
he'd be fucking stupid if he did that, he'd get barely any traction here in comparison to twitter lmao
(205 KB, 1280x1010, Hi-res Maeve.JPG)
Maybe, but what other choices does he have? Peopld on Twitter already give him shit because they think he’s a nazi just because he’s German and respects his country’s history, and he’s banned off Furaffinity.
good luck lmao
(109 KB, 936x1352, E4hDu3TWQAY63Xc.jpg)
omg omega epic lulz i love the funny tube man who has definitely never done anything that would make anyone question him
(294 KB, 1016x1574, He also hates White Castles? That’s just funny.JPG)
>supported Pewdiepie at his most controversial
>is german
>is that good at art
>and draws stuff like that
>on top of the fat art
Questionable, yes, but that’s exactly why this artist is worth the support. He’s an outlier when everyone else, even Smokii to an extent, is trooning out.
>>41519 (OP)
Looool its the retard who got kicked out of college because he kept sperging out and using racial slurs in the middle of class.
... He lives in Ottawa, Ontario.
>his twitter literally says Leafland

He can sperg out all he wants here then. Who’s stopping him?
(134 KB, 1280x928, 1598823548.cettus_jade.jpg) (217 KB, 837x1280, 1608791171.drcuddlebug_owls_ranger_doe.jpg) (226 KB, 976x1280, 1605248353.cettus_fat_space_lady.jpg) (127 KB, 626x1280, 1619453903.chonkcatcentral_6d80a823-154c-4b9b-abbd-2861e7fd0121.jpg) (132 KB, 648x1280, 1619455519.chonkcatcentral_a429f9db-875a-4c17-8388-363a3e020bdd.jpg) (255 KB, 528x835, 1615089203.cettus_maryanne_chubby2.png)
All I'm going to post because that r9k shit is annoying and I won't know which images were posted already.
I always preferred his canine characters the most
What is your favorite weight gain sequence cettus has done?
Sarka hands down. She fucking explodes in weight and walks everywhere barefoot.
I feel Lawrence Bosko was a very underutilized character since his whole thing is to get as fat as possible without any downsides that came with being fatter until he's a giant blob.
Lawrence is definitely my favorite. He’s just gluttony incarnate and I wish we got more of him, although I think Sarka was a great character to play with in terms of weight and body shape
This pic only confirms he has a good sense of humor lol
well, one, guy wouldn't be interested in hanging out on a "Chan" (or in his view, "a den of degenerates"). Also, he's not going to do commissions or free art, even if he's here.
So himself. Makes sense since we’re often our own worst enemies.
cettus got doxxed and sold all his characters lol
Ok, satan, you got proof?
What character do you wish cettus drew more of and who do you think should have been drawn fatter or thinner?
I never got the issue with Cettus/Whaleoil

So in his fantasy different canines have different racial classes based on whether they have wolves blood or fox blood. So he has blood purity in his imaginary art world…..so do most fantasy novels. Who fucking cares it’s his fantasy. He has to conform to no racism exists even in original stories? I always just saw it as a plot device, an excuse to draw canines in war gear fighting each other. That’s his special interest. Don’t like it then don’t fucking look.
His IRL beliefs are the exact same and he's made that pretty obvious.
Nah, Canadians like to gaslight each other. Just read Les Nombrils.
>>42041 The thing about it is that whether there's proof or not the reality remains unaffected and actually every day the US gets worse while other countries getting better. I don't think much else really need be said. There's a big, evil, shitty society, and she's a whore. I'd say expect the worst from the average citizen, but that doesn't mean the sort of nihilistic approach that society concerns itself with during every meeting that rich folks decide on placing laws on an entire population especially when poor folks are the only ones that have to follow these laws. For what it's worth I sincerely believe there's a secret evil organization in the US, and it's not purely blind faith. I've been studying them for decades. I'm more prepared dor the future than you'll ever know.
We are talking about cettus/Whaleoil

