweet. She walks around with her nose high in the air, looking down on anyone who dares to even look at her. She's used to getting whatever she wants, whenever she wants it, and she's not afraid to throw a tantrum if things don't go her way.

>Unfortunately for Princess Shortcake, her parents are starting to get fed up with her behavior. They want their daughter to learn the value of hard work and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. So, they come up with a plan.

>They decide to send Princess Shortcake to a summer camp, where she will spend two weeks living in a cabin with other kids her age. At first, Princess Shortcake is horrified at the thought of spending time with "commoners," but she has no choice but to go.

>When she arrives at the camp, she's surprised to find that the other kids are actually pretty nice. They don't judge her based on her fancy clothes or her haughty attitude, and they welcome her into their group with open arms.

>At first, Princess Shortcake is skeptical. She's used to people being nice to her because of her royal status, not because they genuinely like her. But as she spends more time with the other kids, she starts to realize that they're actually pretty cool.

>Slowly but surely, Princess Shortcake starts to let her guard down. She stops caring so much about her appearance and starts to have fun. She learns how to make s'mores, goes swimming in the lake, and even participates in a talent show.

>By the end of the two weeks, Princess Shortcake is a changed person. She's still a bit stuck-up, but she's also learned the value of friendship and hard work. And who knows? Maybe there's a heart of gold buried underneath her after all.
What do you think?
(2.4 MB, 2217x1662, Sharing is Caring By WhouldYouLookAtThat.PNG)
>kids her age
>cookie-cutter kids movie plot
It’s morally sound, but I feel like you’re missing the point of these threads. Righteous or not, we mainly just want to see people expand, summer camp is somewhere you go to lose weight. I’m glad your trying, but it might be missing something we want to see here.

Have more frog princess
Excuse me, I also don’t like how you used the phrase “kids her age”. That just sounds like it’s headed to a direction we want to avoid entirely in most threads. And I don’t just mean by how Disney like the plot is. Can you imagine late teens or 20-somethings going to camp?
>it was so bad that the artist himself came up with a drawing to convey his oc’s true nature
Kek. Hi, Faceless, if that’s you. I want to imagine secretly that the butler has a blast trying new things and meeting new people on these insane fetch quests. What do you have to say to that?
(38 KB, 1440x1440, Dedication.PNG)
Well if he isn’t having fun, the at least he’s getting the necessary exercise to keep up with her many demands. He should be getting paid handsomely as well I think.

And that's what Faceless did. How? he ate the dodo egg himself. Swallowed it whole and licked his fingers.
(365 KB, 758x640, Princess Marinade Thanksgiving.PNG)
PRINCESS MARINADE IS BACK, but ai don’t like the implications of this pic. Mainly how the fish knights are taller than her. That just throws my headcanon of her being the largest being there into question
(1.3 MB, 1282x752, FTC-CQ3.png)
And hey because I can never get tired of Roops' game, Feed the Crown, have another Cat Queen
That’s pretty funny. I’m hoping you’re Mintrimo and actively confirming it. Otherwise, I can’t believe I didn’t notice. When will the real fish people show up?
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Good royalty takes advantage of their privilege, great royalty fights for what is theirs at any weight
It’s from the Smokedstacs thread

Princess Orchard, first from Carcupholder, third from cardagain, other two from his patreon

This is just great!

Now I have duties to do in future!
Fuck off, that’s not what this thread js abput
Idc anymore let them all play each other. Keep me out of it.
You should see the bopp in my godfathers walk real gangsta shit.
(8.7 MB, 2303x1600, IMG_0052.png)
I can’t believe Fuzzywooly posted more Orchard but made her content paywalled. He even skipped posting her on furaffinity, fuck.
Now that I’m thinking about it, Fuzzywooly is credited with the line work. Maybe this is one of the patreon sketches with Princess Orchard colored?
What? Fuzzywooly made and draws Princess Orchard. Isn’t that enough to own her? She’s completely wasted on him too
No one cares. Some of us learned how to live off the market
You know why people die young. Dont roast enough. I love roasting. Cant you tell

Will Orchard ever find love or friends? Stay tuned!
(628 KB, 750x625, Princess Monkey.png)
I was going to see if he’d draw more princesses so I could post them all at once, but fine. I was hoping he’d do Marinade and Arabel too.

How did you get past R9K?
Thank you for that. Are you interested in doing other AI bots for other spoiled princesses?
This sequence is amazing, I really like this concept.
(219 KB, 931x1114, IMG_1044.jpeg)
Glad you do. What king wouldn’t fatten his princess daughter to stop her kidnapping?

I dunno. A smart one?
I forgor her name but isn’t she an OC by FacelessKiwami?
Princess Shortcake. Nice to see you here, Travis
Thanks. Ye. She has a cool design, but her name is kinda forgetful yet so obvious. Also how do u know me?
Hmm, I get you. We all have our own tastes. Would characters cosplaying as royalty also count?
What did you have in mind.

Also, which thread had Fawxen arguing with others over his princess oc or whatever? Was the fight itself erased?
Suppose Cheezborger or say Kebako are cosplaying as princesses. Would that count?
I suppose. Do you even have ages like that?

Actually, no. This thread is more about obese royalty getting even more spoiled and/or fattened from their privileged lifestyles, and cosplay might not have the same visceral impact a real fat royal has
(187 KB, 680x680, IMG_1628.png)
Ohhh, ok. I get ya. I was just askin’. And what do you mean by ages? Faceless, if you’re here, I just wanna say that you’re a really good artist and I like the vibe your ocs bring. They have a sort of 2000’s animated series vibe to them. Keep it up. (Ignore the image. Let’s go back to royalty fats.)
>IMages like that
Do you have any?
Oh, it’s a typo. I don’t have any on hand, but hopefully I painted a good image of a fat character cosplaying as a princess.
Do you mean “payed”?
I meant it as in, giving you a good idea of what you mean.
Psst. I’ve seen ur bots before. U make some real good stuff. Wanna collab? My Steam acc is MexicanOtaku. Add me plz.
(131 KB, 1170x984, IMG_3477.jpeg)
I found this on FacelessKiwami’s Tumblr page. Since this is his response, I guess this also applies to his other OCs as well. I hope people respect his wishes.

I’m sorry, but we gonna have to do this.
Is it even possible to delete anymore?
While you can’t delete a bot, you can private or unlist them.
(93 KB, 937x852, IMG_0488.jpeg)
If you want me to I can. I can private or link it. Then again he did say for vi and Wally so I’d say Shortcake is fine for now. If they really dislike it then yeah I’ll private it. I’ve got other bots planned so it’s no biggie. Anyway feel free to spitball ideas for bots if you want.
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I gave you my Steam acc so we can chat if we want. Here it is. Can someone do one of hyperpreg Devilotte from Cyberbots? (Art cred: HarleQuinnGemini on Eka’s Portal.)
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(Jokes aside, the art is pretty good. Who made this?)
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Volcano shape
She is ok with her son telling ppl he gon shoot them. Shexreally is ok with it. God is not real not theirs....

that's great! what's the character's name?
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I'm fat.
Je suis gros.
Я толстый.
أنا سمين.
Estoy gorda/Estoy gordo.
>Preg Strawberry Shortcake
>One of the butlers PLAPPED her in the pussy
If her nipples hard before she leaves shoot her in the head she is cheating
>>65628 (Dead)
Big booty with fat thighs only. No suppport beams.
I know this is at least ONE of you idiots’ fault
Sounds like more than one plapped her. But which ones? Is it like with nursemaids back in the day that jerked off their young masters to get them to sleep?

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