
Does anyone have the 3d animation of a fat hornet with her belly sloshing from side to side? I remember it on Twitter but can’t find it again
Dear god, please let silksong come out sometime this decade and let it be popular enough to cause a massive and I mean monumenal influx of porn.

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been getting into art for the sole purpose of drawing fat, so here's something I did in like half an hour. any tips or criticism is welcome.

spoilering because amateur
Probably would be best if you have a more private place to discuss art, given this place does kind of come off as unprofessional, but uh, I would say that your own idea and set of the pic is perfectly fine, and really, it's just the interpretation within your own head, and ability to pull it out that needs work. It's like you know the general idea of something, but not the finer details of it within your head. Like sure, you can pull the image of something out of your head, but being able to take your own spin on it, with all the little things, needs work, if anything, but I'd say you're in the fast lane to becoming someone amazing!
Thank you for the encouragement, I try to practice daily.
Mind sharing some of your other stuff if possible?
I have another drawing I worked on yesterday so I might post that later after I clean it up. Also Im open to suggestions about what to draw, all I ask is that you keep in mind my skill level and be patient because I have a busy life currently
Would honestly love to see it when possible! Though I guess for a suggestion, why not just draw a Hornet shaking her fat ass in our faces? Monobutt would be cool to see from you!
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not sure I'm Skilled enough to decently depict motion. I only recently got legs looking alright. If I can draw a decent ass I'll post it. think I'm gonna try to use smaller lines in my next one
Honestly, just a little bit of lines around the rounder areas would be a good start at conveying motion, it's really about the illusion of movement that you want to try and master at the first place, instead of trying to actually try to show it. Simple steps into meshing them together into finding something better, and masterful to attempt actual animations.

Though with this piece that you did, it really does look great! It really does look cute and nice all around! Even if you are a beginner, I am happy to see you put this stuff out here and hope to see more in the future!

Though don't worry about not looking good enough, just an attempt would be good enough for me! Even if you don't post it, gotta try to see if you can do it! Thank you for this, and I hope to hear back from you! And keep up the great work!
(56 KB, 863x881, hras.png)
ok we have ass. I somehow didnt see the monobutt part until i was 70% done so sorry about that. I haven't drawn many characters from the back so It probably looks a bit jank.

I hope you enjoy anyway because drawing her weird head almost gave me an aneurysm
HEY, you know what, I love it, honestly, if I didn't get a commission as a gift recently, I'd put it as my own personal phone background! Actually, might just make it my phone start up screen lol So yeah, I'd say you did a very good job with it in the first place! I know you didn't do exactly what I told you, but, hell, I really love it! And how you did the little line things as well!

Honestly, I'd really love to get to talk to you in some DMs or anything, you're really drumming up some good vibes for myself!
Aaaaaand done, it's my phone lockscreen background lmao
Oh wow, I’m glad you like it so much. The encouragement is very much appreciated. I think I might try drawing other characters since I haven’t done so yet.

As for the discord, you seem like a pretty chill person but I’m a bit paranoid and don’t like the idea of putting my @ in a public thread.
Well my FA is QWERTYCutie, if you have one, drop me a message if you wanna there, though if you want, I wouldn't mind finding some other way just to swap our discords lmao
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don't have one currently but if I get around to making one I'll get in touch

Anyways here's a sizable hornet
Well if you have a twitter or a deviantart, give me a link! It'd be great to get together in DMs! Though with the whole Hornet pic, I still love it! I really love how you're really getting this going! Making this thread all your own! Really love how big this Hornet is! She's honestly so good just to see in different poses and sizes... If you want some more suggestions, I've got buttloads!
Wait did you draw this???
Not me, might be someone else that wanted to try drawing for the thread
Or it could be just a normal poster idk
Wait, you're the guy who's done the previous drawings, right?
Ye I did the color drawings
Haiii!!! :3
I think you're scrimb and really fun to talk to!