Please take your conspiracy bullshit to the proper threads. Unless you’re cettus (which I know you’re not as you lack his cadence and grammer. )Please shush 🤫 unless you have some art or information or speculation regarding cettus.
Back on subject. Cettus would never let me commission them. Love their art style but unfortunately he only draws canines and I suppose my characters were too simple for their acquired taste. Or maybe he just doesn’t do commission in general? Anyone? Was I rejected or did they simply not take commissions until recently.
He doesn't let anyone commission him except close friends on rare occasion
But why not?? Many would be willing to give him money so why not do comms??
I’ve been a fan of his arts and works, even think I’ve seen many of his stuff before. But in these current times, I’ve seen so many leave or get kicked from the community. A bad case of “good art, bad artist”. Many people have bad opinions, but not many take the time or effort if any to try to help or fix them, and just sweep that shit under the rug and get rid of the problem. That is how the community will die

That sucks that it happen and he had to do that
Dudes a busy guy and clearly passionate about his personal work. Probably just a personal choice to pursue his serious stuff over the headache of dealing with the fatfur community.
Like Fthefirst he literally got cancelled just for being a conservative. Not even far right or anything. The fatfurry community has a far left bias. If you’re to the right of Bernie Sanders you’re a Nazi in their eyes. They literally think average joe conservatives are Nazis.
What is the most recent cettus drawing? It felt like at least a year since he posted anything new.
Does anyone know how to contact cettus to at least let him know there's a thread about his art here?
@whaleoil2 on Twitter or X.com
But he rarely responds. I asked him why Jews running the world was a such bad thing. Some of my best friends are Jewish and they seem to have amazing talent, super high iqs and really good at managing things. I would prefer they run the world rather than no one. With out Jewish world management everything would be utter chaos. Jews bring order.

Anyway cettus never got back to me… he has no viable reason to dislike a jewish owned world outside of antisemitism and racism….:-(
>most recent posts are about legos
At least he’s still alive
(161 KB, 1226x978, Screenshot 2023-08-08 233452.jpg)
Some good stuff (also had the same thing in the pic happened to me recently and it was a sticker piece)

anyway what happened to him?
>The fatfurry community has a far left bias.

