
(133 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_9957.jpeg)
Since the old one is gone, thought of starting a new one.
what do you mean by relevant? shes just someones oc, most pics of her are commissions the guy gets
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I have this that I managed to salvage from the old thread
I’m still getting coms of her,
I’m getting another soon
someone's been playing too much [insert RPG game] lately
(272 KB, 1200x1152, FFQx--zXoAQefH5.jpg)
Hey just curious since you own gorer was there ever a gorer character for Mugen she's In one of these screenshots or is she just a sprite?
Sadly no
There is only her download file but it’s still in beta
There isn’t a stat or attack layout pic
Update, talked to the artist, got him to release the file publicly, feel free to let him know what needs updating
Anyone got the audio story version of that?
you heard the man (>>41473) , where the audio at?
Hope someone can reupload that animation by Jackurai.
Posted as a discord link
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Hey guys, been a while since I posted here.
I been thinking of getting a large sequence for Gorer and was hoping if anyone would like to share any ideas they had and what they would like to see in the future.

Reply to this post if interested
While fun, force feeding implies she would want to stop being fed lol
Hey all
I’m writing up a script layout of a Massive Gorer comic/ sequence and I’m almost finished with the set up, it’s going to be a long one.

Starting with skinny Gorer all the way till mountain size Gorer, I’m working on the middle of the sequence so if anyone got recondition of her fighting something or interesting ways of her eating something let me know, I’ll post what I got already soon
Skinny Gorer holding her massive axe above her head in battle charging forward with a crazed look in her eye for blood lust
Gorer standing trumpthly as many goat people are tied up and force to Mach as they have been taken as slaves
Other wolf warriors loot and pillage the medieval town
Gorer sitting on her throne inside her war tent with 4 goat gals around her bringing and holding food for her, Gorer looking smug
One gal holding a large pot os stew
Gorer grabs the pot looking mean
Gorer with a pot of stew and begins to gulp it down
Then pan out to show her bloated gut and she lets out a big belch
A slight more fatter Gorer, swing her axe, cleaving an aponent Clean in half with her axe, she would be laughing as she does so
A pic of Gorer holding a knight up by her leg then eating them whole
A pic of Gorer in a river being washed by the 4 goats who are having to sponge and scrub her
Gorer’s fat face is covered in slobber and grease, with food scraps between the fat folds of her face,
Her 4 slave girl lay around her fat face, having to seductively feed her even tho they find her revolting

The white goat pulling some food out the fat fold, the others putting food near Gorer’s mouth while rubbing another lump of fat.

Gorer face a smug grin for expression
Gorer’s face then let’s out a titanic belce

A close upsof Gorer fat mountain like body
A wooden scaffolding wedge into the side of her fat fold to have captives carry food up to Gorer’s head.

Wolf guards pointing spears at those carrying food up the wooden boardwalk.
The white goat walks down the board walk
The belly has thicc grease running off of it
Rear shot of Gorer farting causing the ground behind her to all be kicked up and destroyed

The white goat walking past Gorer giant navel then has a flashback to when Gorer was still skinny with only a pot belly slapping the goats hand way from the glowing rubby and preventing her from touching it.
The goat then slips her way into the navel, it’s sweat and grease covering heras she does so.
The goat begins squeezing her way down Gorer’s navel passage like w squeezes cave of flesh
Back to Gorer face of pleasure as she is being feeling the goat tingling on her navels walls.
The other 3 slaves don’t know what Gorer is doing
The goat then has to crawl as the navel passes gets smaller.
A small red glow can be seen in the distance
The goat then gets really squeezed as she practically has no more room to Move only to see the ruby itself down the navel passage just a little more
The goat then reached her full arm out down into the passage and almost touching the ruby
Then the goat grabs the ruby and pulls it out the navel passage
Back to Gorer face, eyes wide and with a sudden shock expression
With the look confusion
Gorer’s body begins to puff up and inflate , becoming more rounder and taunt, the fat folds that had wooden planks in them began pinging off and wolf guards begin panicking and falling
The swelling continues and massive farts and belches come out of Gorer like a stream
Another shot of her body shaking and jiggle all over, rounded and taunter
A shot of the goat pulling her self out of Gorer bellybutton.The goat gasping for breath as she exits covered in sweat and grease
Gorer’s face contorts in clenched expression, as if she was trying to hold herself together
Then a ho no face for Gorer
Massive explosion of Gorer being visible from space perspective
The goat emerges from a pile of gore and wipes herself off
The ruby in her belly button now
Good shit. But I hope more for a fat inflation in the end than just a normal inflation and some shots if Gorer‘s guards getting swallowed by her fat like some sort of ocean tide would be nice
I could add something like that, she is swelling up tho as the power of the ruby was removed and Gorer’s ability to hold all that food inside her goes with that
I just personally think that the balloon thing at the end is too stereotypical. You could also argue that swells up with fat cells in the end until her body can’t hold that pace anymore
Fair point, I’ll see what I can do for changes, feel free to write down how you would like that bit to go
Is there’s chatbot of gorer? If not I may make one.
There isn’t a chat bot, feel free to make one
I know that sequence but who’s the artist and dose anyone have the rest of it?
If I ain't mistaken, this looks like it's done by RounderSofter from DeviantArt
Wow this looks to be lovely thanks!!
You're welcome, wait, are you the original creator of Gorer?
Sure, ask way! What would you like to know about Vanessa and Heather?
1.what are their personalities?
2. how old are they?
3.how much do they weigh
4.what is their backstory?
5.what are their hobbies?
6. their marital status and sexual orientation
7. and the last interesting fact about them
sorry for the many questions, I just liked your OCs and wanted to make bots based on them
Ok so for Vanessa
1. She is a cold greed gluttonus CEO of a mega Corporatetion, she is extremely money orientated.
2. She is 230 years old, she used her vast wealth to fund a elixir of life project which worked but in turn drinking it gave her a gluttonous appetite.
3.her weigh 5 tons
4.back story she was born around 2120, and lived a modest but low income life with her parents. Her dad was a car mechanic and got her interested in car mechanics and her mother worked in a small business and she also got an interest in business as well.
During her late teens to early twenties she was in college (which her parents had to save a lot for) and she studied both of what she was passionate about. Big business and mechanics, however Vanessa was horrifically bullied during this time, due to her short stature and nerdy look. This caused her to grow up into a quite a bitter and cold person. Very antisocial. Her ruthless personality grew with her knowledge on how to build businesses and also mechanics, eventually, creating her own company originally selling cars, and then eventually grow into a mega corporation she named VALUSS after her last name.
5.while hobbies would be a word for it, she enjoys making money and also puppeting , the downfall of other people and other opposing companies.
6. She is asexual/ bi as she really doesn’t have an interest in the other sexes, and only really has a passion for cruelty treating her workers, kind of like mere numbers.
7. She has a Latino accent.

1.very jolly’s and laid-back.
2. 35
3. 8 tons
4. born in Texas to a Scottish mother an American father. She grew up on a farm and inherited the business when her parents retired. She then expanded the business into a fast food chain all across America , selling her own produce becoming this worlds version of McDonald’s/Wendy’s using her own face as the logo for her business. Named greasy’z.
5.making new food items on her menu and then eating said items
6. Single and bi
7. She fattens up rude female customers and then turns them into food items on menu
thank you very much for answering the questions! I am very grateful to you!
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