A suggestion would be appreciated, preferably for a different character. Go nuts. Just don’t ask me to pose her like a pretzel and I can probably deliver.
Oh! Speaking of Pretzels, maybe have Hornet trying to eat a big fat slice of cake or something, just something way larger than herself and make her really really fucking fat!
Hell fuckin yeah. I’m already imagining the best image. Into my drawing den I go
If I could, I would just hug you and swing you from side to side!!! You're very cool ~w~
Hi hi hi :33
I think your art is very neat!!! But uhmmmssss...just uhh, I dunno, coulds you post more of your arts??? Or maybe tell us more about mew!!! X33
Men she's so big~
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sure thing!
idk how people would react if i posted my non hollow knight related art here because that would be going Off Topic and i dont Want to. do that soooo yeah take more hornet doodles i suppose :3
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, SO MUCH ARTS!!! @.@ I dunnoes where to starts!!! But uhm, hellows!!! >w<

I uhhhmmm...Hrmg, with all this posting and art, maybes we should starts a new server!!! But I don't wanna push it on anyone, but I thinks it would help if people wanted to post their other art!!! But uhhhmm...Lemmie try to get to everyone I can!!! x33
Firsts offs, I KNOW YOU, well, I knows you because you shared this with me in discord!!! It looks very good and you really captured her bitchyness with her uhm...eyes!!! She looks so nice..,,,,, really made her round and big!!! Also monobutt looking..,, gosh...The best shape for her....,,
I give this, a 10/10!!!
GOSH!!! You do so good with these little sketches!!! They aren't colored like my buddy, so you get... a 10/10, billion!!! I'm rigging the game!!! You lose!!! My buddy wins!!! AHAHAHAHA X33
But uhms, yeah! You show great artistic skill with these sketches so other stuff would be cool :33
Also, yeah!!! I wanna see your other stuff, but this thread might not be a good idea to post it in!!! Maybe a little server for the lot of uss...,, There suddenly seems to be lots of people around cuz of me >:33
Also whoever posted all those Hornet pics, you has my eternal gratitude!!! You also gots lots of great artists in there with monobutts... you get my secret score of 2000000/10, for posting more than anyone else in here!!! Everyone should work harder to have enough art of Hornet just to beat you out of the water >:33
Also to my little art buddy who started this all off, please post your work when you're done!!! I wanna see Hornet eating a Pretzel or cake or something!!! I bet you did amazing with it!!! Can't wait to see it >:33
I think that's all from me from now!!! I gots work here soon and tomorrow is gonna suck for me UnU So uhm...I hope when I get back here, people message me back because you all seem very very cool :33
ty! sounds good
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I think she had too much

never drawn this large before, but i think i did alright, I'll admit I spent more time on the cake then I probably should've
I have a need for gassy Hornet
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believe it or not White lady also has a weird head
Will he ride wife?
No but she’ll probably ride him

Well I think I might wanna make a lil server for people, if people don't mind ~w~
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havent been able to draw for a few day so heres some low effort hornet

Thank you so much for doing my request, it really does mean a whole lot at this point, you know, even if it's taken a hot minute for me to get back to it, I've always had this on the back of my mind like no tomorrow! I've just been so in love with the fact that she's just so small in comparison to the cake!!! Among it just being made for her in the first place >:33

Imagine just if she was just, in a whole bakery of cakes for herself, wonder how big she would get, and just how much more she'd get after just eating it all out...


Butt... I really really love with how you attempted this! Even putting layers on the cake and just showing some absolutely WONDERFULLY chubby cheeks!!! And just going all out on her form n'such! I just love how big she looks, even while being so pitifully tiny~ Really, you're doing a whole lot great with this, so I thank you!!! Really, just wanna pick her up and just keep on putting cake right into herself~

So, yeah! Great job~ Keep it up and let's get to the other stuff~
Alright! Well I'm so happy you did the White lady! She's a really great canidate just to do anything with fat stuff~ I mean she IS practically bound and just sitting around, not doing anything, so it would be pretty easy just to...well just eat and grow fat!!! Probably could take up a whole zone in and of herself if she wasn't careful!

