
(265 KB, 828x1256, 64FCFB05-5BD0-40C6-98DE-11D01C20EDBF.jpeg)
This guy had some of the best fat stuff on FA and then just up and nukes his entire profile one day, no warning, no explanation, nothing left.

What is it with fetish artists doing this shit all the time? I get if you don't wanna do pr0n anymore but you could at least leave the stuff you've already done for the rest of us degenerates.
(996 KB, 828x1399, More like Gordonflew away.png)
>>40689 (OP)
It’s so bizarre. Pic related madecone of the greatest immobile characters (Eleanor) in the fat fur canon, then ruined her with a “what-if”, finding-herself hypothetical comic, then became gay, then dipped.
Cause they can? sometimes there style bleeds into non fetish sometimes they are tired of fetish art it’s always different for each artist, I know that when I get tired of it I’m going to nuke my gallery so that it disappears as it will have the done the job it served. Let’s hope you saved some of there work.
Oh trust me, anything you've posted has been archived and you'll never be free of it. There a whole sites and tools devoted to pulling art and compiling it.
Exactly. There’s an arrogance to wanting to erase the past to make way for new garbage. But the past can’t be erased, it can be learned from and even forgiven, but never erased. That’s why No More Heroes seems kind of jarring to me and why modern movies are garbage.
Furarchiver keeps provng itself to be the most effective tool against the unreliability of these spergy fags.
Yeah I bet I’m not that stupid to think my work hasn’t been, for me personally it’s more like a fresh start where that part of the journey has ended and on to either better or different work it’s annoying I get that. But it’s how the person feels about that work. As said before hope you can find there work from an archiver or something like that.
Are you an artist too?
I still don't get why making an announcement about abandoning the account and leaving it be with all the art is not an option. You can "move on" with your life and "end that part of your journey" without removing the art and making everyone angry and spiteful because the account and the art on it "haunt you" or something. Removing it only makes sense if you want to hide it and for the people to forget it.
>>40747 everyone is different you can’t expect everyone to feel the same about this some do they leave it up and it stays forerver which is great. A better way to describe it is that fetish art is a crutch that some artists rely on. Eventually you either get tired of it or you just plan hate it. I’ll be fair and give people 48 hours to save anything they want and then I’ll get rid of it all. Main reason for it will because I don’t need it anymore and it either clashes with other more financially stable pieces. I personally know if I have access to the account that I’ll come back and get stuck in the cycle again of relying on it when eventually I shouldn’t. Hoping that make sense. Again it’s nothing personal to watchers and followers it’s just life.
>>40710 yeah in a niche fetish field who’s been lurking here for a while lol only recently been showcasing more work and trying to branch out into FA community.
Let’s see what you’ve got. Post your self insert on a sticky note with today’s date if you can
>>40753 kind offer but I’m good thanks. Wouldn’t be able to even if I could right now. All I was doing was throwing my thoughts into Op thread.
Have you heard of Fur Archiver
Are you the pedo guy who obsessed over the fact that she was fat as a kid
>>40689 (OP)
Well, this can be a thread for posting such content (the content that's wiped out by their artist suddenly). What do you say?
We get it, you're the weirdo pedo obsessed with him.
Since he’s dipped, not anymore. If he’s going to make shit stories then just leave then fuck him.
I’m not a pedo either, what gave you that idea?
Are you are the artist?
I'm AN artist not THE artist and I remember the last drama thread where a guy wouldn't shut up about the princess character being fat since she was young.
That’s so weird. Are you taking any requests?
I hope so, i love his drawings.
Damn i really like these ones
I for one respect artists going clean and wanting to go fresh.

You don't have to like it, it's their choice and there'll always be new artists to march up to the plate.

And if you didn't care enough to save their work to your hard drive, you shouldn't care enough to whine.

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