Oh so thats why working out/ going to the gym is alt right now
>used to draw gay fat porn
>got told he'd be lined up and shot
>now only drawa straight fat porn
>"No no my friends made me draw it I'm not gay"
Still a fat furry and thus a canidate for being offed, degenerate.
Wow, you wear that swastika laden armband proudly
Smokii came here because he couldn't handle people shittalking him anonymously, not because he values the 28 people who post here more than his 10k twitter followers. Same with rushrabbit.
I really doubt that Whale is petty enough to care about what this board thinks of him.
(187 KB, 601x602, D3P-Ct9WsAEyW4g.png) (120 KB, 584x534, D3P9j8eW4AAriB6.png)
Heres your poof, since no one is able to google search. Tbh idc he should commit to making fat art i'd empty my bank account for commissions.
Speaking of which, Smokii’s stopped coming too, hasn’t he?
Guess I'm blind then.
>Many people have bad opinions, but not many take the time or effort if any to try to help or fix them, and just sweep that shit under the rug and get rid of the problem.
We know that is not enough. Even if he sweep it under the rug, you are going to dig it out eventually. He got doxxed, you see.
I need more of her
>>41519 (OP)
hello this is Cettus. Can one of you please tell me a good place where I can catalogue my art? Something with a proper gallery, y'know? Twitter is shit for that. I was thinking tumblr might be my best bet. Also, something that has "categories" (like what FA had) would be nice for autism reasons, but it's not necessary.
ehentai and e621 seem like the best options to me
Right here. We’ll keep your art safe for you if you are who you say you are. Please give proof
(2.9 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2779.jpg)
I'd prefer a place that can also take captions and/or tags, for easy sorting purposes. For instance, if someone would like to just see art of a specific character.
Unfortunately e621 really does have the best enforced tagging system by far for characters/kinks, even if it's not that popular with fatfurs for some reason. Plus it's already got a ton of your stuff there.
Rule34.xxx has it too but I think that's even less popular. Itaku has a tagging system as well but I don't think it's enforced
(9 KB, 936x222, mlfzveqgpj6a1.png)
hope those e621 mods don't give you a hard time, heard some of those guys on there are just as loony as furaffinity mods and twitter """""people"""""
Yeah, that thought did cross my mind. But besides that, e621 feels very.. impersonal? One thing I appreciated about twitter is the ability to write descriptions (which are clearly visibly heading the post), and easily post comments/responses and whatnot. I know e621 can do these too, but it's less geared towards that, imo. Also, unless I'm mistaken, e621 doesn't have an account system, does it? As in, would it be possible for me to have a page, where one could find all my artwork? Or is all artwork posted anonymously?
Cettus, as the OP, I’m so happy you decided to come here. Even if you don’t decide to stay, you’re always welcome here. Try Itaku tree
>>42216 as dodgy as it may sound, deviantart is pretty good. you can sort art by using collections. its not as personal as twitter but it has a nice ui and a lot of features
Y'know, that's not an entirely awful idea. I'll have to look into what sort of features it has with respect to organization and tagging.
Thank you for the warm welcome. A buddy of mine linked me to this thread. If ever I come back here, I'll try to post some art.
You’re most welcome. And I’d love to see more of Maeve towering over people in her everyday life here too, if I may be boldly specific..
Would you ever consider drawing how Lawrence Bosko would look thin since I'm always curious how he'd look before becoming arguably the fattest character you drew to date. I'd also like to see a character like him start subtly putting on weight before it completely snowballs entirely due to him becoming more gluttonous and embracing habits that make him fatter.
That is most certainly a good idea. I was actually having similar thoughts today. I think I will try to draw this.
Great, always a good time to draw a gentle giant. Since summer is ending, maybe have her waiting patiently behind an oblivious older couple getting hot dogs at a boardwalk food stand with her stomach growling and accidentally spooking other people waiting in line
Who is she again?
The great white snake lady who’s a bartender and loves mountain dew
Do you think you might draw more mobility aid stuff in the future?
Next to no chance, sorry.
What stuff have you been drawing since you seemingly disappeared from Twitter? Hoe have things been with you in general?
(547 KB, 1704x2220, fast food frit.jpg)
I've been drawing plenty of things. Lots of Fritjof as of late. I don't remember if I ever even posted him on Twitter, so here is something new of him. As for life, life has been good. Graduated from uni, got some awards for projects, fun stuff. I've mostly been working on personal and professional projects. Very very busy with all that.
(291 KB, 1837x1407, fritjof escaping with a full belly.jpg)
Also, in case you were wondering why I "disappeared from Twitter", it's because I got a new computer at some point, and I haven't bothered to log back onto the cettus4 account. I don't think I'll be able to get in on due to the fact that I don't remember which one of the thousand email+phone number credentials I used.
Great, don’t ever go back to that hellhole