Though I do agree with the King here, wife is good when big. Very good job with this!!!
Alright, onto this beautiful piece here!!!

It may be simple, but simple is some of my more favorite specialties~ It's a really nice center piece to everything here! She may be in a white void of sorts, but she is FILLING IT with nothing but herself~ The simple chubby shot really makes everything fit so well into this~ Like she's just starting out with her new weight gain~ Maybe someone out there was just stuffing her while she was in this seemingly endless white void just to see what she would do with all this weight~ And just starting to find it harder and harder to really even move around, or dislike that fact at all~

But hey, great work, really killing it out here with this!!! Hope to see some more stuff from yourself and just, what you wanna do!!!
Glad you like my stuff, my life has been hectic for a good bit now and knowing that someone enjoys my art really brightens my day.

Thank you
Hey it's no problem! I'm really thankful that I can help!!! Really, lemmie just, do a little something, and I should be able to create the server here soon lmfao. Life has also been hectic to me, so I get it!!! Really just thankful you've been posting and making art all the while!!!
Alright, here's a link to a burner server/account I just made, I'd love to have you join and anyone else lmfao, it's like, so fucking bare bones you wouldn't even know lmao
So only join if you wanna, I'll try to get back to it when I can!!!

(46 KB, 962x831, hallownest_s_bugs_and_bellies___bretta_1_by_jeledraws_deznkjm-pre.jpg) (36 KB, 970x824, hallownest_s_bugs_and_bellies___bretta_2_by_jeledraws_deznkm6-pre.jpg) (50 KB, 1024x759, the_curvy_lady_by_ffdon1012_ddinoi7-fullview.jpg) (94 KB, 1137x703, hornet_burger_by_haddarytheelf_dfz3fvb-pre.jpg) (68 KB, 1032x774, january_2021_patreon_poll__cloth_by_aspiffygoat_dfil363-pre.jpg) (88 KB, 828x1189, stuck_heavy_hornet__comm__by_newt7n_dg99c1n-414w-2x.jpg)
Does anyone know how to keep the same user ID every time you post?
Doesn't matter, the site is about to die.
You could make an account and try to just use it here? Though as the other person said, this site is going to die here soon lmao
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I know we all love hornet here but i think the other big beautiful Bugs deserve some love too

was gonna make three drawings but talk of the site nuking makes me wanna post these asap

Honestly, yeah, Hornet is great and all, but you really did go above and beyond with these pics!!! They're really well done and just make me happy to see them just being PERFECTLY big and round in the first place~ Honestly, I think my favorite one out of the two, is just the last one? Fatties laying on a bed are ALWAYS the best!!!

Though yeah, honestly, I do hope that we could maybe get to talk on discord one day! I hope you didn't leave the server as soon as I posted the link or anything! Honestly, if you want the account I'm using for that, it's runningtowards90s ! So yeah, thanks so much for your continued persistance!!! Really hope I can get to you before this site closes down in the future!!!
Can I get an invite I'm kinda curious about it
I'm not the artist person but I would still like to join
Would you guys seriously like to join? I mean, it's kinda, fucking nothing! but if you really wanna join, I'm all ears lol
Oh actually both those ids are me idk why they changed sorry it's just me
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Is it cool if I drop a story I’ve been writing about godseeker gaining weight and being pampered by a human that finds her in their yard? Or are greentexts not wanted? It a couple pages long so far so I don’t wanna take up space if that’s the case.
Please go for it. Nothing else goes on here anyway. Is it the one from the Fat Gardens?
Yeah I’m making another chapter to it finally since I’ve been busy with work and life. And since I’m sick I figure I now have time to do a follow up. Im doing the Hoaxe one a bit too. I’ll post it soon.
you still making this server??
That’s awesome. I can’t wait
Here’s the story thus far.

Prologue: Brave new God.

