
>>44070 (OP)
There's already a thread for the Crash Bandicoot women, including Coco. This shouldn't be it's own thread.
(530 KB, 1176x658, IMG_4507.png)
Can anyone post this animation by Megacheese?
do they have deviantart?
Sniff and dramatic tear drop
Cardlin's Coco/Tawna Bandicoot stuff gives me reason to go on in this world. Every single line is a passionate art work of sexual and blubbery beat
The file is too big to post but the link for it is on his FA
What do you think we should do about this thread and the other Crash Bandicoot thread?

That one existing makes this one redundant, but there are good pictures in here that aren't in that other one.
Would it be breaking a rule to copy pictures from here to there?
For fuck's sake

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