And way to prove them wrong and graduate. They had some bullshit in their heads that you got expelled because you hurled racial slurs or something. I don’t even think I’m remembering that right, but way to graduate
Does fritjof still rob stuff even when extremely fat?
saw this website called refsheet that also allows you to input information for OCs. lowkey relieved you havent quit and sold the OCs like that one guy said
Something I want to ask cettus is characters like llona seem to just get fatter the older they get with seemingly little to no weight fluctuations. Is she one of those characters who will continue to keep getting fatter with age into the 1940s and 50s and even 60s, assuming she lives that long, or will she eventually start losing weight as she gets to an advanced age like her being 70 and 80 years old.
You’re assuming the heart attacks wont take place by then if ever
>They had some bullshit in their heads that you got expelled because you hurled racial slurs or something.
Hah, that would be funny! But no, I've graduated from each program I've gone through.
All I'm assuming is that since there are anthropomorphic animals, some even of fictional species, that those sort of things can easily be disregarded. How can any of us know about the health and biology of something like a humanoid fox?
>website called refsheet that also allows you to input information for OCs.
Hm, that sounds useful. I will look into that.
>relieved you havent quit and sold the OCs like that one guy said
What a bizarre rumor. I suppose they misinterpreted CatsByTheKilo selling a few of my cobweb-covered OCs for me (splitting the revenue, ofc).
You’ve got a lot of bizarre rumors about you. That’s why you need to stay off of twitter
(826 KB, 2616x1856, frit super stuffed.jpg)
Nah, eventually he ends up running his own thieving ring by the time he starts to get really big, and he takes a more laid back administrative role, basking in the riches. You know, proper dragon stuff.
Is he going out with Maeve or what’s the story there?
(101 KB, 568x804, massive_ilona.png)
Ilona's weight peaks somewhere in the 40s, at which point she starts to slow her partying down a lot due to her age and fatigue. After that point I'd say she slims down a bit to your typical "fat grandma" sorta size. Still big and bubbly, but not as massive as she used to be.
Does she still hate White Castles by then?
lol, probably! That shit is disgusting now matter what time period it is.
Hahahahahaha fantastic. So about Maeve and fritjof
(516 KB, 1399x804, fritjof and maeve.png)
Hahah, man, I drew this when I was dying of some awful flu, and my only ray of light was shipping Fritjof and Maeve together. It's totally nonsensical, not to mention anachronistic (Maeve would've been born by the time Frit was in his 20s), but the thought of this cruel, bratty crime lord having his heart warmed by a gentle giant like Maeve is just so sweet. So, it's obviously not canon, but it would be a very fun AU to explore.
Is this image her peak weight in the 40s?

Would the dragon being this fat cause issues with him using his tail for practical stuff like grabbing things or use as a finger? I remember one image he used his tail to flip a page of a book he's reading while smoking.
Which character do you imagine keeping their weight high up to an advanced age?
>Is this image her peak weight in the 40s?
>Would the dragon being this fat cause issues with him using his tail for practical stuff like grabbing things or use as a finger?
Oh absolutely. I mean, he can still do *something* with that massive slug-like appendage, but it's not nearly as deft or graceful as it once was. Mostly just becomes a heft of blubbery mass to be dragged and lowly swayed around.
Does she have any kids and will they end up as big as her?
So in other words he becomes a somehow even fatter Jabba the Hutt. I wonder at what size did his weight start to hinder his theif job since I don't know if simply having a bit of a belly would affect much.
I never saw her as having kids. Instead, she'd get to spoil the children of her borzoi friend, Klara. I actually don't recall much about these details. CatsByTheKilo would know, since this is his territory. I know Klara's daughter, Sonya (the borzoi with the blond hair) ends up picking up a lot of "Auntie Ilona"'s decadent behaviour, hence she winds up rather rotund later on.
(739 KB, 938x898, image.png)
I would say the absolute hugest the drake could get and still pull off a job (albeit without much grace or finesse) would be around this size. Though certainly before this he would be scaling back his involvement in field work, only ever going out in person if he feels it's necessary.
(113 KB, 1421x873, Ew9wyocXMAIodiS.jpg)
I'm glad you're out here answering questions about your ocs. Hopefully you'll find a stable place to post art. also will you draw more Daisy?
Very unlikely. She was very much a one-off that a friend of mine took interest in. The majority of drawings of Daisy were done to sate his interest in her.
I don't think you ever done vore but do you think it may be in character for Fritjof, even thin being much larger than the average human and very ravenous, to devour people to either set an example for his subordinates to know the consequences of failure, to make witnesses disappear, or just because he happens to be in the mood to eat someone tasty?
I like this set of developments for all characters involved. Fat thief guy and Maeve need to be their own thing and Daisy is find in theory but she distracts from other more important characters
*Own thing separately each. Maeve definitely deserves better canon wise.
(623 KB, 1816x2388, fat frit blocks your path.jpg)
Weeelllll, now that you mention it, I *have* drawn a fair bit of what one might call implicit vore involving Fritjof. For the reasons that you've mentioned, I agree it does "work" with him. I'm not even into vore explicitly, but the implication of it can be enjoyable if done tastefully. I mostly drew these for the enjoyment of someone I know who's obsessed with the idea of Fritjof eating chumps, but I've done so with such subtlety that I can enjoy it without focusing on the veiled vore elements. Indeed, some of the drawings I've posted in this thread were made with this hidden double meaning.
(635 KB, 1142x873, unknown.png)
I honestly don't recall how she came about. What I do recall is that a friend of mine ran with the concept and did quite a bit with her. I added some illustrations along the way to compliment his thoughts and writings. This was years ago, and I haven't done anything with Eloise since. Maybe that'll change in the future.
I didn't mean to imply that there should be vore art but like you said the implications all point to this very likely being the case given the fact Fritgof not only is physically capable of doing it but very likely to it willingly given his personality. Implied vore could be something like him pointing to his gut while telling someone "if you want to see what happens to those that fail me, you're looking at it".
Something I always wanted to see but never do is a very fat yet still really flexible and limber character. Someone who despite their immense size can still lift their leg above their head and do a bunch of other poses you typically see a contortionist do.
You have to figure even if they are limber they have to scrunch up all that fat keeping their bodies puffed out