Godseeker screamed, her noble curves, and gut smacking against the floor of the junk pile as the roof began to cave in, her godly figure was not meant to move, let alone run. Her golden chitin face is soaked in sweat as she is only able to move a couple steps before falling over in exhaustion.
Her immense form however, surely in an act of godly favor began to roll down the mountain of junk.
Her world is spinning as the bug of higher being rolls down the junk pile and into a new crevice of the cave torn open by the quake, leading to a water main which was made of a material talked of in legend.
The obese bowling ball of a bug would have seen this as divine succor but her spinning vision only saw blurs. Godseeker lets out an “Eep!” of surprise as she splashed onto the unknown water way.
She’s on her back and breathing heavily as the crevice she came from was sealed off in an avalanche of rock. She looked around her breathing heavy and her body sore. But she notices the material, it wasn’t stone, it was hard, sturdy, like something told of in godly fables. It was colored vibrantly in a shining leaf color.
Her shock of just barely surviving is added onto with the shock with her being carried towards a bright light. Oh…was this it! Was she finally going to be rewarded with a physical realm of paradise! The large bug sighed and relaxed as she was carried on her fat shelled back towards what was surely her reward. Only for he magnificent frame to get stuck inside the entrance. Oh…oh no.

She begins to yell and cry out. Flailing her stubby and atrophied appendages, unsure of what else to do at possibly. Being rejected her divinity by her gods. But her sweat from her struggle began to lube up the bug. And within a minute of flailing she plopped out of the now no longer backed up pipe and somewhere…green.
Her eyes widen as she feels the water way to her divinity, drip water onto her headpiece. As far as she could see there was green grass, giant plants bearing fruit and veggies the size of her and bigger! A light shone down on high from the sky bathing everything in its tender glow.
She heard alien creatures chip and sing. A monolithic structure towered over all this green. It is white, and looking like some sort of house, but with odd paneling on its sides. This was made for something unimaginable massive, something godly.
She can feel tears well up in her eyes. She was right to seek new gods, she was right!And now she had been rewarded with a new plane of being! Could such a structure and warmth mean anything other wise?
Her limbs flail again,but this time it out of childlike joy. But that’s when she sees it, bigger than a sky scraper, Wielding a green hose, and whistling as it sprayed water onto the greenery.
Its body looked nothing what she had seen before, it was covered in bits of hair, but its exoskeleton looked soft, but unlike her divine form it seemed natural to them. A creature without an exoskeleton. Truly that must be a being above her meager existence.
The carefree caretaker of paradise calmly looked to his side hearing a small squeal, which sounding like no animal he’s ever heard of before. The man’s eyes widen and drop upon seeing the biggest bug he has ever seen sitting under his water pipe, which seems to be a bit cracked now for some reason. It was…some sort of bug that looked bloated. With a golden head, that shimmered like actual gold would. A large grey abdomen rested on the dirt ground, is that its gut? Small appendages of the bug looked comically small compared to the rest of its fat body. Golden shoulder pads hung over its back with a small grey grey cloth acting like some sort of cape almost. The man had never seen anything like. And he’s an entomologist! The man slowly approached the bug, his curiosity giving way to stupidity as he goes to lift the insect up. The bug suddenly squealed a set on nosies alien to him as it raised its appendages and….closed its eyes? He’d never seen an insect be able to do that. But it didn’t seem to be acting in fear, it don’t snap at him or anything as he lifted the small bug up.

“Yes O’ god! Carry me to a life of luxury and give me the afterlife I deserve!” The godseeker cries out as she is carried in the creatures massive callused hands towards what looks like a door. She is ready to begin to life she utterly deserves.
Chapter 1 Deserving Digs.

Godseeker sat, upon her new throne, one of utter softness and divine comfort. She lounged against a large silk pillow, sinking into it, as she gazed onto the play before her. All while she was munching on a delicacy called, pourpurn, or something, either way the oddly shaped buttery and crunchy treat was one of her new favorite foods. She wasn’t sure how the god was able to make all these like minded actors appear upon the flat stage, or how they made such wonderful effects. But It was mesmerizing to her, even if she couldn’t quite grasp their dialect yet.
She let out a small, divine belch, she looks down at her gut, which feels taut and full. But her mind compels her to continue snacking, bigger, this house is so huge and she’s so small, she wants to look as large as her ego is.To think a mere two weeks ago she was on a junk pile escaping to her dreamscape to experience spoilage, and now she lives it.

