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>>42368 (OP)
Im making this thread because I wanted to know more about and have more art of Princess Marinade.
God this thread is horrible.
Fucking Avo dumped Miro causes hes a pathetic little pedo who told his no-longer gf he'd stop drawing little kids, but couldn't stop himself from drawing em cause he's a pathetic shrimp.
Well fuck, what now? Do you have proof?
Talk about heartbreaking
Notice how much associating they've been doing publicly?
Or how miro dipped from a few places for a bit?
That's enough proof for me.
I wouldn't say that. The whole relationship seemed hammed up for public appearances
Bitch, imma need something more concrete. People drift all the time but you’re accusing him of being a full-on pedo?
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This was posted in her server back 'round late July.
She's said in VCs a few times he's been doing loli shit alot.
Fuck. Then that’s it. So what about the thread?
Learn from this
When artists get together alot of the time the relationships become super unhealthy and/or abusive. When they're frequently posted about from one another and put out as "perfect" there's a sinking feeling that something isn't right.
Similar shit happened with bloopity and dragonbellies
Oh shit, them too? Actually that one was more believable to fall apart. Bloopity did make all those self harm pieces. What happened exactly?

What I mean is what should we do with or post on this thread? Just let it die? I’d definitely let it die but I still like their shit.
I don't know 100% of the details but given how self centered Lyn is and how self depreciating bloopity is it probably had to do with them not supporting eachother properly.

I jumped ship from following bloopity ages ago specifically because of the sad posting.

And yeah we better let it die. Avo deserves to be left alone about this and miro can fuck off if he's doing that shit continuously.
Ok, sage mode on. Help me bump up other threads
Do you think the same will happen with Fawxen and his bf/gf?
First off, yes because they’re not even a straight couple. More often than not, homosexual couples fail. Secondly, we are trying to kill the thread. Stay in sage mode.
Goddamnit, we’re trying to kill this thread. What the fuck’s your problem?
Never mind. Might as well try to hit the bump limit while it’s on top
What’s stopping us from publicly exposing mintrimo?
That’s not up to us, it’s up to his ex to set things right. And I don’t want to focus on drama

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