Building on my earlier Maeve request, I like the idea that she is physically capable of doing it too, but doesn’t yet scares everyone else who doesn’t know her into thinking she does by her sheer size alone. Have you ever tried anything like thaf with her? Does what I post even making sense? This request, I mean >>42249
got any more overstuffed fat fuck pics
I'd imagine llona being way larger at max size.
I imaging Llona in the 60s and 70s being a fat old lady always annoyed at the hippies being loud and obnoxious, especially the really fat ones who criticize how other people eat because it's "killing mother earth"
Didn't you also have a space borzoi woman? I remember her for being the thinnest fat character you drew. She never was depicted that fat relative to every other character, which is a bit disappointing for me since I want to see her get really large like the fat space black cat woman. I think you did a 3d model of her a while back. I just really like borzois.
I'm a bit embarrassed how I completely forgot about that. I can't be the only one who thinks she's among the thinnest fat characters cettus made. Her design is also really nice and I hope to see her in other outfits besides a space suit.
Do you have any other drawings to post?
Is white castle going to be a recurring gag? I can sort of see llona "eating" it for a period of time in order to lose a lot of weight if she's required to look slim for a role. If you had to imagine anyone liking white castle who would it be, even for hilarious reasons?
So glad to see more of your work!!
I don't know what you mean by story. I don't think there was a story
I feel there's a large lack of fat cervines here
Then why not make some?
Dear Cettus
You learned to draw from Morpho right
Hello Cettus I just wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your work and seeing some of your older WW1 pieces convinced me to get a sona. Then finding out that you also drew fatties too was awesome lol
What’s your sona?
can't imagine going from a decently popular artist to some literally-who like cettus lol. but i suppose that's what happens when everything you draw looks like some empty-headed retard.
They're like yin and yang. Maybe if they're immobile blobs and curl their tails together they can even form that symbol lol.
Hey Cettus, enjoy your arts and works
How did you not go insane after drawing all those spots?
nice hope to see it done soon
Why do all of your characters lack any sort of expression
It’s because of their photorealistic aesthetics perhaps?
Sigfrd and Hakon were always my favorite characters. I don't know what the official canon is for them but in my mind it was something like the guy (not sure which name goes to which) was a more reserved and introverted. Had strict parents that were pushing him to continue school for something 'safe' that he didn't enjoy but couldn't really stand up to his parents. His sister being the opposite of him, outgoing, extroverted, lust for adventure etc. and left home as soon as she could and moved across the country or something and only kept tenuous ties back home, but always checked up on her little brother. Her parents don't approve of her life style or what she does for a living.