The god walks over to her, taking a seat beside the pampered bug as she chant’s praises towards her enabler that he cannot understand. She knows not his name, and so she has taken to calling him anon due to him not telling it to her. Or maybe he did but his complex language was still far from her understanding. He pokes her gut which causes a lazy belch to escape the bug. This seems to shock the god, as he hastily takes out what seems like some odd sort of perfectly square parchment and writes something down, no doubt something about her beauty. The godseekers gut is stuffed taut, her belly was always about half her size, but it now far out of her reach and rests on the soft cushion of this wondrous slab of cloth. She is currently the size of a bowling ball, and just as round.

Her fat gut extends outward as the dominant part of her body, she’s seemingly 80% belly as her chitin creaks while eating another one of her new favorite ambrosias of this new world. Something called a “Burnie” Whatever it was the brown dirt looking treat melted in her mouth unlike another delicacy she has ever tasted, her small twig like feet kick in joy at the flavor. Her golden face has softened a bit s pair of chubby cheeks starting to appear on her divine mask. Her arms are either always gripped on some sort of snack food set before her by her dear god, or rubbing her stuffed gut. Everyday is stuffing, plays, and food comas, this was paradise. The obese bug belches again and rests against the thigh of her dearest god, she deserves this.

Anon stares down at her dumbfounded at this bugs oddity’s not only can it belch, consume inedible things to bugs, but it seems to have some sort of sentience. If he could write a paper about his he’d make history! While it is concerning how fat this bug is and lazy it seems to be even for an insect. Maybe he shouldn’t be feeding it popcorn and brownies…But surely this level of fat is just something common for this new species. It seemingly nuzzles against his jeans…looking almost lovestruck. Eh, probably just it being too full. Little did anon know that the Godseeker has just “claimed” her new god.
And this is the new chapter.
Chapter 2 Feasting Experiments.

Sorry this took a bit, being sick sucks.

Godseeker sat upon the sleek, perfectly polished marble of a large platform, one where her graceful god cooked her food, and his own. Her body is once again placed on her regal, velvet pillow. Once her god made the mistake of placing her onto the cold stone without it, and she politely and calmly told him of her discomfort. She did not screech or make any undignified noises. She was just shocked was all.

Either way as she now covered half of her cotton throne with her godly girth, she can’t help but look on in amazement as Her god puts down…something wonderful in-front of her. It is…a pastry of sorts, but…it is larger than her, wider than her, by just a bit. It smells of…of…paradise. She never smelt anything so sweet, or divine. It’s covered in a brown, sort of covering.
She looks up to her god, she points to the object with a fattened digit. She has spent the past month of her ascension trying to learn words of divinity from her guardian. And of course being the genius she is she has now a minor understanding of the language. “Cake.” The god’s voice boomed. Godseeker nodded and repeated the phrase.

Such a small and simple name for something that seems so complex. Well, enough admiring. Time for a taste. The spoiled insect simply leaned forward and let heralded self fall, her belly pressing heavily into the cake before her face could reach it. Ah, her plan on free falling into the cake has been foiled by her own majestic body it seems, no matter, either way it’ll end up in her one way or the other.

With a huff she thrusts herself forward hopping just a little but she pushes her gut down so she can lean forward enough to plant her face into the cake. Her golden visage is covered in rich chocolate frosting as she feels the ambrosia enter her mouth. She feels a ripple go throughout her body as her muscles stiffen. A loud moan escapes her as the insects inner glutton fully takes over and she begins to frantically consume as much she can.

