
>>41425 (OP)
Coco Cow is bottom tier when it comes to inflatable suit fetishists. Dude's content all looks the same, charging money for people to watch him stumble around in a generic suit with a goofy cow mask and wig is a bad joke. Good thing they stopped years ago, wouldn't want some white knight charging in screaming about the feelings of a dude who stopped existing.
'generic suit'. Hahahaha At least try to be creative with your generic trolling.
not even the guy you're replying to and yeah, the suit is generic as hell. it's just one of those stock blue inflatable suits you'll see in those terrible "blueberry inflation" videos on youtube with a shit mask and terrible wig. I can't fathom how anyone besides the mentally handicapped can masturbate to this.
Coco's suit stuff is middling but these are still exceptional
Why don't you dumbasses go out and plop down a couple grand on a custom suit and give us some content instead of bitchin' like a bunch of old ladies about everybody else's stuff?
Nah. It's much funnier to laugh at retards like you who actually get off to this boner killer.

Also, minors aren't allowed on this site.
Hahaha spoken like a true poor 12 year old loser. Hahaha

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