But when she visits home again to see her family and her little brother she kind of forces it out of him that he doesn't really want to become a doctor or an accountant or something. She convinces him to come out with her and she'll get him a job in some startup or something she's working for, she'll teach him how to relax and enjoy himself. Then, you know, he gets fat.
Shit, anons, he's bailed on us. We'll wait and see but I think he had enough of our incessant adoration for his kino.
Nah, he’s just taking a dump
I hope he didn't bail. I really wanted to ask if he'd draw a sketch of fritjof's tail progressing from thin to fat like with several face progressions hw dree before. It is confusing how it scales with his own weight since as thin it looks fairly proportional like a lizard but at his fattest his tail looks like it weighs more than the rest of his body. In other words that drake is a lot heavier than he appears due to his tail alone and i wonder if it got to the point where he becomes immobile not from his limbs but his tail acting as a weight he cant drag along.
Just hoping we get more art.
Uh, no. They look like they got a lobotomy.
it certainly doesn't help that so many people are here asking for art. especially to a guy who clearly just likes to draw for himself and his friends. it gets REALLY fucking annoying
uhhhhh eeerrrmm nooo??? maybe it's cause you have prosopagnosia or are just simply retarded
considering all of your dumbass replies in the thread, it seems that you're leaning towards the latter
either way, fuck off this thread
I just think it's funny how all of the "proof" of him being a nazi is sourced from the mega-schizo Neohusky, everything he provided can be disproven just by actually reading the fucking things, and their only """hard proof""" is "muh mosque shooter meme" and saying retard.The shooter shit is like throwing a shitfit for people making drawings of Martha Speaks being a fed spook. It's pathetic, doubly so for being jump-started by Neohusky
>muh mosque shooter meme
Is that the Martha speaks guy?
Now I'm forgetting, was the Martha Speaks guy also the one in Buffalo who shot up a supermarket, had video of himself doing it that screamed "fed plant", and had a manifesto that stated he was doing it to save the white race which is why he avoided hunting the black politician in charge of New York and instead killed mostly whites? Or was the talking-dog-fucker a different voter season scare tactic push?
I recall Martha speaks cartoon having a fairly decent weight gain episode.
It's over Cettusbros, he's not coming back, was fun while it lasted
He’s taking a massive one. Just be patient.

That or he’s dead
>> 42941 >>43019

All of the shit you're saying here sounds like the main draw of cettus for you is that you're both nazi sympathizers, and I'm sort of confused why you seem to think the opposite as you post it.
What's the fattest cettus drew to date?
I think this one where the sniper lady is literally using her fat belly as a mount
Probably Lawrence Bosko
(147 KB, 1280x881, IMG_3648.jpeg)
I mean, look at him
How will he jerk off?
I was thinking the same thing. How will she jerk off?
Cettus, you’re back :D I knew you were just taking a massive dump. How was it?
Was he ever thin?
Not that I'll ever ask you to draw this since I'm not sure if even I want to see this but what do you think is the fattest a couple can be before sex just isn't physically possible?
I’m thinking when the fupas extend beyond a few inches for both sets of genitals
YES! More art! :D
Nice to see you back!
I'll just point this out now since people apparently forgot that poster IDs exist: that's not Cettus lol that's someone else with a different ID (b4e685). Those are both publicly available images. Cettus is b289e6, he hasn't posted here in over a week
I was just waiting to see how long it took for people to notice.
At least the stuff fake cettus posted is new?
Sorry for being retarded, what does that mean?
How many more stuff do you have to post?
>>43375 he means he knows that CatsByTheKilo posts a lot of cettus' art for him on twitter
Oooooooh, thanks.
Not that I know of
His husband probably does it for him
This is a bizarre request if Cettus ever returns but I hope to see a drawing of a very old Ilona witnessing on TV the Apollo 11 moon landing. Not sure how she'd look or how fat she is but I'm sure she'll still show some class in a celebration.
Can someone tell cettus we wish him a happy rest of the summer?
Unless he's mobile posting or using a private window or cleared his cookes or--
How are we supposed to keep this thread going if there isn't anything new to be posted or anything interesting to talk about? What happened to cettus since he stopped posting here? It is hard to know if he still is drawing or planning on posting stuff.
Post art if you want to keep this or any of the other threads you've bumped alive, or let them die. Quit being a desperate little bitch.

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