Her grey belly that dominates her divine form begins to become covered in chocolate and crumbs that escape the bugs messy eating. Why bother about manners when she has a god who loves her? Not like the ones back in her old life. No, now she was here, living a life she utterly deserved!
A belch leaves her as she suddenly feels a fullness in her gut, one fourth of the cake now rests in her gut. Any sane person or bug would stop at this point, but not the godseeker. She knew this was a gift and a challenge one form her god, she would not waste a crumb of this gift, made in the box of divinity which they made their delicacy’s from. With a heave and a grunt of effort her full body makes contact with the next portion of the godly treat.

“Come, to my divinity” she mewls before pushing down against her belly so her face can reach the cake, which was feeling rather taut as of now, she burped as it is pushed down. Once more her face is buried in the portion of cake, the pressure in her gut building, causing a feeling of pleasure to course through her, yes. Only she deserves this, to eat so much, to enjoy paradise.

Bit by bit inch by inch the bug ate away at the cake, as her belly groaned in protest, it had become used to being engorged but never had it been forced to this extreme. It pushed more and more into the cake. Now with half the cake gone, Godseeker belched loudly, so loud it startled even Anon, her god, who is taking notes with his odd square parchment.

She sighs and rubs her gut with her bloated digits. Her usually loose, grey adipose of her stomach is stretched tight, like that of a drum cover. Taking a breather, she noticed only half remained, well, not a single bit wasted! With another lurch the religious seeker tries to move her bloated tire stack of fat she calls a face towards the cake, only for her to face plant against her full belly. Her arms unable to move her gut down anymore with how full it is, and cussing the bug to simply face plant into her own fat. Naturally upon realizing this she did the only thing she could thing of since coming here which was.
“Anon!” She belches out. The god is immediately at her service looking at her with mild worry.

“Cake…” she weakly points to the cake.
“Feed…” godseeker points to her golden blob of fat she calls a face. That is covered in frosting.
The god seems silent for a moment before taking a knife and cutting the cake for her. Bringing the cake to the bug’s face. Immediately the bug went to work occasionally tapping the gods hands to suggest him to turn the cake faster. She eats it like a chainsaw trimming wood, working around sides as the slice gets smaller and smaller. While she gets bigger and bigger.

With a groan the bug lets her atrophied limbs fall to her lovehandles. She looks weakly over her gut to the last slice and beckons her god to bring it to her, the chitin of her belly creaking as she does this. It hurts now, but she wouldn’t stop, she would not give up, not with her divine savior here.

With a pained groan god seeker brings herself to gorge on the last slice of the cake, this one takes much longer than the others, with her taking small bites..for her anyway. She gets into a rhythm of uselessly rubbing what she can reach of her belly as she constantly belches in a futile attempt to make room in the completely stuffed organ. Time becomes a blur as does pleasure and pain for her.

Only when her bites meet air does she realize where she is once more. An entire cake, foot wide, and 6 inches tall, now resides in the bugs stomach. And you could tell, you could really tell. A grey belly as round as basketball and just as wide one. The chitin on her gut partially parts down the middle of her overfill gut. She sits on her thorax, which is cushioned by her buttcheeks each of which is as large as a baseball. Her back fat cascades downward and onto her impressive rear. Her face is a tire of golden fat, with her cheeks looking like grapes are stuffed in them. Her black eyes are half closed as her hidden mouth belches lazily.
“Mmmm, rubs.” She lazily demands. And her god does so and massages her gut as if they were rubbing a sports ball.
With a moan the godseeker melts from the feeling. oh, this is divine. Her god…was so cute. So handsome. She could see his blush. Yes. He was hers.
I already made it lol, I could grab the link, but I swear it's around here somewhere lol
i saw the link, but it didn't work
Could I see more of Grimm?
save bump
I remember those vessel oc's from the old /tvg/ server I made christ.
Can you make more?
(856 KB, 672x1132, vessel12.png) (427 KB, 1139x1300, Illustrationrequest2.png)
I didn't draw em, I know the artist who did but he left sometime ago because he was burned out on hollow knight or more so wanted to move onto greener pastures. Unsure, but scared up two images from the server while digging around

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